Naked Yoga: Twisting Poses for Digestive Health! (Naked Yoga School) with Michael & Cat Noble

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Cat Noble (Level: Basic) Twisting poses wring out the organs of the abdominal cavity, which has a strong effect on digestive health. This sequence can be helpful for anyone experiencing indigestion, bloating, and other issues related to digestion and elimination. A regular practice of twisting poses can improve your ability…

1 Hour Naked Yoga: Forward-Fold Poses for Back Health! (Naked Yoga School) with Michael & Collibrina

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina (Level: Basic) Forward Bending poses help open and lengthen the back body, which is an essential component in restoring and maintaining a healthy back. Forward bends naturally direct the attention inward, and they’re recommended for calming, cooling and contemplative experiences. Due to these qualities, forward bends are frequently included…

Naked Yoga: Standing Poses for Balance and Grounding! (Naked Yoga School) with Michael & Cat Noble

Full-video: Teacher: Michael Student: Cat Noble (Level: Basic) Standing poses strengthen and energize your feet, legs and hips, but they can also challenge our sense of balance. This sequence includes alignment and activation queues to help you increase the stability of your standing poses. Standing poses can help improve your balance, both physically as…

Naked Chair Yoga 1: Warrior Poses!

Full-Video: (Level: Basic) Teacher: Michael, Student: Marie, A firm, stable chair is a versatile assistant for your yoga practice. In this video, we explore four standing poses, including the three primary Warrior Poses, with a focus on establishing healthy alignment and activation. The Warrior Poses are challenging due to the combined requirements of leg…

Naked Face Yoga 5: The Neck!

Full-Video: (Level: Basic) Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina As we age, the skin along our jaw and throat begins to sag. We can preserve a youthful jaw line through a regular practice of gentle exercise facilitate by an often-overlooked muscle: the tongue. In the video on Face Yoga for the Neck, we begin with a…

Naked Face Yoga 4: Jaw and Mouth!

Full-Video: (Level: Basic) Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina Your jaw and mouth work all day long, chewing food, swallowing fluids, shaping your voice, and expressing your feelings. When the muscles that do this work are held too tightly or become out of balance, they can lead to headaches, tooth grinding, jaw clicking, and related symptoms…

Naked Face Yoga 3: The Eyes!

Full Video: (Level: Basic) Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina Your eyes are controlled by muscles, just like the rest of your body. The same yoga principles of energization and relaxation through mindful movement are applied here to ease your eye strain. This basic program of Face Yoga for the Eyes is especially good for anyone…

Naked Face Yoga 2: Introduction

Full Video: (Level: Basic) Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina The same yoga that’s good for your body is equally good for your face — but only if you apply the principles and practices. This introductory video uses emotional expressions to familiarize you with the mask of your face. Emotional expressions can get “stuck” and become…

Naked Office Yoga 7: For Your Whole Body! (Naked Yoga School)

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael, Student: Marie, (Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your whole body integrates the various parts that are featured in the other instructional videos of this series. Specifically, we work on opening the front of the body, releasing tension from the back of the body, and balancing the sides. The bigger actions included…

Naked Office Yoga 5: For Your Upper Torso! (Naked Yoga School)

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael, Student: Wara, (Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your upper torso works with the chest, shoulders and upper back. In addition to relieving tension and pain in the targeted areas, this practice is a great way to start opening your rib cage for a deeper, fuller, easier breath. You can’t live without…

Naked Office Yoga 3: For Your Upper Limbs
! (Naked Yoga School)

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael, Student: Wara, (Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your upper limbs focuses on the hands, wrists, forearms, elbows and arms. Sitting in an office usually results in using our upper limbs in unbalanced ways, holding part of the limb very still and asking another part of the limb to work tirelessly —…

Naked Office Yoga 2: For Your Lower Limbs
! (Naked Yoga School)

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael
, Student: Wara (Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your lower limbs targets the feet, ankles, shins, knees and thighs. Sitting for long periods of time can be very hard on the circulatory system. Contraction and relaxation of the leg muscles helps to push your blood back up to the heart. In addition…

Naked Office Yoga 1: Sitting Well
! (Naked Yoga School)

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael
, Student: Wara (Level: Basic) This lesson of Office Yoga is on Sitting Well, and it provides the important foundation for all the other Office Yoga classes in this series. You may have unhappy memories of being told to SIT UP and not slouch. Unfortunately, we weren’t told HOW to accomplish this.…

Naked Props Yoga 12: Seated Meditation with Block & Bolster!

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina (Level: Basic) The word “asana” means seat, which gives a clear indication for the direction of our yoga practice as a tool for seated meditation. But before you explore the depths of your mind, you must first address the challenge of sitting for extended periods of time. This video…

Naked Props Yoga 11: Reclined Bound Angle Pose with Strap & Bolster!

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina (Level: Intermediate) Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Buddha Konasana) is a standard pose in the practice of restorative yoga, which frequently uses an assortment of props to provide greater support and deeper relaxation in the pose. In this video, we use a bolster, two blocks, a blanket and a…

Naked Props Yoga 10: Block, Bolster, Strap & Blanket!

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina (Level: Basic) Props are specific tools that can help your practice by making poses more stable and/or more comfortable. This video provides an introduction to several standard yoga props (bolsters, blankets, blocks, and straps) and provides examples for how to use them. One of the benefits of using props…

1 Hour Naked Yoga: Backbend Poses for Computer Users!

Full-Video: Teacher: Michael Student: Collibrina (Level: Basic) Backbends provide a great remedy for anyone who spends long hours in front of a computer and for anyone who sits at a desk. Sitting for extended periods of time has been linked to a host of health problems. Backbends lengthen the front of the body, an…