Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 2 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we learn the basic principles of yoga on a physical level. Forward bending, back bending, twisting, and lateral postures. Later on inversions, balancing, strengthening and grounding poses should be introduced to ones practice. Here we explore the proper positioning of two essential basic poses, cobra (bujangasana) for back bending and seated side bend for lateral stretching. The main intention for asanas is to be able to sit in meditation longer with comfort. Back bending is great for building the strength to sit up right, while a cross legged side stretch begins to lengthen the torso in those tight unfelt spaces in the hips, pelvis and lower back.

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Intro to Qi Gong 2 (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Here we move into some of the more esoteric and powerful aspects of Qi Gong. Utilizing breathing techniques visualization and strong intent. We continue some of the kundalini raising approaches through a Qi Gong emphasis. Centering in the dan tien, breath retention and mudras (hand seals). We learn how to receive the vital breath and release the old stagnant energy. The key is to grounding in the navel center allowing everything to expand and to circulate through supple joints. Subtle yet powerful movements are explored.

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Opening the Throat Lotus: Breath and Movement for the Fifth Chakra

(Beginner Level) The fifth chakra is located at the throat and is the center of communication with others and with ourselves. The fifth chakra is all about expression, and the breath and exercises in this lesson serve to open the areas surrounding the throat and connect us with Satya, the yogic concept of truthful speaking and living. We begin with Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing), which balances the analytical and creative sides of the brain. We then move into a vigorous series of Kundalini-style exercises that brings awareness to the area surrounding the fifth chakra while opening and toning the chest and shoulders.

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Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 1 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we are introduced the beginning of our practice. The pronunciation of AUM, Intention setting, the full yogic-breath and basic pranayama. It is essential to connect with one’s center and the ease of breath before starting movement. From here we move into specialized Sun Salutations. Sun Salutations connect us to the cosmic energy of warmth, longevity, openess and focus. Originally sun salutations (surya namaskar) were a series of poses that were intended to be prostrations to the sun. Drawing that ancient wisdom into our awareness we warm the body up, build strength, flexibility and also start to develop more of a relationship between the self and the cosmos.

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Naked Yin Yoga 1: Heart (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) The practice of Yin Yoga inis an invitation to the practitioner to settle into themselves physically and mentally. Unlike traditional hatha and vinyasa practices YANG STYLE OF YOGA, Yin is about letting go of results and exploring the self. The practice of Yin Yoga focuses on the ligaments and fascia (connective tissues) and involves holding the asana (poses) for between five and eight minutes. In this practice we focus on MELTING HEART which opens the chest and the shoulder blades. Practitioners with sensitive knees should ensure to have a blanket near by. Bolsters are also recommended. This pose is followed by an ankle stretch which focusses on opening the ankles. Practitioners with sensitive ankles are encouraged to use blankets or cushions. The practice closes with a meditation inspired by the Sufi Poet Rumi.

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Intro to Qi Gong 1 (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Here we are introduced to some of the basic principles of Qi Gong. These techniques weave nicely into short routines and can even integrate into other yoga practices. Here we learn some highly effective warm ups, proper breathing and softer movements of the distribution of Chi in the body. These movements are foundational in many Qi gong forms. Cloud hands , rocking and swinging.

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Cool Yoga: Saluting the Moon (Naked Yoga School)

(Basic to Intermediate Level) In this lesson, we first learn to use Sithali Pranayam (Tongue Hissing Breath) to cool and soothe the body. Next, we move through a rejuvenating Moon Salutation with a circular, cyclical groove that will help unlock the Divine Feminine within, regardless of external gender. Poses are suitable for basic- through intermediate-level practitioners, though modifications and variations for most levels are offered.
Sithali Pranayam is a useful (and fun!) breathing technique for when you find yourself irritated by the summer heat, flushed with anger, or plagued by hot flashes. This practice also reduces fatigue, bad breath, fevers, and high blood pressure. Note that you should not practice this technique if you suffer from constipation, as Sithali Pranayam cools the digestive tract.

