Naked Yoga To Sculpt Arms! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Elena

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Elena
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Yoga To Sculpt Arms! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Elena
Summer is just around the corner! Want to see bicep definition you can really show off? If you have an existing yoga practice but are looking to level up and build some serious arm strength, then this is the class for you! We’ll get to sweating through unique Pilates-inspired asanas. After this 35 min Intermediate level class your Chaturanga Dandasana will never be the same. If you dream of being able to do headstands and handstands this is a fantastic foundation to learn from. -NYV0177B

Naked Booty Workout 7 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley

Teacher: Elena
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Naked Booty Workout 7 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley
Is your butt sagging? Spending too much time sitting these days? Does your bum need some love? Bring your SEXY BACK with this high-energy moving meditation on self-love that will sculpt your glutes + lift that booty! This at home workout is great for all levels of fitness. No equipment needed. It’s also great as a warm up. These exercises tones the booty and legs. This routine also includes some stretches that are great for after the workout. You’ll enjoy it so much you might even forget you’re even exercising! This flow is led at a foundational level that is great for who want to build strength. It’s customiseable so that as your booty gets toned you can increase the activity level to continue seeing your results develop. -NYV0189B

Naked Yoga for Energy Circulation 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Energy Circulation 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina
If you are feeling a bit stiff and want to help channel some of your energy to move more freely this is a good class for that! Energy circulation is one of the most vital functions of the body. Increasing energy circulation helps power the brain and other organs and supply them with needed oxygen. Increase the oxygen and fresh energy flow within your body by doing this sequence! These poses are accessible to a variety of levels (yes, all levels welcome!) and will increase circulation throughout your glands, spine, and organs. -NYV0184B

Naked Yoga to Prevent Knee Pain 3: Strengthen Your Knees! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga to Prevent Knee Pain 3: Strengthen Your Knees! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Strong knees help reduce the incidence of injury while waking, running, and exercising. Today, I will demonstrate a variety of exercises that can help you strengthen the muscle areas around your knee in hopes of protecting you from knee problems or knee injuries.   NOTE: please practice with caution if you already suffer from knee injuries. These exercises and yoga poses are great for keeping the knees strong. It also incorporates other parts of the legs like the calf and hamstrings that support the knees. Having strong knees is important especially as one ages. -NYV0188C

Naked Arm Workout Using Your Bodyweight! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(Level: Advanced)

Naked Arm Workout Using Your Bodyweight! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Don’t have weights? No problem. No fancy gym equipment? That’s swell. I know first hand that using gym props can be expensive, tricky, and I’m here to tell you that you don’t need it at all. In fact, I believe some of the most challenging arm workouts involve our own bodyweight. Now, here’s where the challenge comes in. This video involves 3 full rounds, going from 5 reps, to 10, to 15, totalling to 30 reps of these 7 exercises. You’ve got this! We will work on exercises, below:
1: Forearm plank, then use your shoulder strength to army crawl forward three steps, and backwards three steps.
2: Full plank (on wrists), and tap hand to opposite shoulder, keeping hips balanced and still
3: Lay on your left side, keeping your arm closest to the mat down by your side, the other arm is being used to push up for a “side body pushup”
4: Repeat on the other side
5: Center pushup, on knees or in full plank, keeping elbows tucked in (this helps us focus on triceps rather than chest muscles)
6: Flip onto back, hands behind you with fingertips facing glutes, push hips up into a reverse tabletop, bend elbows for ‘tricep dip’
7: Staying in this same position, lengthen legs and hold in a reverse plank.

Naked Yoga for Spring Detox 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Naked Yoga for Spring Detox 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena
Spring is here! Today, we will help you detoxify your body with lots of twisting and some core work to help you feel anchored after all of the twisting. It’s an energizing, intense yoga flow! Wring out your body with us if you are a strong beginner or a more advanced practitioner. -NYV0186B

Naked Yoga for Calorie Burn 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley

Teacher: Elena
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Calorie Burn 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley
Today, we will burn off calories in a fun nude yoga format and burning off the extra tension that we hold in our bodies. Great for beginners of yoga who want to burn some calories and tone the abs and booty. Combines yoga poses with strength training exercises. It also includes some meditation to calm your body and mind after the workout. -NYV0189D

