Naked Yoga for Bad Mood 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Bad Mood 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena
Are you feeling bad or upset or unhappy? Let’s uplift your day with nude yoga! We will teach you naked yoga poses that will soothe your mood and energize you into proceeding through your day in a more positive fashion! Benefits of this practice are a better mood! Anyone who is having a discouraging day should try this out! This yoga practice can get you out of your head for a moment and into your body which some soothing poses, and some strengthening poses mixed in! This class is welcome to all levels as long as you have practiced yoga at least once before. Join us!!! NYV0186C