Naked Yoga for Swimmers! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(Level: Beginners-Intermediate)
It’s swimming season! Yoga is great for swimmers. Yoga gains strength and flexibility for their bodies. Often, swimmers are tight in their shoulders, hamstrings, and hips. So stretching out these parts of the body as well as strengthening the core and back and hips. Asanas help tremendously in boosting performance and decrease the chances of injury. This practice is great for people with a background in swimming that can incorporate yoga into their practice. -NYV0110B


Shit Naked Yoga Teachers Say! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Naked Comedy 1:
Naked Comedy 2:
Naked Comedy 3:
Shit Naked Yoga Teachers Say!:
Shit Nude Models Say!:
More Videos:
Teacher: Collibrina
What are yoga teachers thinking when they tell you to meditate and get into all of those weird poses? Why are their voices so calm? Collibrina explains it all…nude. -NYV0102B


Naked Yoga For Complete Beginners! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(Level: Beginners)
New to Yoga? In this video, I will show you step by step process of beginner yoga poses sequences for you!
Do not be afraid to try something new. Yoga is very beneficial for the body and mind.
It does not have to be hard or complicated. There is no competition. It is just you and the mat. Do not push yourself too much. Learn to listen to what your body can and cannot do-and work from there. You do not need to be flexile to start yoga. Flexibility will slowly come. You just have to start somewhere. Just remember to breath and get your body moving! Just take your time and see how your body does. If you are interested in starting a yoga practice, it can help reduce stress and achieve lean muscles. It also helps the brain, with focusing. It will help you stay energized throughout the day and help detoxify the body. Just learning the basic asanas can do wonders. -NYV0106B

Naked Beach Body Workout for Butt, Arms, Core! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All levels)
Summer is here and its not too late to get in shape for the season! This practice is a hybrid between yoga and pilates taking the best out of the two to create a fantastic workout for all levels. It will focus on strengthening the butt, arms, and core. Get in shape fast with these tips. Use your yoga breath with pilates movement. -NYV0110A

Naked Yoga for Heart Opening! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: Strong Beginners)
Are you low energy or run-down to practice the yoga? Well, then try this video and join me for a practice! This is an energizing class of slow to moderate pace that will help counter hunched over body habits and help open your chest, lungs, and heart so you can breathe comfortable and feel more energized. This Naked Yoga School class is recommended for strong beginners to the yoga practice. -NYV0111B


Naked Yoga for Digestion 3 (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
If you have stomach issues such as digestion, constipation, cramping, gas, indigestion, and bloating then using these yoga sequences can be beneficial. These postures can cleanse, stimulate, aid, and encourage a more substantial digestive function. It is always best to practice yoga before a meal or to wait a couple hours. A lot of the asanas and flows will incorporate twist to cleanse the organs and digestive tract. Always remember to breath to help create space in the organs to better and deepen the stretch. Take your time and ease into the asana, you never want to rush a pose to get the full benefits. -NYV107B

Naked Yoga for Digestion 3 (Naked Yoga School) with Sage


Shit Nude Models Say! (Starring: Collibrina)

Naked Comedy 1:
Naked Comedy 2:
Naked Comedy 3:
Shit Nude Models Say!:
More Videos:
Starring: Collibrina
Collibrina gives us an inside scoop on what nude and figure models are thinking while on the job. It’s raw, funny, and full of great exposure.


Naked Yoga for Dancers! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(Level: Intermediate-Advance)
This practice is great especially for dancers because it concentrates on hip openers and flexibility. A great advance Vinyasa Flow. This is a bit faster pace. Focus on using the breath to move your body in a fluid motion. Use your core for strength. Put on some great music to get your flow on and get ready to sweat! This is great for more intermediate or advance students especially towards students with a dance and athletic background.   -NYV0109C


Naked Yoga for Busy Person! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
Are you Busy? No time for yoga? We work long hours, we do not take time for ourselves. Sometimes just doing a a quick yoga practice can be manageable. It can take 10-15 minutes. It can be done when you wake up to get your body energized before you have your morning coffee. Or even before bedtime. Any place where you can take a few minutes by yourself-then why not get your yoga on? This is a 15 minute practice and can be shortened if your on a crunch. Give your body a wake up call or a nice unwind to stretch out your body, clear out your head, and breath! -NYV0106A

Naked Yoga for Busy Person! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage


Naked Yoga for Smart Phone Addicts! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)
Excessively using your smart phones would create tensions in your neck, head, and shoulders. And prolonged tension in the neck, head, and shoulders can lead to more chronic pain problems that are harder to get rid of. This sequence will help you undo the discomfort and damage caused by using your smart phones. This video will include lots of neck stretching and the entire sequence can be done sitting down! These poses are beneficial to all levels of Yoga Practitioners. -NYV0105C

Naked Yoga for Headaches! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

(All Levels)
Teacher: Sage
I suffer from headaches and migraines. If you do too, then you know how debilitating they can be. Yoga and stretching can help alleviate headache pain. Yoga can help relieve tension through movement and breath work. Stretches that open the shoulders, chest, and neck can bring blood flow to your head. Yoga can help target stress and tension. Certain poses can boost blood circulation and improve blood to the brain. Remember to always stay hydrated. Essential oils may work especially for days when I do not like taking a pill. Lavender and eucalyptus oil work wonders. Placing it on the temples and giving yourself a head massage can help relax the pain. -NYV0100B

Naked Yoga for Headaches!

