Naked Office Yoga 10: Asana At Your Desk! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Ivy
(Beginner level)
Good news – you don’t even have to leave your desk to perform some simple yoga poses that will help relieve stress and fatigue.  Even if you’re pressed for time, you can still enjoy the benefits of a few moments of movement and self-awareness in the middle of your busy day.  All of the asanas in this series can be performed while sitting at your desk.  We begin with relaxing neck rolls to release the tension – both mental and physical – that long hours of sitting creates.  A short self-massage of the temples is a nourishing way center yourself.  Next, we learn to do a seated spinal twist at the desk, bringing the same detoxifying effects of twists in a yoga class to the middle of your work day.  After a calming seated forward bend, we end standing in conscious meditation. NYV0037C

Naked Office Yoga 9: Shoulder Openers! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Ivy
(Level: Beginner to intermediate)
In today’s world we are constantly using our computers and mobile devices, both of which promote a rounded upper back and closed shoulder girdle.  This series focuses on shoulder opening poses that open the heart as well, so with regular practice you’ll feel emotional benefits as well as physical ones.  We begin in child’s_pose , pressing through the palms to engage the shoulders.  Heart chakra pose takes the opening to he next step.  After progressing through Down Dog and Cow Face poses, we end with gentle Back Bends, re-examining the poses in light of our shoulder opening mission.

Naked Office Yoga 7: For Your Whole Body! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael,
Student: Marie,
(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your whole body integrates the various parts that are featured in the other instructional videos of this series. Specifically, we work on opening the front of the body, releasing tension from the back of the body, and balancing the sides. The bigger actions included in this video require greater attention on your part to remain stable and safe in your chair. In yoga, your mental focus is as much a part of the practice as your physical motions. The movements and mindfulness of this full-body practice can boost your energy level, soothe your nerves, and counterbalance the postural habits that emerge from long-term sitting.

Naked Bedroom Yoga 4: Your Bed is Yoga Studio!

Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
You have no space or time for yoga!? Wrong! Actually, you can do Yoga in the comfort of your own bedroom on your own bed! Really! This practice is filled with restorative, calming poses great for beginning the day or winding down to go to sleep at night. It is a short, calming sequence filled with gentle hip opening, twists, and leg stretches. Now, you have no excuse! Just follow me and let’s do naked yoga on bed, right now! -NYV0094A

Naked Healthy Posture 2: Lower Back Pain!

Teacher: Joia
(Intermediate Level)
Many of us spend too much time sitting, or standing in postures that keep our lower back tight and in pain — this class offers some corrective yoga exercises to help! Please note: many lower back issues definitely require the attention of a medical professional, please make sure to go slowly and tune in to your own body before attempting these moves. In this class we stretch not only the lower back, but also the muscles of the hips and legs that connect in with the lower back. Highly recommended previous viewing: “Naked Good Posture 1: Fundamentals!” -NYV0078B

Naked Office Yoga 6: For Your Head and Neck! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael,
Student: Wara,
(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your head and neck directly addresses the chronic tension that creeps into your life as an office worker. Moving your neck through a complete range of motion is a great way to relax — it’s so natural you probably do it already — but the neck’s flexibility is also is vulnerability, which is why guided instruction can be so beneficial, particularly if your neck is already sore or tight. In this sequence, you will also explore key locations in the head where tension is stored: the jaw, tongue and eyes. These practices may seem silly or too small to matter; it is precisely that tension of the mind which this practice can also begin to soften.

Naked Office Yoga 5: For Your Upper Torso! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael,
Student: Wara,
(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your upper torso works with the chest, shoulders and upper back. In addition to relieving tension and pain in the targeted areas, this practice is a great way to start opening your rib cage for a deeper, fuller, easier breath. You can’t live without your breath, and your posture, particularly your seated posture, could be suffocating you, literally. Signs of inadequate breath include sleepiness, inattention, difficulty staying focused, irritability, even panic. This video will teach you gentle methods for relaxing your shoulders, energizing your chest, and making the space to breathe your best — all from the comfort of your chair.

Naked Office Yoga 4: For Your Lower Torso! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael,
Student: Wara,
(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your lower torso puts you in touch with your hips, belly and lower back. These are the foundations of any seated posture so you don’t want to ignore this vital region of the body, yet many of us do take this area of the body for granted. The results may sound familiar: low back pain, sore hips, and numbness in the hips. But perhaps even more detrimental are the digestive and eliminative disorders that can arise when we don’t liberate the lower torso: ulcers, incontinence, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids. If that’s not enough to get your hips swinging and your belly churning (in a good way), then you might be compelled by yet another benefit of this practice: improved sensual vitality.

Naked Office Yoga 3: For Your Upper Limbs
! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael,
Student: Wara,
(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your upper limbs focuses on the hands, wrists, forearms, elbows and arms. Sitting in an office usually results in using our upper limbs in unbalanced ways, holding part of the limb very still and asking another part of the limb to work tirelessly — thing about writing, typing, mousing. Repetitive stresses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are one expression of this imbalanced use of the upper limbs. A regular practice of the sequence provided here will help re-balance the upper limbs and can reduce your risk of repetitive stress injuries.

