Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/869953993
Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)
Naked Props Yoga 15: How to Use Yoga Blocks! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Today, we will show you how to use yoga blcoks naked! If you are curious about how to incorporate this prop into your practice, this video is for you! We won’t be going through a sequenced class but we will be taking our time to learn more about safe ways to utilizie blocks and you will leave the video knowing how to properly use them. This is great class for you, if you are new to yoga, or if you don’t currently use blocks but you’d like to. Yoga blocks gives you an extra support! Join us as we dive into strengthening our practice with yoga blocks! Today, we practice foloowing asana sequences: Lotus pose, Seated Forward Fold, Lunges, Side angle pose, Half Lift pose, Tree pose, Half moon pose, Thunderbolt pose. -NYV0195A