Naked Meditation for Beginners! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Sarah Russi

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Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Sarah Russi
(Level: Beginners)

Naked Meditation for Beginners! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Sarah Russi
The breath is our life force and is a great tool to learn how to utilize within and outside of yoga. Today, We dive into various breathing techniques used within yoga, instead of moving postures/poses. This class is a seated breathing meditation. (Suggested to do with your back supported by a wall or bolster as we will be sitting for awhile).
In this class, breathing techniques we explore: Ujjayi, Shining Skull Breath, Lion’s Breath, Alternate Nostril Breath, Three Part Breath.-NYV0135A