Naked Yoga To Improve Confidence 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga To Improve Confidence 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina
You are powerful! Find that power within you! If you are struggling with confidence or empowerment, this practice will inspire you to feel good about yourself! Practicing in the nude can add surprisingly positive effects on one’s confidence. Although people think nudity can be embarrassing, allowing oneself to be vulnerable can be a brave experience that invokes strength and a greater sense of capability. This video contains the more active variations on asanas such as triangle, and more. -NYV0184A

Naked Yoga for Tight Butt 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley

Teacher: Elena
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Tight Butt 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley
Today, we will guide you a hip-opening practice that could relieve your hip tension. This exercise targets the hip area to strengthen the area for you, if you experiencing hip pain. Done daily, it can help improve strength in that area and can limit discomfort and pain. This hip exercise also target other areas such as the glutes and outer thighs. -NYV0189C

Naked Yoga for Seniors 5: Chair Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Seniors 5: Chair Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Naked Yoga on Chair is great for those with mobility issues and the elderly. This sequence focuses on upper body stretches as well as some lower body poses/stretches. Great for beginners. This video is a slow-paced, supportive, and encouraging video. No intimidation here! Please have a chair! -NYV0188A

RAGE NAKED YOGA 3: Release Anger! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)

RAGE NAKED YOGA 3: Release Anger! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina
If you feel anger, rage, or frustration and would like to move through that energy in class. This is the class for you! Today, I will help you let go of rage and get you to exhale out what has been making you mad, while also rewarding you with some great stretches. Lunges, forward folds, and lion breaths are incorporated in this yoga practice intended for strong beginners are up. Enjoy the benefits of being totally nude and free! NYV0182B

Naked Core Workout For Back Pain Prevention! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile

Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

Naked Core Workout For Back Pain Prevention! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Cecile
After a long day of carrying heavy bags, or staying slumped over a laptop, your back can sure suffer! The best and most effective way to prevent back pain is through strengthening your core! In this workout, designed for any levels you can enjoy stretches, and 15 workout exercises for 2 rounds.Expect planks, glute bridges, clamshells, and everything in between. Tap into your truest self & enjoy the benefits of working out nude! -NYV0155B

Naked Face Yoga 6: Face + Eye Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Ashley

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Naked Face Yoga 6: Face + Eye Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Ashley
If you deal with seasonal allergies, eye fatigue from long days staring at screens, or headaches this is the perfect yoga prescription to keep in your pocket! Today, we will exercise eyes and tongue to massage the deep muscles of the face. We will open the sinuses, clear the ears, and open the throat with these gentle, playful movements. -NYV0183A.


Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Resistance bands (rubber bands) are such a useful piece of workout equipment! Today, I will teach you some simple naked workouts using rubber resistance bands to tone your legs and butt! These exercises can even be done without the bands but for optimum results I recommend using the bands. They are reasonably priced and you can get them online. These exercises can be done at home as a full workout or if you’re more advanced at working out, can be used as a warm up at the gym before you get into your workout using dumbbells. -NYV0187B

Naked Yoga for Tight Upper Body 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Fae

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Fae
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Yoga for Tight Upper Body 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Fae
If you have a tight upper body, this short class will help you open up chest, arms, shoulders, and upper back. We spend so much time hunched over our computers and phones, so it’s important to do movement that opposes those actions. We are using one (1) yoga block for a few short strengthening exercises for our upper body. You can do these exercises sitting or standing. Join us! -NYV0185C

Naked Booty Workout 6: Naked Yoga To Sculpt Your Butt 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Booty Workout 6: Naked Yoga To Sculpt Your Butt 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Are you craving that round, firm tush? Well, look no further. Today, I go through in strengthening the butt and back. This series of poses will engage and strengthen your glutes, back and core. A strong core is important and will help with fortify your body. Your core connects your with your body, with it it will activate your butt and back. Remember, go at your own pace and always remember to breath. – NYV0187D

Naked Wall Yoga 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)

Naked Wall Yoga 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
We all need a little support and utilizing the wall. Wall is a great way to get some of that support. We have many props we can use for our practice, and sometimes we forget the wall is an option too! So this class is to remind you that the wall is your friend and you can take class with it. This is a gentle practice. Easy on the body. It is slow & relaxing.
Sequence Summary: Back against the wall, Breathwork, Wall Supported Head Turns, Flatback Stretches, Spinal Ripples, Supported Neck Stretches, Supported Shoulder Stretches, Wrist Presses, Supported Chair Pose w/Arm Variations, Supported Forward Fold, Half Lift, Supported Downward Facing Pose, 3 Legged Down Extensions, Low Lunges, Seated Twist, Half Monkey Pose, Gate Pose, Supported Tree Pose, Cool Down, and Legs up the Wall. -NYV0181D

