Naked Prenatal Yoga 9: Connecting with Mother Earth (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) Our feet bear the physical and psychological weight of our daily demands. They connect us to the earth and give us the opportunity for movement. Feet are both very personal, while they lead us to others. Many injuries in the ankles, knees, hips, back and neck originate from unconscious use of the feet. Additionally, because of the interconnectedness of the feet muscles with those of the pelvic floor, incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and bladder problems often stem improper foot use. As a pregnant woman, foot/inner arch consciousness becomes an essential practice to help properly tone the pelvic floor. Toe, Feet, and Ankle exercises can also reduce swelling. Always use a wall or chair if free-balancing feels intimidating or inappropriate.

In this practice, you will learn: Yoga Nidra Ankle Roll, Excruciating/Exhilarating Toe Pose, Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Tree Pose), Nataranjasana, (Dancer Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chair Yoga 1: Warrior Poses (Naked Yoga School)

(Basic Level) A firm, stable chair is a versatile assistant for your yoga practice. In this video, we explore four standing poses, including the three primary Warrior Poses, with a focus on establishing healthy alignment and activation. The Warrior Poses are challenging due to the combined requirements of leg strength and length. Working with a chair supplements your foundation for these poses, allowing you to more deeply explore the energy of the warrior. The chair can also support the expansion of your focus to encompass the complexity of these asymmetrical poses (your left and right legs are arranged differently).

Asana presented in this teacher-and-student video include: Virabhadrasana I, II and III (Warrior 1, 2 and 3) and Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 8: Preparing for Breast-Feeding (Stabilizing the Shoulder Joints)

(All Levels) One of the most significant aspects of a natural childbirth is what follows – the lactation-bonding process. In order to reduce tension in the neck and shoulder area, whether or not one is carrying and/or breasting their child, we can learn to integrate the upper arm bones in the shoulder sockets. Using core strength and not straining the neck or back, this conscious integration helps stabilize the muscles of the torso.

In this practice, you will learn: (Safe Neck Rolls), Virasana (Hero Pose) w/Cactus Arms; Thumbs in Armpits; Oval Breathing, w/ Namaste Behind Back; Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Arms, on Hands and Knees Shoulder Retractions, on Forearms and Knees Shoulder Retractions.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chakra Clearing 2: Second Chakra = Swadhisthana = Dan Tien

(All Levels)
Location: Lower Abdomen (2 inches below belly button)
Color: Orange
Sound: VAM

Nurturing, Creativity, Connection to emotions, life, self, the water element, the urigenital system, kidneys, sexual organs etc, are just a few things associated with the naval chakra. When this chakra is imbalanced we can suffer from feeling not enough, low energy, blocked creativity, sexual addictions and poor self esteem are just a few. When we bring the second chakra into balance we can truly honor other’s boundaries and also deepen that connection in identifying what we are actually feeling on a deeper level. These excercises can build strong vitality and are extremely beneficial for balancing second chakra energies.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 7: For Your Whole Body

(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your whole body integrates the various parts that are featured in the other instructional videos of this series. Specifically, we work on opening the front of the body, releasing tension from the back of the body, and balancing the sides. The bigger actions included in this video require greater attention on your part to remain stable and safe in your chair. In yoga, your mental focus is as much a part of the practice as your physical motions. The movements and mindfulness of this full-body practice can boost your energy level, soothe your nerves, and counterbalance the postural habits that emerge from long-term sitting.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 7 – Hip Stabilizers (Asana for pregnant women)

As pregnancy progresses, relaxin, a hormone that facilitates the pelvis to open during childbirth, is released. Especially since women in general and specifically pregnant women can overstretch their ligaments, it is essential to learn how to stabilize the hips. These asanas help you to articulate the hip sockets, increasing circulation, flexibility, and stability in the pelvic region – of which become essential for natural childbirth.

In this practice, you will learn: USING PROPS–Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Oval Breathing; (Log Pose), Janu Sirsasana (Head of the Knee Pose), Upavista Konasana, (Upright Angle Pose) w/blocks at feet.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Chakra Clearing 1: Root Chakra (First Chakra = Muladhara)

(All Levels)
Location: Base of Spine
Color: Red
Sound: LAM
Grounding, Saftey, self preservation, connection to the earth, the immune system and tribal identity are just a few things associated with this chakra. Balancing this chakra is essential for better functioning and the ability to actually identify what we are feeling. Some of this excercises are extremely powerul and have been kept secret at one point. They can move a lot of energy, so it is recommended to be gentle, and really pay attention to shifts in your awareness.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Lower Body Stretching (Naked Yoga School Video)

(All Levels) We begin with the Hero Pose that opens up the hips and legs. Then we come onto our backs for the Single Leg Stretch of both legs. After we move into the Upward Facing Double Leg Stretch as best as you can. Then coming up into a sitting position we will do the Sitting Forward Bend Series which consists of the left/right leg Single Forward Bend and Double leg Forward Bend. After we will relax the stretched leg muscles with the Butterfly Pose. Then we will conclude with the Spinal Twist. The Spinal Twist helps remove toxins from your digestive organs. As you do these asanas naked, feel the full opening of your lower body.

