Naked Yoga for Calorie Burn 2: Naked Cardio Workout! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Fae

Teacher: Abi
Student: Fae
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Yoga for Calorie Burn 2: Naked Cardio Workout! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Fae
Sometimes I like to use yoga as a workout because it feels more gentle on the body as it includes stretches while engagement of muscle sections. I think this class would be good if you already have a base in yoga as we go a little bit fast through the different poses. You need to have a minimum of cardio tolerance also to go through the class at the same pace as we do it. Although feel free to pause the video whenever you feel like you need a break. You can just relax and breathe and then resume. If you want to do yoga and also want to feel like you are building some muscle, this class is for you! -NYV0152C

Naked Yoga for Menstruation 3: Cramps Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Stella Anne

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Stella Anne
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Menstruation 3: Cramps Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Stella Anne
Today, we will teach you to support bringing ease and comfort into bodies that are experiencing discomfort from their period. This class is for anyone experiencing cramps, specifically those related to menstruating. We will be moving with intention and care toward our bodies with specific emphasis on releasing our bellies. We will move through the following postures: Comfortable Seat, Pranayama with a Loose Belly, Seated Upward Salute, Seated Forward Bend, Seated Side Bend, Seated Cat/Cow, Seated Rotations, Tabletop, Wide Child’s Pose, Gate Pose, Downward Facing Dog, Wide Forward Fold, Half Lift, Upward Salute, Standing Side Bends with Arms variation, Baby Cobra, Sphinx, Lower Belly Massage, Upward Facing Dog, Intense Shoulder Stretch, Modified bridge, Happy Baby, Reclined Bound Ankle Pose, Legs Up The Wall. -NYV0170C

Naked Healing Yoga for Your Foot Injury! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Suzana

Teacher: Abi
Student: Suzana
(All Levels)

Naked Healing Yoga for Your Foot Injury! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Suzana
In this class, I will guid you with a healing meditation that will set the mood for the recovery of your whole body and specifically your injured foot. Then, I will demonstrate exercises that will help you bring more blood flow into the wounded area.
This is a very slow class and I will focus on a meditative state of mind that will speed your healing process of your injury.
This exercise can be done alone or with someone gently manipulating the foot to help the movement.

Naked Full Body HIIT Workout 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

Naked Full Body HIIT Workout 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
Get ready to SWEAT with me! HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. This workout video hits the ground running with boxer shuffles, high knees and twist jumps. We then transition into 5 exercises …. only 5!? Yep. But don’t be fooled. We’ll repeat these exercises for 5 rounds, each time increasing the amount of time we work and decreasing our rest. Made for intermediate and advanced, although all levels welcomed and encouraged, as modifications are available. -NYV0167C

Naked Yoga for Balance 9: Sculpt Your Butt! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Sarah Russi
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Balance 9: Sculpt Your Butt! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Sarah Russi
Build your butt with the natural lift of balance! When we strengthen the thighs and gluteal muscles we improve our overall health and wellness while achieving a sculpted look. These simple yet effective moves make a big difference in our alignment and shape in just a short period of time. Offering poses for beginner to intermediate leg balancing, get ready to get to work! Info for Lior Allay: -NYV0147C

Naked Yoga To Strength Core 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry

Teacher: Lee Perry
(All Levels)

Hi! Today, I will teach you to have a stronger center and more stable core! Our core is so integral to all! We will focus on strengthening our deepest most core muscles. You will learn how to stabilize the core to achieve better posture and flexibility in the spine and limbs! We will think of the core as the muscles that start at the base of the pelvic floor, through the whole abdominal region, through the upper torso, all the way to the top of the neck. In this integrative approach to core work we will focus on strengthening these deep muscles will playing with moving our extremities to challenge our balance. We will play with small ranges of movement, challenging ourselves to maintain stability through the torso while exploring what movement is possible in our joints. This class is accessible for all levels! Join me! -NYV0166A
Naked Yoga To Strength Core 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry

Naked Chair Yoga for Everyone: Naked Chair Yoga 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Abi

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Abi
(All Levels)

Naked Chair Yoga for Everyone: Naked Chair Yoga 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Abi
If you have mobility issues and can only practice sitting down, for reasons affiliated with (but not limited to) weight or age, this practice welcomes you! These gentle stretches are for absolutely everyone. This practice has many benefits including increased range of motion, stress relief, improved posture, and better circulation and blood flow to your muscles. This workout class welcomes Everyone: Every Body: Any Body; any kind of body! -NYV0141C

Naked Yoga for Menstruation 2: Yoga for Cramps! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle

