Naked Yoga To Find Life Balance! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Wara + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Wara
Student: Sarah Russi
(Level: All Levels)

Naked Yoga To Find Life Balance! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Wara + Sarah Russi
No matter what our experience in yoga or any exercise practice, we can all use a reminder of how to find balance through the day! This video will mainly focus on how to find balance at an active life, as well as more sedentary life. We will go over a few mindfulness techniques, for when we are too busy to take a break, and a few ideas for how to give our minds and bodies a break when we can manage a few minutes to ourselves. If we find ourselves in a tense and rushed state, how can we relax and calm down? If we find ourselves dozing off at our desk, how can we energize ourselves and focus?