In this video you will learn the following asanas: Virasana (Hero Pose), Supta Padangushtasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose left/right), Urdhva Mukha Paschimatanasana (Upward Facing Back Stretch Pose), Janu-Shirshasana (Head-to-Knee Pose left/right leg), Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Purna Titali Asana (Full Butterfly Pose),
Matsyendrasana (Full Spinal Twist).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 6: Spinning Baby (Inversions for Pregnancy Discomfort)

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women)
Getting into an upside down position can help a breech, an oblique (diagonal lie), or posterior baby reposition themselves into the head-down orientation for birth. During a forward-leaning inversion, the uterus briefly hangs by the cervical ligaments; returning to an up-right position relaxes the ligaments. Babies that are not in a head-down anterior position OR malpositioning of the uterus often put pressure on pelvic nerves, causing pain in the back, groin, and legs. Notice wrist options. These asanas also help release lower back and hips which, due to the additional weight of the pregnant belly, often experience discomfort.

In this practice, you will learn: (Cat Cow Pose), (Cat Cow w/ Infinity Circle Hips), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose), Variation on Adho Mukha Svanasana (Three-Legged, Open-Hipped Downward Dog Pose), (Dolphin Pose), (Three-Legged, Closed-Hip Dolphin Pose), Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose) w/ variations.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Kundalini Yoga 2: Intermediate ~ Advanced

(Level: Intermediate – Advanced)
This series builds on the previous, diving deeper into activating the kundalini energy, detoxifying, and healing the body. Here we focus on intent and intensity. Raising the energy and re-distributing it through blocks in the body. Proper intent during breath retention is essential for re-distributing the proper flow of prana in the subtle channels.

*This series raises more heat and is not suggested for beginners. It is also advisable to pace yourself and not over do these exercises, even if you are a more experienced yogi.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 6: For Your Head and Neck

(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your head and neck directly addresses the chronic tension that creeps into your life as an office worker. Moving your neck through a complete range of motion is a great way to relax — it’s so natural you probably do it already — but the neck’s flexibility is also is vulnerability, which is why guided instruction can be so beneficial, particularly if your neck is already sore or tight. In this sequence, you will also explore key locations in the head where tension is stored: the jaw, tongue and eyes. These practices may seem silly or too small to matter; it is precisely that tension of the mind which this practice can also begin to soften.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Releasing Fun 1 (Naked Yoga School Video)

(LEVEL: Beginners) The series is intended to present the practitioner with an opportunity to focus on whimsy and explore whether or notwhimsy may be the best medicine. Somewhere along the lines yoga in the US has taken a funny turn whereby it has decided to compete with bootcamps and the trumped of drama of reality weight loss shows and we now find ourselves packed into classes with toes in our faces and hard bodied actresses telling us we are not disciplined enough, even though we have worked the past seven days straight, and still don’t have enough money to get a tooth filled. Thus in a world of pure stress the antidote may be non judgemental play, and play you will in sun salutations based on the Sivananda series, triangle pose and some core strengtheners followed by a small introduction to the practice of Yin yoga, where the focus is on loosening up the connective tissues.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 5: Standing Strong (Pregnancy Yoga)

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women) These asanas (postures) offer courage and clarity to the body and mind – very needed attributes during all stages of pregnancy (especially the third trimester). They require a strong sense of balance, clear use of feet in relation to the floor and your own body, and also help with the critical lesson of what to hold on to and what to let go of.

In this practice, you will learn: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Half Moon Kirpalu Style, Trikonasana (Triangle Pose) Ardha Chandrasana, (Half-Moon Pose), Trikonasana, Parsavakonsana (Side-Angle Extended Stretch), Virabhadrasana II (Warrior Two Pose), Reverse Virabhadrasana.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Kundalini Yoga 1: Basic (Naked Yoga School)

(All Levels) This series introduces some of the basic fundamentals in activating and stimulating the dormant energy at the base of the spine. This series can generate a lot of heat in the body to help burn up toxins and stimulate healing. We explore breathing techniques and some of the fundamental and universal approaches to stimulating kundalini energy form a multi-disciplatory approach. Techniques tone all the organs and are especially good for opening the hips for meditation and activating the spine.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 5: For Your Upper Torso

