Naked Ballet Exercises 1: Arm and Leg Positions (Naked Yoga School)

(Level: Intermediate) In this brief video, we will go over a few concepts that are crucial to understanding ballet. We will go over the arm and leg positions, and proper posture. It is much more worthwhile to focus on doing a movement correctly to one’s best ability, rather than forcing turn-out or bigger movements. Start small, and increase strength and range of motion gradually. Complete beginners are advised to take a beginner ballet class, since a teacher trained in ballet will pick up on any misalignments or incorrect positioning that a beginner may not recognize.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked DIY Yoga Props 4: Supported Wheel with a Stool (Naked Yoga School)

(Advanced & Intermediate Level) Wheel (Inverted Bow) is one of the most recognizable shapes in yoga.  Many of us rush into the pose, wanting to be able to tell ourselves that we can successfully take on the challenge.  But using an adjustable stool as a prop helps us learn patience and proper form.  Beginning with standing backbends and shoulder openers, we continue to prepare for supported wheel pose with camel pose and upward bow pose.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked DIY Yoga Props 3: Deep Openers with a Necktie (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Who knew that a necktie could be such a great yoga prop?  In today’s slow, stretchy class, we use a necktie to work deep into the muscles of inner and outer thigh and hamstring.  Next, grab a partner to assist you into the most relaxing bridge and downward dog variations you’ll ever experience.  We close using the necktie to bring us deeply into a seated forward bend.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked DIY Yoga Props 2: Bringing the Floor to You with Books (Naked Yoga School)

(Intermediate Level) Standing twisted positions like reverse triangle and low lunge twists are detoxifying and strengthening, but the tricky alignment of the hips and shoulder can sabotage the pose.  In today’s class, we use four to six thick books in lieu of overpriced foam yoga blocks.  We will show you how to fix common alignment issues in these and other foundational standing postures. Using thick books as props effectively elevate the floor to give you space to expand your pose like never before.  We cool down in reclined badda konasana, using the books to allow the legs to relax.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked DIY Yoga Props 1: Strengthening Series with Tennis Ball Wrist Supports (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) In yoga, we spend a lot of time bearing weight on our hands.  For beginners – and even for some advanced practitioners – that can translate to stiffness and soreness in the wrists.  During today’s class we learn a series of yoga-based exercises that will strengthen your core and improve your overall practice.  You can perform these exercises on a stand-alone basis, or add them to your regular home practice.  To reward ourselves for our hard work, we close class with some yummy Thai massage!  Cut a tennis ball in half before we begin; we’ll be using it as wrist support.  Say good bye to sore wrists!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Robotic Dance 14: Adding Robotics and Freestyle (Naked Yoga School)

(Intermediate) Now that we have come to an end of this series, we will find a way to combine all of the things we have learned- Cobra style, Waving, Snaking, Slow Motion- as well as adding in Robotics. If robotics is new to you, it is another street style that focuses on start/stop isolations in the body; in other words, it is not continuous motion. We will focus on how to make any style robotic by adding in start/stop isolations. I will encourage you to do freestyle movement, or you can watch me for different ideas. The goal of freestyle movement is to move without thinking; allow your body to think for you. A good way to see how your motion changes is to put on different music when you practice; see how you move to opera, country, heavy metal, or even just city noise. Hopefully you have found new and interesting ways to move your body, and have enjoyed this series!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Robotic Dance 13: Slow Motion Meditation (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels)
This is the simplest in terms of movement, but possibly the most challenging exercise in this series. The Slow Motion dance style is very unique, and reminds me of meditative walking present in many cultures. I recommend using a yoga mat, or setting an “end” point on any non-slippery surface about 6 feet away from you. The goal of this exercise is to take 10 minutes to walk from point A to point B. I recommend not watching in the mirror or timing yourself, but instead fully focusing on how it feels to move and be present within your own body. As always, go at your own pace, and have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked Robotic Dance 12: Body Waves (Naked Yoga School)

