Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/860480904
Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)
Naked Yoga for Menstruation 4: Yoga for Period! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Today’s practice is for those of us that have any relationship at all to our uteruses! If you
have challenging periods, experience bloating, cramps, and could use some support while on
your period, hopefully this is a sequence that could help you during that time of the month. It is a
grounded flow that is meant to be very gentle and easy in the body. It is for those who want a
relaxing vibe! Summary of asana poses: Butterfly pose, Reclined windshield, Cat/Cow, Hip press, Hip circles, Cobra, Reclined Stretch, Semi Wide Legged seated forward fold, Straddle stretch, Legs up the wall pose, Plow pose, Modified bridge pose. -NYV0195C