Naked Ballet Style Workout 7: Inner Tigh (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Eve

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Teacher: Eve
(All Levels)

Today, I will teach you a Ballet-based, total body-toning workout that features 3 strength-building exercises that feature a unique blend of power and grace in order to burn fat and target the arms, legs, abs, and butt! Bring you a combination of dancer-focused moves that employ your own body weight & resistance to slim the waist, engage the lower abs, increase balance, and sculpt a long and lean ballerina physique. Learn how to target problem areas such as the hips, thighs, buns, and obliques as you strengthen the core, and tighten the midsection. This fun and effective workout from the dance floor! It is great for all skill levels, and is sure to leave you looking and feeling more beautiful, elegant, and strong. Tune in for new body-transforming episodes that will get you the results you want! -NYV0212C

Naked Booty Workout 10 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena Bathory

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Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena Bathory
(All Levels)

Is your butt sagging? Spending too much time sitting these days? Does your bum need some love? Today, we focuse solely on your lower half, and uses small pulses and movements to raise our heart rate and burn out those muscles. Let’s sculpt your glutes + lift that booty! This at home workout is great for all levels of fitness. No equipment needed. It’s also great as a warm up. These exercises tones the booty and legs. It is a workout focused on activating the glute muscles by working the buttocks and thigh muscles. Stronger glutes can relieve lower back pain and improve posture. This routine also includes some stretches that are great for after the workout. You’ll enjoy it so much you might even forget you’re even exercising! This flow is led at a foundational level that is great for who want to build strength. It’s customiseable so that as your booty gets toned you can increase the activity level to continue seeing your results develop. You DESERVE to LOVE the skin you’re in! -NYV0209D

Naked Yoga for Jiu-Jitsu Fighters (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anastasia

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Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Advance)

This class enhances the physical capabilities needed for Jiu-Jitsu by improving flexibility, strength, and injury prevention. Through targeted stretches and dynamic poses, you will enhance your grappling skills, guard efficiency, and overall joint stability. The session will focus on movements that bolster lower back, hips, and shoulders–key areas for effective grappling techniques. -NYV0214B

Ballet Style Naked Arm Workout (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Eve

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Teacher: Eve
(All Levels)

Today, I will teach you a graceful workout that tones & sculpts lean arms while building upper body strength & posture! This is a classic Ballet Style Swan Arm Workout. I call it Fallen Angel Arm Workout. This is a great upper body workout, targeting the muscles in the arms, the shoulders, the center, & your back! I love this workout because I love ballet and I love working out while lounging like an elegant swan or prima ballerina. This workout incorporates pilates and ballet techniques for all levels. The exercises are graceful and beautiful, yet strenuous. So you know you’re getting exceptional results. To get started we’ll pull the stomach in, open the shoulders. you wanna keep the neck long throughout this series. We’re gonna Extend the arms straight side. We’ll push side, long through the arms all the way, extending each time, Bring the arm across, get a nice stretch and release through the upper body. Join me the practice! -NYV0212A

Naked Yoga for Winter 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Dakota Simone

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Teacher: Dakota Simone
(All Levels)

Are you freezing in this Winter Weather, or do you just want to take the extra chill out of a regular day? This warming and soothing yoga sequence to give your body heat from within to keep your core warmer for the rest of the day! Practicing yoga first thing in the morning can give you a boost and set the tone for the rest of your day. Sun salutations are great from greeting the sun and warming up the inner fire in your body, which especially comes in handy during the cold winter months. This is also an amazing way to start your day to get in tune with your mind body soul connection. These series of poses warms up your stiff muscles, energizes and gives strength to your body. The objective of this warm up is to raise total body temperature to prepare the body for activity. Warming up your body at the start of the day is valuable because it prepares our body for the stress of activity. It also helps prevent or reduce muscle soreness and strains. -NYV0217A

Naked Yoga for Back Pain 9 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anastasia

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Teacher: Anastasia
(All Levels)

Does your back bother you? Do you often wake up feeling stiff or achy? This is the perfect yoga session for you! Today, I will take you through a series of yoga poses designed to strengthen your back muscles, release tension and keep a good posture! In this class, you’ll be working on your spine and the upper , middle and lower back muscles. Welcome to all levels. If you have a very stiff back or injuries you might want to avoid the deeper stretches. Be aware of your limitations and adopt variations if necessary. Let’s begin! -NYV0213B