ASMR: Naked Whisper Breathing Meditation! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)
Enjoy a calm breathing meditation with whisper ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) interactivity. I will guide your meditation with my soothing soft voice! You will go into a trance state! Benefits of Meditation include: reducing stress, encouraging a generally healthier lifestyle, increasing happiness and awareness, strengthening immunity.  -NYV105D

ASMR: Naked Whisper Breathing Meditation! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Naked Yoga for Tight Hips: Hip Opener! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
Stretching out tight hips are very beneficial for the body. We tend to hold a lot of emotion and stress in our hips-the seat of our emotions. By breathing and creating space in our hips can help the lower back and posture. In yoga, hip openers loosen the hip socket to improve the range of motion. This helps with body’s circulation and alleviating back pain. If you sit on a desk all day, pregnant, or in general just have tight hips. Using specific hip opener poses will be beneficial.  When the hip flexors become to tight, this can affect the ability to maintain a proper posture-stability in our spine. -NYV107A

Naked Yoga for Blood Circulation! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)
Blood circulation is one of the most vital functions of the body. Increasing blood circulation helps power the brain and other organs and supply them with needed oxygen. Increase the oxygen and fresh blood flow within your body by doing this sequence! These poses are accessible to a variety of levels (yes, all levels welcome!) and will increase circulation throughout your glands, spine, and organs. -NYV105A

Naked Yoga for PMS 3: Cramps and Pre-Menstrual Syndrome! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)Yoga can be a very useful tool in alleviating PMS and cramps. Many women suffer from very painful periods and others it can be very bothersome. For me personally, it varies month by month. Some months being very painful. A heating pad and walking can be very helpful for cramps. If the pain is excruciating and debilitating, then seek a doctor for proper care. Yoga can just be a helpful tool. It helps release endorphins which we all know help better your mood.  It can also calm the nervous system and increase oxygenated blood to your reproductive organs. And lastly, it eases stress and discomfort by encouraging relaxation. PMS does not always have to set you back. It can be a process to get yourself moving but once done, you will feel more balanced and more on track. Your body and mind will thank you. -NYV0101B

Naked Yoga to Increase Immunity! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(All Levels)
Make your immune system just a bit stronger with some simple yoga poses! Increasing one’s immune system strength means being able to fight off diseases and infections at a greater rate. Heart opening poses dominate this sequence, making you feel strong like your immune system will be. This video was brought to you by the Naked Yoga School, and it is recommended for Beginners and up. -NYV105B

Naked Yoga for Winter Morning! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(Level: Beginners)
It is winter and you do not want to leave your place. This is a winter morning yoga routine that can be done in the comfort of your own home. During the winter it is cold and the body becomes stiff and tight. Yoga can help by using breath and movement to get the blood circulation flowing. It is also great for the body to move as this enhances mobility and flexibility so the body can flourish. Yoga in the winter is also great for the mind. We often get the winter blues that can lead to a lack of energy and depression. Yoga can help boost that energy levels up and create a better mindset. Many of the asanas create a better mind and body. And everyone not just you can benefit from that. -NYV108A

Naked Good Night Yoga 4: Naked Yoga for Better Sleep! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

(All Levels)
Teacher: Sage
Restorative yoga can be very useful for a better nights sleep. This can be done in the comforts of your own home and even on the bed! Our brains often have a hard time shutting off and we lay awake at night. Then the next day is ruined with the lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is very unhealthy for the body and mind and can lead to some health risks. Slow, resting movement can bring peace and mind to achieve better sleep. Different asanas and breath work can be very useful. Deep meditative breathing allows the body to release any physical tension throughout the body. Restorative asanas and mindfulness allows the body to relax and relieve  any stress or discomforts.  -NYV0100C


Naked Airplane Yoga! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(all levels)
How do you deal with 13 hours flight to Japan and you are stuck in a airplane seat? Some people develop ugly varicose veins when blood doesn’t circulate because of not moving much. This is part of Tight Space Yoga Series, specifying in airplane seat stretches to help you wake the body up as well as alleviate stiffness. I demonstrate various practical Stretches for whole body from feet, legs, butt, knees, thighs, back, breast, shoulder, arms, to neck. This helpful practice is welcome to all levels. -NYV0098B

Naked Yoga for Back Pain 2: Lower Back Pain! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
Many of us who work on our desk or stand all day may suffer from lower back pain. This can be caused because you may have a week core and a wrong alignment. Yoga can help alleviate the pain and help lengthen the spine. engaging your core centers your entire body. Without a strong core, the body compensates with other muscles creating aches and pains. By engaging the proper muscles and alignment can reduce and take away the pain. If you have a swayed back or a “banana back” using your ab muscles and bringing in your pelvis helps structure your alignment and posture. -NYV106C

Naked Yoga for Digestion 2: Twisting Restorative Poses! (Naked Yoga School) with Collibrina

Teacher: Collibrina
(all levels)
This is a relaxing and restorative sequence to help you ease stomach issues such as digestion and bloating. Your stomach is connecting to your mood. If you have stomach problem, that can create anxiety and nervous. When you have anxiety, that can make your stomach tighten. I will demonstrate restorative poses that would ease your stomach issues. It is a slower paced sequence welcome to all levels. -NYV0098A

Naked Car Yoga! (Naked Yoga School) with Sage

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
This is the time of year, where everyone is traveling for the holidays. If you are in the car for long period of time getting to those family members, here are some great asanas and stretches that the body can benefit from. This practice can also be incorporated for an airplane seat as well just be aware and consciences of your neighbor as you do not want to disturb them. Often from sitting in the care the legs need to be stretched and the lower back lacks support. By rolling a towel or a blanket and placing it underneath your tailbone can provide a lift and help resign the back and achieve a natural curve in the spine. Leg stretches will benefit the body with blood circulation. Also, simple movement of such as cat and cow in a seated position can help realign the back and help open the chest and shoulders while maintaining a better posture. Always remember to drink fluids if you are sitting for long periods. -NYV108B