Naked Yoga For Complete Beginners 2: Basics of Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Sarah Russi

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Sarah Russi
(Level: Complete Beginners)
Welcome to the world of Naked Yoga School! This is a class for people who are doing yoga for very first time! It’s a very basic class that slowly moves through simple and standard poses you will encounter in your average class. We take time to talk about proper/safe alignment and how to get into and out of the pose. This is a slow paced class that focuses on gently introducing first timers to yoga.
We’ll go through the following poses:
Child’s pose, Table Top, Cat/Cow with explorations, Downward Facing Dog, High Plank, Forward Fold, Half Lift, Upward Salute, Mountain Pose,Swan Dive, Low Lunge, Baby cobra, Modified flow, Full vinyasa flow, Chair Pose, Tree Pose, Warrior II, Flying Warrior, Reverse Warrior, Comfortable Seat, Staff Pose, Reclined Pigeon Pose, Windshield Knee Swipes, Corpse Pose,

Naked Yoga For Complete Beginners 2: Basics of Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Sarah Russi