Moon Salutations are a soothing yet empowering variation and counterbalance to classical Sun Salutations. They allow us to honor the feminine side of our energy, in contrast to the Sun Salutations, which stimulate masculine energy. Moon Salutations are not just for women! Men can reconnect, realign and cool down fiery impulses with this sequence. Moon Salutations can shift energy without increasing heat in the body and tend to be less stimulating than Sun Salutations, thereby balancing hot emotions, relaxing and calming the mind and body, and restoring balance.

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Nude Kundalini Yoga 3: Grounding (Naked Yoga School)

(Intermediate) It is important to ground oneself after activating such powerful energies. In this series we close the Kundalini Activation with grounding and re-distribution. We revisit some essential principles and explore some very powerful and helpful grounding asana and movements. This series, in an of itself is a very powerful practice. It is quite healing and integrates techniques from different traditions. Practicing these techniques alone can fit well into any other practice and is extremely beneficial.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 15: The Neuromuscular Harmony of Labor

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women)
Fatigue during labor is often misinterpreted as Pain. In this practice, I will lead through a series of poses in which the psyche, nervous system and immune system have a chance to rest. Both soothing and regenerating, these poses bring balance to our demanding daily lives, allowing us to release tension at deep levels and experience an increased sense of well- being. These are meditative poses in which the body is at rest because it is supported. Props allow the posture (whether a forward-bend, backbend, twist, or inversion) to be held without strain for extended periods of time. An excellent series for those suffering from depression or anxiety.

In this practice, you will learn: Viparita Karani (Belly as Pond Pose) w/ bolster and blanket w/ and w/out Elevated Spine, Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose) w/ variations using bolsters and/or blocks, Supta Baddha Konasana (Queen’s Pose), Side-Lying Pose.

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Naked Yoga School – TRAILER – (

Naked Yoga School is a weekly online yoga instructional video series where you will be guided through nude asana sequences in the privacy of your own home.

The series was developed with unity in mind and with the aim for each participant to reconnect with themselves and others in an open way. Removing your clothes in your practice is a liberating experience but it can be unnerving at first. The teachers in the videos will guide you through the experience and help you cultivate security, strength, centeredness and wholeness. Nakedness is often viewed with shame and fear. This practice is geared toward removing this shame, fear and other limiting self perceptions and instead bring you closer to pride, respect, honor, openness and acceptance. Our instructors will guide you through the practice to help you gain confidence with your body. We are all born naked. It’s OK to be naked. There should be nothing to hide. Let’s do naked yoga and feel free!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chakra Clearing 7: Exploring and Activating The 7 Chakras

(All Levels) The Chakra System directly correlates with the nervous system in the formation of physical, emotional and mental balance. Building a relationship with your Chakras means building a relationship with yourself. It is a never ending and rewarding journey. We will be using a variation of Sound, Breath, Movement, Asana and meditation in this series.
This video initiates the journey of the seven chakras. Its focus is on grounding, activating and clearing the whole energy system. It essential to get grounded in our physical bodies if we are to build a relationship with the more subtle energies that form our seven energy centers. Really connect with these movements and breathing should be full and complete.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Tantric Yoga 2: Labor Positions with Partner (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women) Pushing through to the end-result = goal-oriented (just like w/ sex) neglects the extraordinary journey, the fullness of lessons we could learn along the way. Giving birth is a creative act, and like all creative acts it cannot be forced to conform to society’s unnatural time constraints. The insistence on pushing in labor is a reflection of our cultural attitude that force and haste are superior to trust and patience. Pushing can be dangerous to both the mother and the baby. When a woman is pushing she is holding her breath. Oxygen therefore, is not going to her uterus which makes contracting more difficult and painful. It is also not going to her baby. This can lead to a drop in the fetal heart rate and possible brain damage. Tearing of the perineum is more common for women who have pushed over a long period of time and studies show that pushing does not necessarily get a baby out faster anyway. Practicing labor positions with your partner ahead of time can help you learn to slow down, absorb the fullness of each pause, and BREATHE.