(Intermediate Level)
Now that we have learned waving for the arms and snaking, the next natural step is body waves! It is recommended that you use a yoga mat or other non-slippery surface to stand on. It is recommended that you watch the videos on waving arms and snaking before this video. There are many, many ways to do body waves, but in this video we will focus only on a few: initiating from the fingers, and initiating from the head. If you want to explore more ways to body wave, think of different parts of the body you could use to initiate movement, and different ways to terminate movement. As always, go at your own pace, and have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked Robotic Dance 11: Snaking Movement
 (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) 
Another continuous motion style is Snaking- you can visualize how a snake moves along leading with its head to understand where this style gets its name! It is recommended that you use a yoga mat or other non-slippery surface to stand on, and to start with smaller, controlled movements closer to your center of gravity. We will explore how different foot placement allows for different ranges of motion. This is certainly a very different way to move your body, so go at your own pace!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked Robotic Dance 10: Cobra Arms(Naked Yoga School)

(All levels)
 Building upon waving arms, we will add arm movements to cobra isolations of the torso and hips. It is recommended that you do not practice in front of a mirror, and that you use a yoga mat or other non-slippery surface to stand on. We will build up from natural movement, so it is crucial that you relax and allow your body to move freely. This is a great way to challenge your brain! As always, go at your own pace, and have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked Robotic Dance 9: Waving Arms (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels)  Using movements from another dance style in street dance, we will find other ways to move and become more aware of our bodies. We will focus on arm waves, and what is an “in” wave vs. an “out” wave, and how breathing comes into play. It is recommended that you do not practice in front of a mirror, and that you use a yoga mat or other non-slippery surface to stand on. If you have had any type of shoulder or back injury in the past, please be extra aware and do not over-exert yourself. As always, go at your own pace, and have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video

Naked Robotic Dance 8: Isolations in Cobra Style (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) In this series, we will be focusing on the beneficial aspects of certain dance moves; we will not be focusing on how we look when dancing, but rather how we feel. It is recommended that you do not watch yourself in a mirror, and that you use a yoga mat or other non-slippery surface to stand on. This is a video lesson utilizing dance concepts from Cobra style, one of the many styles in street dance. We will focus on breath awareness, isolations, and proper placement. This may feel very foreign at first, but is great for opening up your hips, and building better awareness of your core. I recommend watching this series in order, since each video will build upon the last; however, feel free to jump right in and start with any video marked “all levels”. Go at your own pace, and have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Weight Loss Yoga 5: Compassionate Journey (Naked Yoga School)

(LEVEL: Beginners)  We begin with sun salutations to center ourselves and warm up. This is followed with core strengthening poses plow and shoulder stand. In addition to working the core these traditional poses work the endocrine system stimulating the necessary hormones to promote weight loss. These poses also ask us to come to terms with our bodies and to develop compassion for the process of losing weight.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Weight Loss Yoga 4: Loving Ourselves (Naked Yoga School)

(LEVEL: Beginners) 
Sun salutations are a joyful way to burn calories while lifting our spirits. There is a strong relationship between stress and unhappiness and weight gain. Yoga is brilliant for weight loss because it not only works the body but it also works the spirit. Again we explore further options for reducing that troublesome belly with cycling moves and standing bow.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Weight Loss Yoga 3: Rediscovering the Joy of Movement (Naked Yoga School)

(LEVEL: Beginners) Sun salutations are highly beneficial for promoting circulation and weight loss and should be incorporated into any yoga routine which is being done to support weight loss. In this video we modify the sun salutation to have additional calorie burning benefits. Again we address the troublesome belly area with plank and side plank pose. Additionally we explore how breath work can be used to aid weight loss.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Weight Loss Yoga 2: Exploring the Core (Naked Yoga School)

(LEVEL: Beginners) 
Rediscovering or embracing our innate love of movement is one of the greatest outcomes of embarking on a journey to transform your body. This practice is intended to mindfully create awareness to release the excess weight around our mid sections which compromises our lower back and joints). In this video we explore the sun salutation and ways to modify it to increase the ability to promote weight loss through yoga.  The belly is a vulnerable area for most of us. Hopefully those of you embarking on this journey will take the time to supplement your fitness regime by reading up on all of the interesting research as to the benefits of eliminating certain foods. In this video we explore some abdominal work that will help to tone and bring awareness to the belly.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Robotic Dance 3: Intro to Robotic Movement (Naked Yoga School)

(Level: Super Beginner) Robotics is a form of street dance that became popular in the late 1960’s, with Michael Jackson bringing it more into mainstream culture from the underground dance scene. It involves movement with definite stops, called DIME STOPS. Robotic movement is the foundation to most other styles- popping, waving, cobra, snaking, tutting… once you have robotics down, you gain valuable skills that will aid you in any other street dance style. In this video, we will learn some basic robotic moves to practice that is appropriate for all levels and ages. You are encouraged to move at your own pace, and use these moves to become aware of your range of motion. The key to robotics is to find the balance between being in control of your movements without getting too relaxed or too tense. Keep the moves you do slow and controlled, and most of all have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Yin Yoga 7: Writer’s Pose – Sphinx and Seal (Naked Yoga School)