Naked Office Yoga 2: For Your Lower Limbs
! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael
Student: Wara
(Level: Basic)
Office Yoga for your lower limbs targets the feet, ankles, shins, knees and thighs. Sitting for long periods of time can be very hard on the circulatory system. Contraction and relaxation of the leg muscles helps to push your blood back up to the heart. In addition to lengthening and strengthening your lower limbs, which tend to get neglected when we sit, this sequence is also good for your heart.

Naked Office Yoga 1: Sitting Well
! (Naked Yoga School)

Teacher: Michael
Student: Wara
(Level: Basic)
This lesson of Office Yoga is on Sitting Well, and it provides the important foundation for all the other Office Yoga classes in this series. You may have unhappy memories of being told to SIT UP and not slouch. Unfortunately, we weren’t told HOW to accomplish this. This video will teach you a step-by-step approach to Sitting Well. And while the work you do in this lesson may seem simple, you may also be surprised or even frustrated by the difficulty of maintaining good posture. To be clear: this is not a quick fix. Yoga is much more than making shapes, and Sitting Well entails more than just SITTING UP.

Naked Props Yoga 12: Seated Meditation with Block & Bolster!

Teacher: Michael
Student: Collibrina
(Level: Basic)
The word “asana” means seat, which gives a clear indication for the direction of our yoga practice as a tool for seated meditation. But before you explore the depths of your mind, you must first address the challenge of sitting for extended periods of time. This video surveys an assortment of props to assist you with the challenge of sitting in meditation. Blocks, blankets and bolsters are reviewed for their individual merits to help the practitioner cultivate a stable base and an extended spine.

Naked Props Yoga 11: Reclined Bound Angle Pose with Strap & Bolster!

Teacher: Michael
Student: Collibrina
(Level: Intermediate)
Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Buddha Konasana) is a standard pose in the practice of restorative yoga, which frequently uses an assortment of props to provide greater support and deeper relaxation in the pose.
In this video, we use a bolster, two blocks, a blanket and a strap. Benefits of the pose include chest and groin opening, fuller access to the breath, and stress relief. The video emphasizes a three-step process for approaching this pose: a methodical entry, a guided exploration in the pose, and a careful exit into a basic counterpose.

Naked Props Yoga 10: Block, Bolster, Strap & Blanket!

Teacher: Michael
Student: Collibrina
(Level: Basic)
Props are specific tools that can help your practice by making poses more stable and/or more comfortable. This video provides an introduction to several standard yoga props (bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps) and provides examples for how to use them. One of the benefits of using props in a naked practice is the direct input you receive through your exposed skin regarding the prop’s placement.
Sample poses include Vajrasana with a blanket, Setu Bandasana with a block, a basic chest opener with a strap, and Prone Savasana with a bolster.

Naked Yoga with Props 9 : Blocks for Trikonasana and Side Angle Series!

Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
(All levels)
This yoga props exercise video is good for people with limited flexibility in the outer hips and ribs, and for beginners working on proper alignment. This short and simple sequence will demonstrate how to use yoga blocks for trikonasana series (triangle, pyramid and revolved triangle) and parsvakonasana (side angle pose). These poses are very common in vinyasa and hatha-style yoga classes, but can be especially difficult for beginning practitioners to grasp. The use of blocks in these poses will ease practitioners into the full expression without straining or compromising alignment along the way. NYV0062E

Naked Yoga with Props 8: Bolster to Open the Lungs!

Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
(All levels)
This yoga props exercise video is good for people with chronic lung conditions or excessive phlegm.
This video will demonstrate how to use a yoga bolster for a more restorative practice focusing on opening the lungs by consciously relaxing the surrounding fascia and muscle tissue. Poses include: lung bench, restorative side bend, paschimottanasana (seated forward fold) variation, and savasana / heart bench variation. The bolster provides both extra comfort and a more profound opening in these poses, making this sequence ideal for practitioners struggling with chronic lung conditions, asthma, or stress-related breathing difficulties. Bolsters come in different sizes, so please be sure to use a bolster appropriate for your body size and frame. NYV0062D

Naked Yoga with Props 7: Bolster for Digestive Care!

