Naked Yoga for Menstruation 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

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Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Yoga can be a very useful tool in alleviating PMS and cramps! This soothing yoga class is specifically designed to alleviate the discomfort of menstrual cramps. Through gentle, restorative poses and calming breathing exercises, we’ll focus on relaxing the pelvic area and reducing tension. The sequence includes forward folds, fentle movement, and supportive poses that promote relaxation and circulation in the abdomen, helping to ease menstrual pain. This class will help you reduce menstrual discomfort, enhances relaxation, and improve circulation in the pelvic region. Listen to your body and adjust poses as needed. Avoid any intense abdominal pressure or deep twists if they feel uncomfortable. During a painful periods, a heating pad and walking can be very helpful for cramps. If the cramp pain is excruciating and debilitating, then seek a doctor for proper care. Yoga can just be a helpful tool. It helps release endorphins which we all know help better your mood. It can also calm the nervous system and increase oxygenated energy to your reproductive organs. And lastly, it eases stress and discomfort by encouraging relaxation. PMS does not always have to set you back. It can be a process to get yourself moving but once done, you will feel more balanced and more on track. Your body and mind will thank you. -NYV0215D