(All levels) Yin Yoga is a quiet practice where poses can be done independently or in a sequence which fits in really well to a writer’s practice. Known for their odd and long hours in a seated position incorporating a writer can often find themselves blocked physically and mentally. Sphinx and Seal are excellent poses as they stimulate the sacrum and allow the body’s energy to flow while the mind to rests. This pose is also good for anyone such as an accountant or designers whose work requires long periods of time by the computer. Practitioners are encouraged to use whatever props are necessary to allow them to surrender to these poses and free their minds while loosening joints and connective tissue.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Yin Yoga 6: Channeling the Dragon (Naked Yoga School)

(All levels) According to Chinese mythology the Dragon indicates good luck and strength. The practice of the Dragon allows the practitioner to address the challenges which physically manifest themselves in the hips thus placing the Practitioner in the unique position of simultaneously embodying the spirit of the Dragon and the spirit of the knight who is brave enough to face the dragon. It is not uncommon to have a strong emotional experience while holding a pose for extended periods of time thus contributing to cleansing both the body and the mind and facilitating a freer state of being. We then move into snail pose inviting tranquility through the release of the spine. Practitioners are encouraged to use whatever props are necessary to allow them to surrender to these poses and free their minds while loosening joints and connective tissue.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Robotic Dance 2: Adding the Feet to Robotics (Naked Yoga School)

(Level: Super Beginner) The last video, we learned how to isolate either the head or arms in the robotic style; now, we will begin to use the feet. Again, do not worry what this looks like yet; the focus of this is to get the FEEL of it! The feet in robotics never lift off the floor; have an image of a toy robot that a child would play with that “shuffles” across the floor. There are many ways to use the feet, but in this video we will focus on the most natural way- robotic walking. A good way to start is to walk across the room normally; notice that when your right foot steps out, your left arm swings forward. Now, try to slide your right foot directly in front of you, and bring your left arm forward in whatever way feels natural to you. Make sure that for now the motions are coordinated- when your foot starts moving, your arm starts moving; when your foot stops, your arm stops. Practicing this for just 5 minutes a day will help bring it into your muscle memory.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Robotic Dance 1: Arms and head in Robotics (Naked Yoga School)

(Level: Super Beginner) Robotics is the foundation of all styles related to popping. It is a great way for dancers and non-dancers to build better body awareness, mental acuity, and muscle control. The focus of this exercise is to isolate different parts of the body while leaving all other parts of the body motionless; a good picture to keep in mind is a painter using a paintbrush. In order to give a definitive mark, you should be very precise. Before you begin, it is advisable to stand on a yoga mat, or another surface that you will not be tempted to move your feet on.
When learning, focus on only a few body parts at first; in this video, we focus on the head and arms. Find a comfortable starting position (see the suggested one in video), and move one arm, until it naturally comes to a stop; with practice, you will become more in tune with when this natural stop is. When that arm is still again, move the next arm until the natural stop. Then, move the head, and so on. Try to be aware of which part you are moving, and which parts you are not. Do not worry what this looks like, focus on how it feels!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Yoga School (Trailer)

Naked Yoga School is a weekly online yoga instructional video series where you will be guided through nude asana sequences in the privacy of your own home.

The series was developed with unity in mind and with the aim for each participant to reconnect with themselves and others in an open way. Removing your clothes in your practice is a liberating experience but it can be unnerving at first. The teachers in the videos will guide you through the experience and help you cultivate security, strength, centeredness and wholeness. Nakedness is often viewed with shame and fear. This practice is geared toward removing this shame, fear and other limiting self perceptions and instead bring you closer to pride, respect, honor, openness and acceptance. Our instructors will guide you through the practice to help you gain confidence with your body. We are all born naked. It’s OK to be naked. There should be nothing to hide. Let’s do naked yoga and feel free!