Teacher: Elle Tulle
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Menstruation 2: Yoga for Cramps! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle
Easy and gentle flow to support people who are on their periods and experiencing cramps or abdominal pain/discomfort. This simple class is designed to help bring ease and comfort. It is gentle and restorative movement centered around the breath. If you want to move some of the tension you’re feeling while on your period this is a great sequence to do so! The sequence includes the following: Child’s Pose, Cat/Cow, Downward Facing Dog, Forward Fold, Half Pigeon, Malasana (Deep squat), Half Lift, Baby Cobra, Rocking Floor Bow, Reclined Spinal Twist, Legs Up the Wall. Please have water available while doing this practice as well as a warm compress if possible. -NYV0157A

NAKED LIIT WORKOUT: Low Intensity Interval Training! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

NAKED LIIT WORKOUT: Low Intensity Interval Training! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
I’m so thrilled to share this 51-minutes LIIT workout with you, today! LIIT stands for Low Intensity Interval Training, which means we will be working HARD for 45 seconds, and then coming to a complete rest for 15 seconds. Just because this workout is labeled Low Intensity doesn’t mean that we won’t be sweating and working hard, it just means that there will be no jumping movement, making it a great choice for someone with knee problems. This exercise is great for beginners to advanced, and everywhere in between. We will explore movements such as modified burpees, lunges, and side planks. -NYV0161C

Naked Yoga for Stiff Back!: Naked Yoga for Back Pain 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Sarah Russi
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Stiff Back!: Naked Yoga for Back Pain 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Sarah Russi
Does your back bother you? Do you often wake up feeling stiff or achy? This is the perfect mini naked yoga session for you! Don’t waste any time in this flow, getting right to the source of your discomfort with gentle, restorative movements. We will take you through a series of poses designed to restore a healthy range of motion to your entire spine. These easy, low-impact stretches are accessible for yogis of all experience levels from beginner to advanced. Info for Lior Allay: -NYV0156B

Naked Breathing Yoga 2: Breathe, Flow and Flexibility! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Leon + Abi

Teacher: Leon
Student: Abi
(All Levels)

Naked Breathing Yoga 2: Breathe, Flow and Flexibility! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Leon + Abi
In this class, we practice yoga poses that will help you to open your body, loosen your muscles and enliven your senses.
We help you reach a meditative state of being while deepening into each of the various poses.
If practiced regularly, you will grow in flexibility. The class will conclude with a guided meditation to ground and circulate energy within and across the body. This class will leave you feeling uplifted, open, energized and clear.
All people, beginner or advanced, young or old can benefit immensely from this practice due to its strong emphasis on breathing. -NYV0153A

Naked Chair Yoga for Computer Users!: Naked Office Yoga 15 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Elena

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Elena
(All levels)

Naked Chair Yoga for Computer Users!: Naked Office Yoga 15 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Elena
This is a flow specifically designed for folks who spend long periods of time hunched over and working on computer, laptop, smartphone, etc. In this sequence we will explore a few exercises you can do to keep your blood flowing and energy active. This is a great class to do during a short break before diving back into your productive day. Here’s what we’ll cover: Neck rolls, Shoulder rolls, Elbow rolls, Forward Fold, Half Lift, Elbow rolls, Wrist Release, Hamstring stretch, Chair Pose, Revolved Chair Twist (with extension) and Figure 4. -NYV0145A

Naked Full Body HIIT Workout: Naked Cardio! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(Level: Advanced)

Naked Full Body HIIT Workout: Naked Cardio! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
Welcome to a fast and furious workout! Do you only have 20 minutes today in your busy schedule? Not a problem, this exercise will have you dripping in sweat, and leave you feeling accomplished and strong! HIIT stands for ‘High-Intensity Interval Training,’ meaning working really vigorously for 45 seconds, and resting for 15. I recommend this workout for seasoned exercisers or someone looking for a more advanced workout. If you have knee problems, I recommend finding a gentler workout as this one comes with some jumping. Don’t let this description scare you away: You are more powerful than you know!

WARMUP: Boxer shuffle side to side, sink into a small squat and move feet quickly, big exaggerated skips,

HIIT: 45 seconds of work. 15 seconds rest.
1: jumping jacks
2: lunge back with your L leg, follow leg through, and kick in front
3: repeat on the R side
4: sink low into a squat, and side step (step, together, step) and power into a squat jump
5: burpees (option to half burpee): jumping into the air, hands come to ground, jump legs back a plank, pushup, jump legs back in, and repeat.

