Naked Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Tension! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with SAGE

Teacher: Sage
(All Levels)
Opening the shoulder’s and neck are a must, if you work at a desk all day, stressed, lift weights, or maybe carry a baby all day. Many of us suffer from stiff and sore muscles. Opening these muscles can help relieve that. We, including myself, tend to hold tension in our necks that travel into our shoulders. This can cause stiffness, aches, or injuries. These asanas and stretches may help relieve some of that tension. Massage and acupuncture can also be useful tool if yoga is not enough. Stretching is always important. The body needs to relieve itself and can cause an unhealthy balance in your body and life. Many of these stretches you can do anywhere. At work or the comforts of your own home. Always remember to breath as this helps the muscles relax. Start with some shoulder and neck rolls and go from their. -NYV0104A

Naked Yoga for Neck & Shoulder Tension! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with SAGE