(Level: Basic) (Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your upper torso works with the chest, shoulders and upper back. In addition to relieving tension and pain in the targeted areas, this practice is a great way to start opening your rib cage for a deeper, fuller, easier breath. You can’t live without your breath, and your posture, particularly your seated posture, could be suffocating you, literally. Signs of inadequate breath include sleepiness, inattention, difficulty staying focused, irritability, even panic. This video will teach you gentle methods for relaxing your shoulders, energizing your chest, and making the space to breathe your best — all from the comfort of your chair.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Strengthening Your Core (Naked Yoga School video series)

(Intermediate Level) We begin with Upward Mountain Pose into the Chair Pose then over into Passive Forward Bend. This pose strengthens your ab and leg muscles. Moving onto all fours we will come up into Downward Facing Dog Pose that includes an alternate arm/leg raising balance challenge. Next up is the Plank series, a challenging balance series. Now we will come onto our backs for the Boat Pose followed by Both Feet Big Toe Pose which is a challenging balance pose. We will conclude with a Locust Pose Strength Exercise that will lead directly into the Locust Pose. Make sure to breathe when holding these poses rather than holding your breath, breathing will help you hold the poses stronger and longer. Doing these asanas naked really lets you feel your true inner and outer strength.

In this video you will learn the following asanas: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Utkatasana (Chair Pose), Ardha Uttanasana (Passive Forward Bend), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Adho Mukha Vasisthasana / Vasisthasana / Urdhva Mukha Vasisthasana / Vasisthasana (Plank Series = Side Plank left/right / Upward/Downard Facing Plank), Navasana (Boat Pose), Ubhaya-Padangushtasana (Both Feet Big Toe Pose), Salabhasana Strengthening Exercise / Salabhasana (Locust Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Prenatal Yoga 4: Gravity as Your Ally (Pregnancy Yoga)

(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women) As pregnancy progresses, balancing may often become more challenging. Gaining a broader understanding and connection to how your feet move and stand in relation to the ground below can help create a strong sense of balance – connecting the upper and lower bodies. Always use a wall or chair if free-balancing feels intimidating or inappropriate.

In this practice, you will learn: Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Tree Pose), Urdhva Mukha Svanasana on block, Garudasana (Eagle Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Breath of Funny (Naked Yoga School Video)

(LEVEL: Beginners) Luckily nobody slipped me any ritalin between shoots. Having had the opportunity to teach children yoga in an after school programme it was shocking to see how many adults simply saw the goal of the class as to DISCIPLINE the children. Looking at the sad sack adults on the street and wondering what had become of the bright spirits they were decades ago, I realized we get on the wrong track at a pretty young age. This series is intended to undo all the damage caused to you starting from elementary school right through your present desk job. Seriously power point????

We begin with some fun vinyasa flow sun salutations, play a bit with eagle pose for all levels and then cap it off with a focus on the lower back with a little bit of yin yoga by exploring seal and snail pose.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Organs of Action: The Anus (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Level: Intermediate) The yoga tradition defines five organs of action, known as Karmendriyas in Sanskrit. The Anus is the organ of elimination; through it we let go of what is no longer needed. This lesson will focus on the back half of the pelvic floor and the surrounding skeletal landmarks as foundations for your awareness of the physical organ, as well as the aspects of consciousness that underlie action. Starting with self-massage and a physical exploration of the tail bone (coccyx) and sit bones (ischial tuberosities), the practice continues with an application of the pelvic floor in select asana, and concludes with a guided relaxation and an invitation to explore the subtle nature behind this organ of action.

Asana presented in this teacher-and-student video include: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose), Ardha Uttanasana (Half Standing Forward Bend), and Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 3: Opening Your Heart For Your Baby (Pregnancy Yoga)

(All Level)
One of the most glorious physical feelings I have experienced during my pregnancy is the extension of my belly muscles. While forward bends may feel constricting and possibly contra-indicated during pregnancy (especially the later stages), backbends help to allow for more spacious for you and your growing baby.

In this practice, you will learn: Virasana (Hero Pose), Supta Virasana (Reclining Hero Pose) or Half Supta Virasana, Lunge Variations, Pigeon Variations, Ustrasana (Camel Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 4: For Your Lower Torso (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your lower torso puts you in touch with your hips, buttocks, belly and lower back. These are the foundations of any seated posture so you don’t want to ignore this vital region of the body, yet many of us do take this area of the body for granted. The results may sound familiar: low back pain, sore hips, and numbness in the buttocks. But perhaps even more detrimental are the digestive and eliminative disorders that can arise when we don’t liberate the lower torso: ulcers, incontinence, diarrhea, constipation, hemorrhoids. If that’s not enough to get your hips swinging and your belly churning (in a good way), then you might be compelled by yet another benefit of this practice: improved sexual vitality.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Prenatal Yoga 2: Open Twists (Asana for pregnant women)

(All Levels) During all stages of pregnancy, closed twists may become challenging and anatomically inappropriate. Open twists, on the other hand, give much needed space for the breath and the blood flow, while releasing upper and lower back tension common during pregnancy. They offer physical expansion which can lead to mental expansion.