“V sit up,” legs stay long and together, and arms come from above head, to meet together forming a ‘V’ with your body
Plank feet on ground, lean back, and twist body R and L into an exercise called “Russian twist”
Lay on your back, placing your hands under your lower back for added support, or just pushing your lower back into the mat, lower legs until they hover just an inch above mat, and raise them again Flip over into a plank, and it’s time for “mountain climbers,” Alternating knees come into chest and aim for speed and precision Hold your plank, and then push hips back into a downward dog, and repeat.
The transition from holding the plank, into the swift movement of downward dog will leave your muscles feeling fiery!

STRETCH: criss cross legs in front, and hinge forward with hands, legs come together and pike forward pointing and flexing feet. -NYV0154D

Naked Sitting Meditation on Chair: Naked Office Yoga 14 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Abi
Student: Sarah Russi
(All levels)

Naked Sitting Meditation on Chair: Naked Office Yoga 14 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Sarah Russi
In this class, we will teach you how to gain body awareness on how you are sitting. It is very helpful when feeling stressed before an interview or a performance. It helps you regain sense of the present moment, helps with grounding yourself through the sit bones. We will first do a series of subtle movements on a chair. At the end, I recommend you to walk around and observe changes in the hips, pelvis area and upper body alignment. Join! -NYV0137D

Power Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry

Teacher: Lee Perry
(Level: Advance)

Power Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry
This 60-Minutes, Power Naked Yoga class will get you out of your head, and hopefully into the sensation of your body and you move swiftly from one pose to the next! In this class we will take time to arrive into our bodies, warm up our wrists and hands, and then jump into an accumulative sequence that will flow from downward dog to lunges, to forward folds, to one legged balances. We will move fast and focus on breathing through our nostrils to steady our breath, strengthening our lungs. Once our heart rates are up, and our breath it flowing, we will slow down and feel the entirety of our bodies, each cell waking up and vibrating next to it neighboring cell. This 60-min class is an intermediate – advanced level class. -NYV0162A

Naked Yoga for Seniors 2: Low Impact Workout for Elderly! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(Level: Seniors/Elderly)

Naked Yoga for Seniors 2: Low Impact Workout for Elderly! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
This exercise is great for seniors, those recovering from surgery, and anyone looking to bring slow steady movement back to their day! This video is a slow-paced, supportive, and encouraging video. No intimidation here! Please have a chair and access to a blank space of wall, water bottle encouraged.

Stretch: neck movements side to side, up & down. Wrist movement.Side body stretch.

Arms: In chair, arms circle forward and backwards, pulse back and front, and repeat

Cardio: In chair, March R and L, open and close R and L legs, and add in shoulder exercises. Speed round, punch arms R and L both in front, and up above.

Balance: Stand begins chair, using the back of chair as support, lift and lower your R and L leg, working outer thigh and glutes.

Wall: Against wall, sink down into a wall seat or “invisible chair” and hold, working quads. Option to forego, and push lower back into wall and release

Stretch: repeat arm stretch, criss cross legs, and allow body to hang heavy.

Naked Yoga to Prevent Knee Pain 2: Strengthen Your Knees! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Abi

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Abi
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Naked Yoga to Prevent Knee Pain 2: Strengthen Your Knees! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Abi
Protecting oneself from knee pain can prevent arthritis, discomfort, and general debilitating pain in daily life. These are a variety of yoga exercises geared specifically towards strengthening the joins and muscles surrounding the knees: the Quads (located on the front of the thighs), the Hamstrings (located on the backs of thighs), the Adductors (located on the outside of thighs) and the Abductors (inner thighs). This is a practice that is welcome to strong beginners and up. -NYV0141A

Naked Yoga To Find Life Balance! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Wara + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Wara
Student: Sarah Russi
(Level: All Levels)

Naked Yoga To Find Life Balance! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Wara + Sarah Russi
No matter what our experience in yoga or any exercise practice, we can all use a reminder of how to find balance through the day! This video will mainly focus on how to find balance at an active life, as well as more sedentary life. We will go over a few mindfulness techniques, for when we are too busy to take a break, and a few ideas for how to give our minds and bodies a break when we can manage a few minutes to ourselves. If we find ourselves in a tense and rushed state, how can we relax and calm down? If we find ourselves dozing off at our desk, how can we energize ourselves and focus?