In this practice, you will learn: Lunge Release on wall; Lunge Release on chair; Standing Hang Release; Forward Bend Sacrum Press on Ball-medial and downward; Hands and Knees Lower Back Release; Chair Back Release; Bonding and Visualization in Upavista Konasana (Extended Straddle); Side-Lying Touch Relaxation Exercise.

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Naked Chakra Clearing 4: Heat Chakra (4th Chakra = Anahata)

(All Levels)
Location: Heart (center of the chest)
Color: Green or Pink
Sound: YAM
The heart chakra is considered to be the love center of our human energy system. Among others, love, heartbreak, grief, pain, and fear, are all emotions that are felt intensely within this chakra. Imbalances of the lungs, loneliness, disconnection and sadness can all be imbalances from this center. This center is the most important center for a healthy fullfilling life. This is where our soul is said to live. Our individual nature, BETWEEN heaven (upper chakras), and earth (Lower Chakras). Building strength and awareness, developing compassion and unconditional love, deep fulfillment are all connected to this chakra. May these excercises help you to develop an open flowing heart, and release all suffering.

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Breath and Asana for the First Chakra (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Beginner to Basic Level) Chakras are spinning energy centers along our spine. The first chakra is located at the base of our spine and is the center of physical vitality. It governs issues surrounding primal survival and erotic/procreative urges. When the first chakra is balanced, its grounding force allows us to connect to earth energies and empower ourselves.

After some tips on setting up an altar to encourage those first chakra vibrations, we begin this class with Breath of Fire, which engages the first chakra and fires its energy all over the body. We then move into some supine poses that open the hips and areas surrounding the base of the spine while helping us feel grounded on the floor. Simple standing poses that stretch the backs of the legs open channels for earth energy to flow into the first chakra. We end class in a grounding Savasana (Corpse Pose) with a short meditation on body awareness.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 14: Discovering Strength is Softness

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women) Quickening refers to the moment of awareness when the mother knows she is pregnant. In this practice, we focus on becoming conscious of releasing the quadriceps and external rotators of the hips in order to strengthen them and build our endurance for labor. When we tone, energize, and rest the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles, we can use the quads and hip muscles more efficiently.

In this practice, you will learn: (Cat Cow Pose), (Cat Cow w/ Infinity Circle Hips), Lunges w/blocks, Kapotanasana (Pigeon Pose) w/ bolster and wall, Kapotanasana (Pigeon Pose) w/ bolster and chair, Ustrasana (Camel Pose) at wall, Quad Opener at wall.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Getting to Know the Respiratory System with Yogic Breathing (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Super Beginner Level) New to the practice? This lesson is the perfect introduction for students who want to learn the power of deep breathing. We progress through the three locations of yogic breathing, learning how to isolate different parts of our respiratory system.

Abdominal breathing, with its wonderful expansion of the diaphragm, is pacifying. We learn to direct breath into the lower lobes of our lungs and how we can drop into this feeling of calmness anytime, anywhere. Moving up to the thorax, we learn how to consciously create space between our ribs. Clavicular breathing teaches us to access the upper lobes of the lungs that ensure we are breathing as fully as possible, but often get ignored. Finally, we incorporate all three areas into a deep, continuous yogic breath that will serve as an introduction to each session of our asana practice.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Tantric Yoga 1: Partner work (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Getting into an upside down position can help a breech, an oblique (diagonal lie), or posterior baby reposition themselves into the head-down orientation for birth. During a forward-leaning inversion, the uterus briefly hangs by the cervical ligaments; returning to an up-right position relaxes the ligaments. Babies that are not in a head-down anterior position OR malpositioning of the uterus often put pressure on pelvic nerves, causing pain in the back, groin, and legs. Notice wrist options. These asana also help release lower back and hips which, due to the additional weight of the pregnant belly, often experience discomfort. These asana also help build communication and clarity of intention between partners.