Naked Yoga for Menstruation 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

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Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Yoga can be a very useful tool in alleviating PMS and cramps! This soothing yoga class is specifically designed to alleviate the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Through gentle, restorative poses and calming breathing exercises, we’ll focus on relaxing the pelvic area and reducing tension. The sequence includes forward folds, fentle movement, and supportive poses that promote relaxation and circulation in the abdomen, helping to ease menstrual pain. This class will help you reduce menstrual discomfort, enhances relaxation, and improve circulation in the pelvic region. Listen to your body and adjust poses as needed. Avoid any intense abdominal pressure or deep twists if they feel uncomfortable. During a painful periods, a heating pad and walking can be very helpful for cramps. If the cramp pain is excruciating and debilitating, then seek a doctor for proper care. Yoga can just be a helpful tool. It helps release endorphins which we all know help better your mood. It can also calm the nervous system and increase oxygenated energy to your reproductive organs. And lastly, it eases stress and discomfort by encouraging relaxation. PMS does not always have to set you back. It can be a process to get yourself moving but once done, you will feel more balanced and more on track. Your body and mind will thank you. -NYV0215D

Naked Yoga When You Feel Sick 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena Bathory + Nicole

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Teacher: Elena Bathory
Student: Nicole
(All Levels)

Do you feel sick? Yoga is beneficial for your immune system because it gets your organs to function better so you’ll be able to fight sickness in your digestive or respiratory systems efficiently. Today, we will teach you a yoga practice give your immune system a jumpstart and help you start to feel better faster! Also, We practice some low impact, comforting movements and breathing exercises. Gentle and easy yoga poses and stretches that help when you’re not feeling well and congested. Helps get your blood flowing. Great for all levels. -NYV0216B

Naked Yoga To Lose Belly Fat (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Eve

Teacher: Eve
(Level: Intermediate)

Join us naked yoga workout focusing on abdominal-toning sequence! This is a total Ab workout to build a slim waistline. Building a strong sleek core is at the center of workout. A quick pace and challenging mix of mat based abdominal exercises & cardio, sculpt sleek toned abs & waist. Try these exercises to target your core! This is a great abs workout to help strengthen your core and tone around the waist. Long and lean abs workout using your own body’s resistance. Playing this video three times per week, you will notice significant changes to your center, both physical and metaphysical, as you are able to hold yourself with improved integrity. -NYV0212D

Naked Yoga for Mercury in Retrograde (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena Bathory

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena Bathory
(Level: Intermediate)

Are you dreading the holidays this year? Want to survive your family time, and maybe even ENJOY it? Come de-stress + let it all out! This is a gentle and grounding practice without any chaturanga sequences that will provide comfort and stability during the difficult and unlucky times that one might associate with Mercury being in retrograde. Indulge in some self-care + kindness as we affirm our needs + celebrate our bodies in this movement meditation. We can share space safely even with those who disagree with us when we fortify our body + spirit with healthy boundaries. Seal your energetic aura so that you can be fully present with loved ones + savor the memories you make together! This flow is perfect for both before or after any family gathering or holiday. This class can help relieve stress. This class is for beginners and up. -NYV0209A

Naked Yoga for Emotional Release! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Dakota Simone

Teacher: Dakota Simone
(All Levels)

Stretching out tight hips are very beneficial for the body. We tend to hold a lot of emotion and stress in our hips-the seat of our emotions. By breathing and creating space in our hips can help the lower back and posture. In yoga, hip openers loosen the hip socket to improve the range of motion. This helps with body’s circulation and alleviating back pain. If you sit on a desk all day, pregnant, or in general just have tight hips. Using specific hip opener poses will be beneficial.  When the hip flexors become to tight, this can affect the ability to maintain a proper posture-stability in our spine. -NYV0217E

Naked Bedroom Yoga 7: Yoga Before Sleep! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Let’s unwind with a calming sequence of Yoga in Bed! I will help you relax and ease into a peaceful sleep! We will focus on gentle, soothing poses that release tension and promote relaxation. There will be yoga poses incorporated which help stimulate the vagus nerve which promotes rest and relaxation. Some benefits of this yoga class are that Promotes relaxation, eases tension, and helps transition into a restful sleep. We will Focus on relaxation and avoid stimulating poses that may disrupt sleep. -NYV0215A