Naked Yoga School (trailer)

Naked Yin Yoga 5: Salute to the Self (Naked Yoga School)

(All levels) Yin Yoga is a quiet practice which allows the practitioner to increase their level of self awareness through the retention of positions for up to five minutes. Stillness is a profound teacher. The Yin practice is an exploration of stillness from a variety of different perspectives. Unlike traditional seated meditation, where the mind eventually settles into the habit of a single position, the Yin practice challenges the mind to scan the practitioners internal life from multiple angles. This lesson focuses on releasing the spine and hips with the butterfly pose and the child’s pose. Like a grain of sand under a microscope these seemingly simple poses, often regarded as basic in Hatha yoga classes, are both healing and challenging when held for extended periods of time. Practitioners are encouraged to use whatever props are necessary to allow them to surrender to these poses and free their minds while loosening joints and connective tissue.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 5 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we explore some basic, but powerful hip opening asanas and movements. Hip opening is another layer that I feel is essential for a successful yoga practice. The hips hold so much information and are the bridge between our lower body and upper body. Opening the hips allows us to feel more connected to the earth, supports opening the pathways for the vital energy to circulate into the rest of the body. Opening the hips also allows for a more comfortable and deeper meditation. Make sure to really deepen the breath in these poses. Long steady complete breathing, really guiding the awareness into the mystery of the hips.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nine More Months till Bathing Suit Season! (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Nine months! Nine years! Nine lifetimes! At the end of the day having a belly does not really matter. In fact a belly is far more sweet then a terrifying fitness model with a six pack!!! Still, if we dig beneath the surface and the barrage of ads focussing on the cosmetic aspect of having a strong core, maintaining a strong core is important. The belly – back connection comes up a lot in the practice of Chinese medicine. This practice is intended to warm up the body get the blood flowing and strengthen key core muscles!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 4 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we move into standing poses supporting strength building, focus and balance. Balancing is important for finding our ground, they build focus, core strength and are helpful for developing proper alignment awareness. I feel they are an essential part of a dynamic yoga practice. In this series we explore two basic balancing poses. For strengthening we explore a couple of warrior variations as well as down ward facing dog. Warrior poses offer a lot of the same benefits of balancing poses, while also opening the hips hearts and discovering our sense of power. In downward dog its really important to discover how our unique body fits into this pose (*this is true for any pose, but especially this pose). This pose frequents many modern vinyasa flows and is often done incorrectly. Here we discover the proper way to sink into this powerful pose.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Yin Yoga 4: Dragonflies and Frogs (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) This practice is intended to focus on the front and back of the groin area. The dragonfly is a deep hip stretch which also addresses the lower back and the hamstrings. Practitioners are asked to let go of presumptions and judging where they should be and to accept where they are and melt into it. This pose is followed by the frog pose which is excellent for the groin area. Practitioners should feel free to use cushions and blankets in a manner that will allow them to give in to the poses and let go. The practice closes with a meditation inspired by the Sufi Poet Rumi.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 3 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we continue the journey into the basic postures. We move into the seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana) and the basic seated twist (ardha matsyendrasana). Forward folding is complementary to back bending. The forward fold is great for calming the mind and it reduces vata (wind) and tones the kidneys. Make sure to let your heart is lift and spine lengthens in this pose. Twisting tones all the organs and central nervous system. Practice regularly and it will bring much balance to your internal alignments. Allow yourself to keep your heart lifted and open from the hip in your seated twisting. Breathe deep and slow.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Yin Yoga 3: Dragons (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) The dragon series of the Yin Yoga practice is the most rigorous of the asanas. The variations on the dragon address the hips through the Yin equivalent of the crescent poses which feature prominently in Vinyasa yoga. While lunges are often a means of transition dragon asks us to contemplate the journey by remaining in this pose between five to eight minutes. Practitioners should ensure that they have any necessary props in particular a blanket for those with sensitive knees or two blankets if you have sensitive knees and ankles. The dragon is followed by some gentle twists in the deer pose which is excellent for stimulating the body’s internal cleansing system. The practice closes with a meditation inspired by the Sufi Poet Rumi.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Beginners Naked Hatha Yoga 2 (Naked Yoga School)

(Beginners & All levels) Here we learn the basic principles of yoga on a physical level. Forward bending, back bending, twisting, and lateral postures. Later on inversions, balancing, strengthening and grounding poses should be introduced to ones practice. Here we explore the proper positioning of two essential basic poses, cobra (bujangasana) for back bending and seated side bend for lateral stretching. The main intention for asanas is to be able to sit in meditation longer with comfort. Back bending is great for building the strength to sit up right, while a cross legged side stretch begins to lengthen the torso in those tight unfelt spaces in the hips, pelvis and lower back.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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