In this practice, you will learn: Sitting Back to Back Breathing, Upavista Konasana w/partner feet at sacrum, Partner Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose) with belt-Pull Variation/Push Variation, Partner Pinchamayurasana preparation (Dolphin Pose) with belt-Pull Variation/Push Variation, Standing double squat: one up/one down; Double squat push/pull arms.

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 13: Diagonal Openings

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women)
As the pregnant belly grows bigger, internal organs are radically displaced: there is a lot less room for the stomach, intestines, bladder, lungs, etc. One way to adapt to this enormous internal re-positioning is by lengthening the side-bodies both through deep side stretches and learning how to breathe laterally.

In this practice, you will learn: Virasana (Hero Pose) w/ arm variations, Diagonal Table Top, Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) w/ blocks, Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose), Trikonasana, Parsavakonsana (Side-Angle Extended Stretch), Gomukhasana (Cow Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Releasing Fun 2: Vinyasa (Naked Yoga School Video)

(LEVEL: Beginners)
In a world constructed out of stress the antidote may be non judgemental play. This lesson is intended to follow up on the theme that more discipline may not be the cure to our ills, but rather exploring the proposition that allowing ourselves more room to release through play may be the best way forward. The yoga inspired antics of the behatted yogini take you through a vinyasa flow sun salutation infused with the opportunity to dance. After warming up the entire body, the fusion of dance and fun are explored through a short dancing warrior series that tap a little into the world of tai chi and culminate in a further exploration of Yin yoga where we open the hips with the dragon and swan poses.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 11: Forward Bend Series with Ropes

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women)
In this practice, the emphasis is on nourishing the parasympathetic nervous system: relaxing the kidneys, adrenal glands, and lower back area. Breath-awareness is a key to help secrete endorphins and let go of adrenaline. Oval breathing helps to lift the front body, relax the back body, and ground the thigh bones – allowing for deeper, more expansive access to your breath. The Law of Sphincters tells us when we relax the jaw, we relax the cervix and uterus; when we release our lips, we release our perineum muscles and pelvic floor. There is a natural expulsive process of the muscles when they are relaxed.

In this practice, you will learn: Facing the Wall Ropes: Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Oval Breathing a) ropes, b) Namaste behind back, Upavista Konasana (Straddle Angle Pose) a) ropes, b) Namaste behind back, Parsva Janu Sirsasana (Side-Flank Stretch Head of the Knee Pose) a) ropes, b) Namaste behind, Parsva Upavista Konasana, (Side-Flank Stretch Upright Angle Pose), a) ropes, b) Namaste behind back, Dandasana (Staff Pose) a) ropes, b) Namaste behind back.

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Naked Orgasmic Birth Practice 3: Ecstatic Birthing Ball 2 (Nude Prenatal Yoga)

(All Levels: Yoga for pregnant women)
This practice is about choosing when and how to let go and hold on. We cannot separate what we believe about life from what we believe about birth. We can use sex and sensuality awareness as a conscious tool for induction, relaxation, and propulsion. The same body parts and hormones that are involved (oxtytocin, relaxin, prostaglandin) during sex are involved during labor and childbirth. Once we understand that the LOVE HORMONES stimulate the Natural Expulsive Reflex (NER)/ Fetal Ejection Reflex (i.e., uterine contractions) we can learn to build confidence in our bodies innate wisdom. Labor and childbirth can become the lived/embodied concept of the Erotic: the infinite connection with oneself, with the universe. Practicing Contraction/Expansion and finally, how to CHOOSE, can allow us to let go. Often, control leads to unconscious contraction; resistance leads to pain. Instead, even just noticing the contraction can change our habitual reaction to what we think is pain (the unfamiliar).

In this practice, you will learn: Standing Balance Pose Front/Back; Standing Balance Pose Lateral; Child’s Pose Roll; Bridge lift w/ Ball under shoulder blades; Torso Twist (Gate Pose); Hip Release on Back-roll back/forth; Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose) w/Feet on Ball; Legs Elevated.