Naked Yoga for Marathon Runners 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Elena Bathory

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Elena Bathory
(All Levels)

If you have a running practice, try this yoga class as your warm-up or cool down. This is great to tune into before you go for a run or after you’ve ran and your body needs to be stretched. It is strongly advised that you runners stretch both before and after running so this is a great class to help you do that! Here’s what we’ll cover: Reclined Twist pose, Reclined Twist Hamstring Stretch, Modified Bridge Pose, Reclined Leg Stretches, Reclined Pigeon Pose, Seated Cat Pose, Seated Cow Pose, and Gate pose. -NYV0208A

Dynamic Naked Yoga Flow 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anastasia

Teacher: Anastasia
(Level: Advanced)

Ready to break a sweat while you lengthen and strengthen? If you been practicing yoga for a while and want to become stronger, more resistant and flexible this is the flow for you! In this yoga class, we will be flowing from one pose to the other at a quick pace, going through some challenging postures, carefully selected to improve strength and stamina. Welcome to the advanced level! If you’re a beginner I wouldn’t recommend to start your journey with this flow, the poses are somewhat complex and they will be kept for a short amount of time. Well peaceful warrior..let’s go!! -NYV0213D

Naked Guided Meditation 7: Intuition + Prosperity (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anna

Teacher: Anna
(All Levels)

Today, I will guide you two meditations designed to balance your Intuition and Prosperity. Intuition meditation enhances your intuitive abilities, allowing you to connect more deeply with your inner guidance. Prosperity Meditation is designed to attract abundance and prosperity into your life by aligning your energy with the vibration of wealth. Each meditation has unique benefits, and I’ll guide you through the practice step by step. By the end of this meditation, you will likely have gained significant perspective, self-knowledge, and awareness of imbalances, you can then accommodate and work to improve in your daily life. This meditation is very effective when practiced daily, either in the morning (after bathing, but before eating), or in the evening (before bed). A good daily practice for everyone! -NYV0211B

Naked Core Workout using Weights! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(Level: Advanced)

Today, I will teach you to have a stronger center and more stable core using some weights! We will use some House items as detergent bottles and water bottles. Our core is so integral to all! We will focus on strengthening our deepest most core muscles. You will learn how to stabilize the core to achieve better posture and flexibility in the spine and limbs! We will think of the core as the muscles that start at the base of the pelvic floor, through the whole abdominal region, through the upper torso, all the way to the top of the neck. In this integrative approach to core work we will focus on strengthening these deep muscles will playing with moving our extremities to challenge our balance. We will play with small ranges of movement, challenging ourselves to maintain stability through the torso while exploring what movement is possible in our joints. Join me! -NYV0201B

Naked Booty Workout 9: Pilates for Butt (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Eve

Teacher: Eve
(All Levels)

Think you don’t have time to keep your butt looking good and feeling strong? Think again! This fast and fun Butt Workout will strengthens and tones your core, glutes, and quads! Tone your booty with gentle stretches & flexing! Stomach flat knees facing front towards your toes lift the hips high this exercise is going to Target the outside of the hips. And the butt so lift. And lower up. This series of poses will engage and strengthen your glutes, back and core. A strong core is important and will help with fortify your body. Your core connects your with your body, with it it will activate your butt and back. Remember, go at your own pace and always remember to breath. -NYV0212B

Naked Yoga for Energy Circulation 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Energy circulation is one of the most vital functions of your body. Increasing energy circulation helps you power the brain and other organs and supply them with needed oxygen. Let’s increase the oxygen and fresh energy flow within your body by doing this naked yoga sequences! This exercises will help you oxygenate and recharge your body while also alerting your mind! If you are just waking up or need an energy boost in your day, this yoga class is perfect! This rejuvenating class sequence will begin with us laying on the floor on our backs. From there, we will work our way through movements and exercises to build energy. To increase the energy of the body, we will do gentle movements that help you to promote circulation without straining the muscles. This class is for all levels. Let’s begin! -NYV0191A

Naked Morning Yoga 14 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anastasia

