Naked Yoga To Strengthen Side Body! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Naked Yoga To Strengthen Side Body! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina
Today, I’ll teach you a fun workout that is sure to challenge your muscles in your posterior! It is centered around strengthening and stretching the sides of the body. This can assist in improving your posture, flexibility, and facilitate doing other daily activities with more ease. Having a strong Side Body core gives the body a powerful and solid foundation for additional strength and mobility. You are more susceptible to lower back and muscular injuries when your core is weak. This class combines some beginners Pilates sequences with some traditional yoga for a fun core-oriented workout. As usual, all bodies are welcome to these practices but remember to understand and embrace your limitations. This class is intended for strong beginners and up. -NYV0203C