PILATES INSPIRED NAKED WORKOUT 2: Butt and Thigh Workout! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: Strong Beginners)

PILATES INSPIRED NAKED WORKOUT 2: Butt and Thigh Workout! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina
Today, I’ll teach you a fun workout that is sure to challenge your muscles in your posterior!
Inspired by Pilates. Glute workouts are known to reduce knee and lower back pain, and there are no squats in this video like usual glute workouts ! This workout is welcome to strong beginners and intermediate levels. -NYV0182A

NAKED RESISTANCE BAND WORKOUT 3: Rubber Bands! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Ashley

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

NAKED RESISTANCE BAND WORKOUT 3: Rubber Bands! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Ashley
Today, we will teach you how to use rubber resistance bands to help your yoga practice! This is an excellent routine if you want to strength your neck or shoulder. We target muscle holds deep in the tissues that release tension while enhancing stamina. This is an all levels class designed to protect your mobility with a number of stabilizing movements that build strength around your major joints like the shoulders. -NYV0183C


Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

24 minutes of non-stop planks, yes, you heard me correctly! We’ve got 20 plank oriented exercises and holds, that focus on core strengthening. 30 seconds each, 2 rounds. The core is so important to how our whole body operates. This video includes tricep pushups, side planks, dips, and bear crawls. Oh my!!I This workout moves fast and is intended for intermediate to advanced folks. -NYV0168D

Naked Yoga for Body Acceptance 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Fae

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Fae
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Body Acceptance 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Fae
A Happy New Year! Let’s celebrate this coming year with Self Love Nude Yoga! Your body is beautiful! This pracice is a comforting yoga flow where you show yourself a bit of extra self love! This slow, soothing and meditative stretching practice is to help anyone and everyone feel more at home and kind to their bodies, even in moments of challenging self image. This yoga class is intended for anyone with a basic knowledge and experience of yoga all the way up to advanced practitioners. -NYV0185B

Naked Yoga for Uplifting 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)

Naked Yoga for Uplifting 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Merry Christmas!!! Let’s uplift your day with nude yoga! We will teach you naked yoga poses that will soothe your mood and energize you into proceeding through your day in a more positive fashion. Benefits of this practice are a better mood! If you are having a good day, it will make you even better feeling! -NYV0181B

Naked Breathing Meditation for Winter! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay

Teacher: Lior Allay
(All Levels)

Naked Breathing Meditation for Winter! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay
Let’s improve your breathing without the intense impact to your joints! Today, we will explore 4 breathing techniques to stretch, expand, detox, and strengthen your respiratory system. Please be aware light headedness is a possible side effect if you push beyond what your body is ready for. Go slowly and listen to the sensations. If you find yourself out of breath/requiring assistance walking/performing simple house hold tasks please ask your doctor before practicing. This is an all levels somatic meditation class that will continue to challenge you for years.  No matter where you’re at on your yoga journey, you can benefit from this unique practice. -NYV0150A.


Teacher: Cecile
(All Levels)

Who says you need heavy equipment to get a good workout in?! All you’ll need here is a mat and a sturdy wall, as we explore some creative, and challenging moves. We’ll start with push-up variations, followed by plank reaches & toe touches, and end with wall sits and glute bridges. This video can be enjoyed for any fitness level, and is especially good for those needing a little extra support. So don’t be shy, join my class!!    -NYV0167B

Quick Easy Naked Yoga for Beginners! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Sarah Russi
(Level: Super Beginner)
Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Sarah Russi

Quick Easy Naked Yoga for Beginners!
So, now, you got a short break, and you really really wanna practice naked yoga. Then, join us! Here is a Quick Easy Naked Yoga practice video for beginners! This is a simple and detailed flow that will energize your mind and body, and help you start or continue your day. We will demonstrate a variation on the Sun Salutation A in the Vinyasa Yoga Practice. This class is strongly recommended for beginners to Yoga. -NYV0144C