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Naked Orgasmic Birth Practice 2: Ecstatic Birthing Ball 1 (Nude Prenatal Yoga)

(All Levels: Yoga for pregnant women) Trusting your intuition becomes an essential part of labor and childbirth – this may involve exploring parts of our body and consciousness that have been socialized out of us. Many women have orgasms during birth, but may interpret them as pain because the sensations are more intense than anything previously experienced and because women (everyone) are conditioned to expect pain. The SAME RECEPTORS IN BRAIN FUNCTION FOR BOTH PLEASURE AND PAIN. A single orgasm is thought to be 22 times as relaxing as the average tranquilizer. Often, it’s exactly what a woman needs in order to relieve the tension that is preventing the birth response from doing its job. Most doctors, however, are either unaware of this fact, or prefer more artificial methods.

In this practice, you will learn: Eyes closed-Hip rotations/Ribs rotations on ball; Half dog w/ catcow and rotations; Squats; Upavista Konasana w/side bend, Parsva Konasana (Side Angle Extended Stretch); Virabhandrasana II (Warrior II); Virabhandrasana I (Warrior I); Airport Hip Opener w/Namaste behind back.

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Naked Orgasmic Birth Practice 1: Dynamic Relaxation (Nude Prenatal Yoga)

(All Levels: Yoga for pregnant women)

I have been researching the physiology of female orgasm and female ejaculation since the mid-90s.  Now that I am pregnant and investigating orgasmic birth, I am including the politics of childbirth into this matrix of hyper-medicalized cultural conditioning which uproots our most basic human functions.  Vulnerability as a form of strength is key to reclaiming the wisdom of our bodies. Pregnancy/Labor/ChildBirth mirror the most remarkable contraction: What is the most NORMAL part of our bodies’ capacity is also the most miraculous. For almost 15 years, I have been teaching Iyengar yoga, Body Consciousness Workshops, Yoga and Sexuality Workshops – Prenatal Work is the culmination!!!  In this practice, the emphasis is on nourishing the parasympathetic nervous system. Breath-awareness is a key to help secrete endorphins and inhibit the release of adrenaline.  The Law of Sphincters tells us when we relax the jaw, we relax the cervix and uterus; when we release our lips, we release our perineum muscles and pelvic floor.  There is a natural expulsive process of the muscles when they are relaxed. Pushing may not be needed for childbirth if the mother feels completely relaxed and confident:  safety, darkness, warmth, and privacy are essential elements in this process. It is critical to not stimulate her neocortex.

In this practice, you will learn: Supported Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Oval Breathing and Soft Pelvic Floor-Eye exercises, Tongue/Jaw Qi Gong Exercise; Virasana (Hero Pose)- Horse Lips=Cervical Dilation, Exhilarating/Excruciating Toe Pose-Irrelevant Tension Focus, All Fours (orgasmic birthing videos): Diagonal Stretch Reach-wrist alternatives, Lion’s Breath-Pituitary Gland Focus, Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) legs, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Bridge w/Sacrum block.

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Naked Chakra Clearing 3: Third Chakra (solar plexus chakra = Manipura)

(All Levels)
Location: Naval (3 inches above belly button -by solar plexus)
Color: Yellow
Sound: RAM

Will, Boundaries, Selfhood, Digestion, Power, self-esteem and personal boundaries are all associated with this center. When this cernter is out of balance, we can walk on others or be walked on; suffer poor digestion, poor self worth and or poor circulation. Learning to honor ourselves is part of our divine journey in this reality. These excercises can build strong confidence in one self, build digestion, will power, raise body heat, cleanse and detox the body as well as improve circulation. Again these excercises can be very activating, so start slow and notice what you discover. If you become very angry allow the anger to be expressed in a healthy way…through sound and breath, until the energy moves. Be gentle with yourself.

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 12: Spinning Baby II (Inversions for Pregnancy Discomfort II)

(Advanced Level) Getting into an upside down position can help a breech, an oblique (diagonal lie), or posterior baby reposition themselves into the head-down orientation for birth. During a forward-leaning inversion, the uterus briefly hangs by the cervical ligaments; returning to an up-right position relaxes the ligaments. Babies that are not in a head-down anterior position OR malpositioning of the uterus often put pressure on pelvic nerves, causing pain in the back, groin, and legs. Notice wrist options. These asanas also help release lower back and hips which, due to the additional weight of the pregnant belly, often experience discomfort.

