Naked Chakra Balancing Meditation using Vocal Sound! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Elena

Teacher: Lior Allay
Student: Elena
(All Levels)
Balance your subtle body and unlock your inner voice with the power of sound and breath! In this class we’ll go through basic pranayama practice, or foundational yogic breathing techniques like Ujjayi (ocean) breath before diving into the Bija mantras. We’ll use the healing sound of your own voice to activate your body’s energy centers, or Chakras, going through each one with detail. This unique practice will completely reset your nervous system. Enjoy a sense of energetic balance and bliss! -NYV0132A

Naked Chakra Balancing Meditation using Vocal Sound! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Lior Allay + Elena