Naked Yoga for Seniors 2: Low Impact Workout for Elderly! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(Level: Seniors/Elderly)

Naked Yoga for Seniors 2: Low Impact Workout for Elderly! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
This exercise is great for seniors, those recovering from surgery, and anyone looking to bring slow steady movement back to their day! This video is a slow-paced, supportive, and encouraging video. No intimidation here! Please have a chair and access to a blank space of wall, water bottle encouraged.

Stretch: neck movements side to side, up & down. Wrist movement.Side body stretch.

Arms: In chair, arms circle forward and backwards, pulse back and front, and repeat

Cardio: In chair, March R and L, open and close R and L legs, and add in shoulder exercises. Speed round, punch arms R and L both in front, and up above.

Balance: Stand begins chair, using the back of chair as support, lift and lower your R and L leg, working outer thigh and glutes.

Wall: Against wall, sink down into a wall seat or “invisible chair” and hold, working quads. Option to forego, and push lower back into wall and release

Stretch: repeat arm stretch, criss cross legs, and allow body to hang heavy.