Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/793557430
Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)
Naked Wall Yoga 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
We all need a little support and utilizing the wall. Wall is a great way to get some of that support. We have many props we can use for our practice, and sometimes we forget the wall is an option too! So this class is to remind you that the wall is your friend and you can take class with it. This is a gentle practice. Easy on the body. It is slow & relaxing.
Sequence Summary: Back against the wall, Breathwork, Wall Supported Head Turns, Flatback Stretches, Spinal Ripples, Supported Neck Stretches, Supported Shoulder Stretches, Wrist Presses, Supported Chair Pose w/Arm Variations, Supported Forward Fold, Half Lift, Supported Downward Facing Pose, 3 Legged Down Extensions, Low Lunges, Seated Twist, Half Monkey Pose, Gate Pose, Supported Tree Pose, Cool Down, and Legs up the Wall. -NYV0181D