Naked Yoga for Energy Circulation 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Energy circulation is one of the most vital functions of your body. Increasing energy circulation helps you power the brain and other organs and supply them with needed oxygen. Let’s increase the oxygen and fresh energy flow within your body by doing this naked yoga sequences! This exercises will help you oxygenate and recharge your body while also alerting your mind! If you are just waking up or need an energy boost in your day, this yoga class is perfect! This rejuvenating class sequence will begin with us laying on the floor on our backs. From there, we will work our way through movements and exercises to build energy. To increase the energy of the body, we will do gentle movements that help you to promote circulation without straining the muscles. This class is for all levels. Let’s begin! -NYV0191A