Naked Yoga to Recharge Your Energy! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Nicole

Teacher: Abi
Student: Nicole
(Level: Beginners)

Naked Yoga to Recharge Your Energy! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Abi + Nicole
Today, let’s recharge your energy! This Naked Yin Yoga class consist of keeping poses through several cycles of breath to perform deeper tissue stretches. The poses are also mostly passive and we are not forcing the body to stretch out but we are slowly letting gravity do its work. Most of the poses will be on the ground and will require almost no muscle strength. Mental strength will be needed to stay focused on the breath, body and present moment as well as to let go into the floor a little more breath by breath. This yoga class will also help you regenerate energies and waking up the fire of breath inside of you and simply letting the energy flow throughout the body with poses that facilitate its circulation. NYV0138D

Naked Workout Without Getting Bored! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Official Site:
Teacher: Cecile
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Workout Without Getting Bored! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
If you’re like me, then sometimes you only have 30 minutes in your busy day for A workout, and sometimes you want every exercise to feel fresh and new. That’s why I’ve created a NO REPEAT class! Warm up with some hip openers, and dive into 20 exercises (45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest) ranging from curtsy lunges, to burpees to high knees and more. This is a fast paced workout for those who have had a prior introduction to fitness. Enjoy raising your heart rate, and sweating in this high energy class. -NYV0159C


Teacher: Elle Tulle
(All Levels)

Many of us experience and live with anxiety and/or depression and that shows up in our bodies. It is imperative we take care of ourselves and that starts with our minds and bodies. Knowing we have power over physical vessels and can calm ourselves is such a tool. This flow is gentle and begins with a pranayama (breathing) technique to center, ground, and reset our nervous system. We will move through a flow to help us get into our bodies and out of our heads. This sequence consists of: 4-4-8 breathing technique, Head rolls, Neck stretches, Child’s Pose, Thread the Needle, Downward Facing Dog, Forward Fold, Half Lift, Spiral Twists, Wrist Rotations, Upward Salute, Mountain Pose, Low Lunge, Seated Twist, High Plank, Modified flow, Baby Cobra, Warrior 2, Flying Warrior, Reverse Warrior, Lion’s Breath, Ankle presses, Standing Side, Lateral Bend, Tree Pose, Reclined Pigeon, Pelvis press, Seated Forward Bend. NYV0157C

Naked Good Night Yoga 8: Naked Yoga For Bedtime! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Official Site:
Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

Naked Good Night Yoga 8: Naked Yoga For Bedtime! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
We can all agree that 2020 has been one heck of a stressful year, right? Whether it’s financial, or emotional, or health-related, it’s been harder to fall asleep at night for me. If you are in the same boat, this exercise is for you. A gentle, welcoming stretch to aid with sleep and relaxation. We’ll do a full body scan, working on bilateral stimulation to calm our mind and body. This exercise is for all fitness levels and ages.

FACE: Alternating nostril breathing, warming our hands and releasing jaw tension, and massages our temples, and eyebrows.

SHOULDERS: Releasing tension through the side of our neck, reaching down our spine, moving to all fours and finding some cat/cows, child’s pose with threading one arm through

HIPS: Pigeon pose, shift onto back and cactus arms, and windshield wiper legs R and L together, scootch to the edge of the wall, let legs rest against the wall allowing blood flow to release back throughout the body and decrease swelling. Please enjoy some deep belly breaths staying in this position, and catch some good zzz’s!

Naked Yoga To Survive Family Stress! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Stella Anne

Official Site:
Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Stella Anne
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga To Survive Family Stress! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Stella Anne
Are you dreading the holidays this year? Want to survive your family time, and maybe even ENJOY it? Come de-stress + let it all out with instructor Lior Allay + student Stella! Indulge in some self-care + kindness as we affirm our needs + celebrate our bodies in this movement meditation. We can share space safely even with those who disagree with us when we fortify our body + spirit with healthy boundaries. Seal your energetic aura so that you can be fully present with loved ones + savor the memories you make together! This flow is perfect for both before or after any family gathering or holiday.

Naked Inversion Yoga 5: Headstand, Forearm Stand + Handstand! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry

Official Site:
Teacher: Lee Perry
(Level: Advance)

Naked Inversion Yoga 5: Headstand, Forearm Stand + Handstand! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lee Perry
Today, I will share with your very expertises I have used over the years to help strengthen my inversion practice! You will build up to trying to do forearm stand practice, and there will be many place along the way where you can stop and strengthen. And, we will dive deep into forearm stand. This class will get your brain and body working hard in a focused intricate way. This class is for advanced practitioners, with modifications offered for those at varying levels. Join me! -NYV0162C

Naked Yoga For Complete Beginners 7: Foundation! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Nyianah

Official Site:
Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Nyianah
(Level: Beginners)

Naked Yoga For Complete Beginners 7: Foundation! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Nyianah
This is a methodical, deliberate, and fun practice for those who are new to Yoga! We break down the moves of a sequence super slowly so you have a strong foundation for your continued yoga lifetime.
Yoga is beneficial for those who want to fight anxiety and depression, decrease inflammation, regulate metabolism, increase strength and flexibility and improve athletic performance.
In this video, I demonstrate some simple poses such as child’s pose and warrior poses 1 and 2.