In this practice, you will learn: Wall Hang w/ blocks, Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose) on the ropes, Sling Inversion w/ ropes, Headless Headstand w/ 2 chairs, Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) Chair and Wall Variations, Viparita Karani (Belly as Pond Pose) w/ bolster and blanket.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 10: Discovering Your Side Bodies

(All Levels) As the pregnant belly grows bigger, internal organs are radically displaced: there is a lot less room for the stomach, intestines, bladder, lungs, etc. One way to adapt to this enormous internal re-positioning is by lengthening the side-bodies both through deep side stretches and learning how to breathe laterally.

In this practice, you will learn: (Active Child’s Pose Lateral Opening), Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/ Fingers inter-laced over-head and side bend, (Half Moon Kirpalu Style), Parsva Janu Sirsasana (Side-Flank Stretch Head of the Knee Pose), Parsva Upavista Konasana,

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 9: Connecting with Mother Earth (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Our feet bear the physical and psychological weight of our daily demands. They connect us to the earth and give us the opportunity for movement. Feet are both very personal, while they lead us to others. Many injuries in the ankles, knees, hips, back and neck originate from unconscious use of the feet. Additionally, because of the interconnectedness of the feet muscles with those of the pelvic floor, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and bladder problems often stem improper foot use. As a pregnant woman, foot/inner arch consciousness becomes an essential practice to help properly tone the pelvic floor. Toe, Feet, and Ankle exercises can also reduce swelling. Always use a wall or chair if free-balancing feels intimidating or inappropriate.

In this practice, you will learn: Yoga Nidra Ankle Roll, Excruciating/Exhilarating Toe Pose, Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Tree Pose), Nataranjasana, (Dancer Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chair Yoga 1: Warrior Poses (Naked Yoga School)

(Basic Level) A firm, stable chair is a versatile assistant for your yoga practice. In this video, we explore four standing poses, including the three primary Warrior Poses, with a focus on establishing healthy alignment and activation. The Warrior Poses are challenging due to the combined requirements of leg strength and length. Working with a chair supplements your foundation for these poses, allowing you to more deeply explore the energy of the warrior. The chair can also support the expansion of your focus to encompass the complexity of these asymmetrical poses (your left and right legs are arranged differently).

Asana presented in this teacher-and-student video include: Virabhadrasana I, II and III (Warrior 1, 2 and 3) and Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 8: Preparing for Breast-Feeding (Stabilizing the Shoulder Joints)

(All Levels) One of the most significant aspects of a natural childbirth is what follows – the lactation-bonding process. In order to reduce tension in the neck and shoulder area, whether or not one is carrying and/or breasting their child, we can learn to integrate the upper arm bones in the shoulder sockets. Using core strength and not straining the neck or back, this conscious integration helps stabilize the muscles of the torso.

In this practice, you will learn: (Safe Neck Rolls), Virasana (Hero Pose) w/Cactus Arms; Thumbs in Armpits; Oval Breathing, w/ Namaste Behind Back; Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Arms, on Hands and Knees Shoulder Retractions, on Forearms and Knees Shoulder Retractions.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chakra Clearing 2: Second Chakra = Swadhisthana = Dan Tien

(All Levels)
Location: Lower Abdomen (2 inches below belly button)
Color: Orange
Sound: VAM

Nurturing, Creativity, Connection to emotions, life, self, the water element, the urigenital system, kidneys, sexual organs etc, are just a few things associated with the naval chakra. When this chakra is imbalanced we can suffer from feeling not enough, low energy, blocked creativity, sexual addictions and poor self esteem are just a few. When we bring the second chakra into balance we can truly honor other’s boundaries and also deepen that connection in identifying what we are actually feeling on a deeper level. These excercises can build strong vitality and are extremely beneficial for balancing second chakra energies.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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