In this practice, you will learn: Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Oval Breathing; Raised Arms-Side Bends, Active Child’s Pose Rotation, Malasana (Garland Pose) w/Open Twist, Parsva Janu Sirsasana (Side-Flank Stretch Head of the Knee Pose), Parsva Upavista Konasana, (Side-Flank Stretch Upright Angle Pose), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Three-Legged, Open-Hipped Downward Dog Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Prenatal Yoga 1: The Upper and Lower Bodies (Asana for pregnant women)

(All Levels) We tend to disassociate our upper bodies from our lower bodies because of taken-for-granted improper ergonomics and cultural habits, like chairs, cement, wearing shoes, incorrectly carrying weight or reaching for something. When we begin to integrate the proper functioning of the lower body in relation to the upper body, we can move with more efficiency, breath access, and better digestion and circulation. This becomes particularly crucial during pregnancy due to the radical increase of weight and fluids.

In this practice, you will learn: Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Cactus Arms; Thumbs in Armpits; Oval Breathing, Exhilarating Toe Pose w/ Namaste Behind Back; Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Arms; Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) Arms, Counter Toe Pose, Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) Arms and Legs.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga: Applying to Asana (Naked Yoga School video)

(All Levels)
Here we explore some very popular postures in vinyasa while emphasizing breathing and awareness from a Qi Gong view. The exploration of subtle energy in its movements between postures is essential. Exploring the expansion and contraction of breath, movement and awareness in Warrior poses and Downward Dog. Both the soft and hard aspect of Qi Gong are explored within this Hatha Yoga model. Students will gain great benefits in the alignment, attitudinal and breathing emphasis of this practice. Journeying with the power of vital energy in the exchange of receiving and releasing.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 3: For Your Upper Limbs (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your upper limbs focuses on the hands, wrists, forearms, elbows and arms. Sitting in an office usually results in using our upper limbs in unbalanced ways, holding part of the limb very still and asking another part of the limb to work tirelessly — thing about writing, typing, mousing. Repetitive stresses, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are one expression of this imbalanced use of the upper limbs. A regular practice of the sequence provided here will help re-balance the upper limbs and can reduce your risk of repetitive stress injuries.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 2: For Your Lower Limbs

(Level: Basic) Office Yoga for your lower limbs targets the feet, ankles, shins, knees and thighs. Sitting for long periods of time can be very hard on the circulatory system. Contraction and relaxation of the leg muscles helps to push your blood back up to the heart. Without this assistance, your heart has to work that much harder to keep the blood moving. So in addition to lengthening and strengthening your lower limbs, which tend to get neglected when we sit, this sequence is also good for your heart.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Office Yoga 1: Sitting Well (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Level: Basic) This lesson of Office Yoga is on Sitting Well, and it provides the important foundation for all the other Office Yoga classes in this series. You may have unhappy memories of being told to SIT UP and not slouch. Unfortunately, we weren’t told HOW to accomplish this. This video will teach you a step-by-step approach to Sitting Well. And while the work you do in this lesson may seem simple, you may also be surprised or even frustrated by the difficulty of maintaining good posture. To be clear: this is not a quick fix. Yoga is much more than making shapes, and Sitting Well entails more than just SITTING UP.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Quiet Daily Practice (Naked Yoga School Video)

(All Level) Your yoga practice should be explored and experienced daily. This video presents a quiet daily sequence, suitable for all levels. This gentle practice will smooth your energy level, whether you’re just waking up in the morning or you’re slowing down for the evening.

The sequence focuses on low-to-the-ground poses, including Balasana (Child’s Pose), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Jathra Parivartasana (Supine Twist Pose), Apanasana (Wind-Relieving Pose), as well as perennial favorites like Cat, Cow, and Threading The Needle.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga: Applying Force (Naked Yoga School video)

(ALL LEVELS) Here we move into the application of more yang (active) movements, as opposed to more subtle graceful movements. Opening and Closing. Expansion and Contraction. Coming to experience these forces within our own relationship to movement, breath and awareness. The more active stretches are very activating and invigorating to all the systems of the body. Understanding the benefits of both approaches are discussed as well.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga: Opening (Naked Yoga School video)

(ALL LEVELS) Here we build on the information of using breath, awareness and movement in unison to develop vital energy and effortlessness. We re-visit basic grounding as well as new techniques to open the bodies energy channels through graceful movements. Learn how to develop power while remaining restful, allowing energy to circulate, cultivate and developing heightened awareness and peace. Further discussions on the power of relaxed breathing and techniques offered to develop the receptive quality needed to experience subtle energy.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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