(All levels)
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
This yoga props exercise video is good for people with digestive issues or excessive stress.
This video will demonstrate how to use a yoga bolster for a more restorative practice focusing on relieving digestive issues and the stress that contributes to these issues. Poses include: sukhasana (easy pose), supported bridge, paschimottanasana (seated forward fold) variation, and savasana lying on the belly. The use of a bolster in these poses allows the body to release much more muscular effort than in traditional variations, making this an especially effective sequence for practitioners under chronic stress. Bolsters come in different sizes, so please be sure to use a bolster appropriate for your body size and frame. NYV0062C

1 Hour Naked Yoga: Backbend Poses for Computer Users!

Teacher: Michael
Student: Collibrina
(Level: Basic)
Backbends provide a great remedy for anyone who spends long hours in front of a computer and for anyone who sits at a desk. Sitting for extended periods of time has been linked to a host of health problems. Backbends lengthen the front of the body, an area that remains flexed and closed while sitting. Backbends are energizing and heating poses, so they’re good to practice as a morning wake up or a mid-day reset, but you may not want to practice this sequence before bed. The instructional format of this video offers you a class on backbending that you can follow while you watch. Poses included in this video include Cobra (bhujangasana), Locust (salabhasana), Bow (dhanurasana), Bridge (setu bhanda sarvangasana), Upward Facing Bow (urdhva dhanurasana), and Camel (ustrasana). Keywords: back bends, back pain, too much sitting. -NYV0095A

Naked Yoga with Props 6: Straps for Intermediate Yogi!

Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
(Intermediate Level)
This yoga props exercise video is good for those with an established practice wishing to go deeper. This video will demonstrate how to use a yoga strap as an intermediary step to poses such as gomukhasana (cow face pose), eka pada rajakapotasana (one-legged king pigeon) and utthita hasta padangustasana (extended hand-to-big-toe). A variation for working on shoulder alignment in halasana (plough) is also offered, though it should only be undertaken by practitioners whose toes or knees can reach the ground behind the head.The use of a strap will help the practitioner close distance between body parts and provide leverage to work into these poses without straining, helping to lead a beginner practitioner toward an intermediate practice. NYV0062B

Naked Yoga with Props 5: Straps for Beginners!

Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
(Beginner Level)
This yoga props exercise video is good for people with limited flexibility. Props can be daunting for yogis unfamiliar with how to incorporate them into practice, but after becoming more comfortable with props, you will see that there really is no wrong way to use them. Yoga props are primarily a method of keeping a practitioner’s alignment intact, without forcing them further into a pose than their body is prepared for. This video will demonstrate how to use a yoga strap in beginner-level poses such as paschimottanasana (seated forward fold), janu sirsasana (forehead-to-knee) and a variation of spinal twist to ease the practitioner’s body into the desired alignment. Also included are demonstrations of how to use the strap to open the ankle joints and release tension in the upper back, neck and hamstrings. The use of a strap will help the practitioner close distance between body parts and provide leverage to work into these poses without straining, helping to lead beginner yogis toward a more comfortable, alignment-based practice. NYV0062A

Naked Yoga with Props 4: Blocks and Blankets!

(All levels)
Teacher: Cat Noble,
Student: Wara
This video will demonstrate how to use yoga blocks and blankets in conjunction with each other to encourage correct alignment and enhance the overall experience of each pose. Poses include: heart bench (supine back bend), half pigeon, lizard, hanumanasana, frog, supported bridge and legs up the wall. The use of both a blanket and blocks in each pose helps to align the body correctly while providing support, depth and comfort. This practice is good for people with limited flexibility. NYV0061D

Naked Yoga with Props 3: Blankets! (Trailer)

(All levels)
Teacher: Cat Noble, Student: Wara,
This practice is good for people with sensitive joints, tight hamstrings or tight hips. This video will demonstrate how to use blankets in a way that provides comfort and relief for sensitive joints, with emphasis on the knees and hips. Poses include: easy pose, anjaneyasana, ashtanga namaskara, camel, seated forward fold and butterfly. The use of blankets in these poses will help the practitioner prevent injury to the joints by relieving excessive pressure and avoiding over extension. NYV0061C

Naked Yoga with Props 2: Blocks for Support!

Teacher: Cat Noble,
Student: Wara
This video will demonstrate how to use yoga blocks to create passive, supported poses, taking the work out of the muscles and encouraging the joints to slowly relax open. Poses include: heart bench (supine back bend), seated forward fold, frog, half pigeon, starfish (supine shoulder stretch) and bridge. These passive poses can help the practitioner to prepare the joints for increased depth in more active poses. This practice is good for people with limited flexibility. NYV0061B

Naked Yoga with Props 1: Blocks for Accessibility!

(All levels)
Teacher: Cat Noble,
Student: Wara
This practice is good for people with limited flexibility. Props can be daunting for yogis unfamiliar with how to incorporate them into practice, but after becoming more comfortable with props, you will see that there really is no wrong way to use them. Widely endorsed by B.K.S. Iyengar, yoga props are primarily a method of keeping a practitioner’s alignment intact, without forcing them further into a pose than their body is prepared for. This video will demonstrate how to use yoga blocks to make poses such as trikonasana (triangle) and ardha chandrasana (balancing half moon) more accessible to practitioners who have trouble reaching the ground, or simply feel overextended and uncomfortable in the full expression of the pose. Other poses demonstrated with modifications include easy pose, chair, warrior III, butterfly and puppy pose. Blocks will help the practitioner align his/her body in order to feel proper muscular engagement without overworking the joints. NYV0061A