Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/837068683
Teacher: Elena
(Level: Intermediate)
Naked Morning Yoga 12 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Good Morning! Join me a nude morning yoga class, if you need to wake up early for school or work, and you want to give your body some love and grounding so you have an effortless and mindful day. Today, I will teach you yoga poses and basic stretches to help your day started. During the night, your body is at a rest state so these are great to do when you get up to warm your muscles up and get your blood circulating and every to start the day. Beginners and intermediate level. Some yoga poses are a little advanced, you can skip these poses if you feel they are too much for you but the majority of the poses/stretches are very easy. The entire routine takes about 40 minutes. If you don’t have that much time in the morning that’s fine, you can choose to do just a few of the poses/stretches, if that’s all the time you have. -NYV0187A