Teacher: Anastasia
(Level: Advanced)

Good morning, rise and shine! are you feeling a bit stiff and achy ? or simply you need a little boost to kick start your day? Let’s get the body ready and going together with the Good Morning Flow! With this flow you will gently warm up all the main joints and muscles of your body while raising your energy and vibration. This flow is suitable for everyone but feel free to make variations if something feels uncomfortable; you always know better what’s good for your body! -NYV0213A

Naked Workout for Bigger Chest 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Fae

Teacher: Elena
Student: Fae
(All Levels)

Naked Workout for Bigger Chest 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Fae
These chest workouts are great for you to lift your breasts for a nicer appearance! It strengthens the chest muscles and over time makes the chest area look more uplifted and can even appear to have a larger size. Men can also do these exercises. Works for men and women. Helps lift the breasts or pecs. When done regularly, helps prevent breast sagging. -NYV0210D

Naked Yoga for Posture 3: Spine Conditioning! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL) Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Many of us spend too much time sitting, or standing in postures that keep our lower back tight and in pain! This class offers some corrective yoga exercises to help! This is an in-depth, slow and analytical practice that fuses many well-known basic yoga poses with the information connected to their posture benefits. This practice can really help you combat damaging habits for later in life and uncomfortable physical patterns.
This is a class that has the relaxing experience of breathing exercises combined with the flow of energizing movements. Spine Conditioning will strengthen the muscles in the upper back in order to keep the muscles that support your spine stable. This can help reduce muscle soreness, increase mobility, and prevent general exercise injury. This class is for those who have previous experience with yoga (strong beginners and up) -NYV0209B

Naked Yoga for Joint Stability 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)
Naked Yoga for Joint Stability 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
What’s the secret to staying active as we age? Joint stability! This routine is designed to build strength and prevent. It’s never too early to start thinking about how to sustain our bodies. With all the sitting we do in our daily lives, it’s important to make a daily practice of using the core muscle groups of our body. Let’s focus on joints health by incorporating circular movements to effectively get new blood and oxygen to our joints. We will target hips, knees, elbows, ankles and more! Some of what we will cover in this class can be used as a warm up before other physical activities or other yoga classes if you suffer from any joint injuries or pain. Cautions: if you feel unstable use a prop to help with balance. If any moment causes pain, immediately discontinue. -NYV0207B

Naked Yoga Using Household Items! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(Level: All levels)

Naked Yoga Using Household Items! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
You can do naked yoga practices in the comfort of your own room using common house objects! We will demonstrate naked yoga using household items such as can of soup as a block, or your book as a block. Lean on your pillow or your folded blanket as a yoga bolster! You can usually find several things around your home that can be used as props in your practice. Get creative! Let’s examine how to bring the mind-body awareness you craft at the yoga studio back home into your daily life and routine. Now, you have no excuse! Just follow us and let’s do naked yoga, right now! This exercise is a doable, innovative and fun exercise for any yoga levels! Summary of asana poses: Reclined savasana, Supported seated easy pose, Seated cat/cow, Head rolls, Seated forward fold, Seated sidebend, Seated forward fold, Seated half lift, Downward Facing Pose, Low lunge, Low lunge revolved twist, Sun salutation, Plank, Modified flow, Warrior 2, Flying Warrior, Tree pose, and Reclined butterfly. -NYV0198C

Naked Guided Meditation 6: Kundalini Style Breathing!

Teacher: Anna
(All Levels)

Naked Guided Meditation 6: Kundalini Style Breathing! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Anna
This video is good for you if you feel constantly bothered or your lives are out of balance. Many modern yoga classes teach only Poses (Asana), relegating practitioners’ journeys to the physical realm. However, the postures were originally practiced to prepare the body for meditation, leading to deeper exploration of the nature and capabilities of the mind and its connection to both physical and energetic (subtle) existence. This video will guide you practitioners through a meditation on the Sodarshan Chakra Kriya and Sat Kriya. By the end of this meditation, you will likely have gained significant perspective, self-knowledge, and awareness of imbalances, you can then accommodate and work to improve in your daily life. This meditation is very effective when practiced daily, either in the morning (after bathing, but before eating), or in the evening (before bed). A good daily practice for everyone! -NYV0211A