Naked Breakdance 4: Floor Moves (Level: Intermediate)

(Level: Intermediate) Break dancing- many of us picture big, explosive movements on the floor, flips, and other insane feats of strength. At the base of it all are FOUNDATION moves, and we will go over a few. If you haven’t watched the PREPARING FOR BREAK DANCING video yet, I strongly advise you to do so before watching this video. At the end, we will have a basic combination containing all of the moves we have learned in Part 1 and Part 2. Once you have the basics down, play around and find ways to make them your own! (NYV0036)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Breakdance 3: Top Rock (Level: Beginner)

(Level: Beginner) In this video we will go over a few basic standing moves that you can modify and make your own. We will focus on getting the FEEL of the dance right versus the LOOK. Once you get the FEELING, your own personal style will start to develop. Katie, the student, gives a lot of good input, and hopefully other beginners will find it useful. More advanced dancers should also find it beneficial to go over the basics. (NYV0036)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Breakdance 2: Preparing for Break Dancing

(Level: All)
In this video we will be focusing on how to prepare for break dancing. This is especially important if you have no experience with dance, but is a good reminder for everyone. Our wrists, elbows, ankles, and knees are prone to injury in break dancing, especially with floor moves; this is why it is especially important to be mindful in order to avoid injury. We will focus on exercises and stretches that can be modified to any fitness level. Go at your own pace, and have fun! (NYV0036)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga 8: Opening the Front Gate

Here we explore Opening the Front Gate & Expanded Warrior. A Taoist Yoga variation of Warrior one and warrior two of Hatha Yoga fused with Taoist intention and other movements. The idea is to learn how to develop effortlessness while cultivating the activation of the core (abdominal muscles) This sequence is both grounding, activating and deeply peaceful when done properly these movements build a clarity and awareness that is un-parelled. The healing benefits are too long to list. (NYV0035)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga 7: Taoist Squats (Level: Intermediate)

(Level: Intermediate) Here we go deeper into Taoist Yoga. The benefits of these movements can be felt immediately and really add up over time when practiced with discipline. Sinking the Chi : Here we gather the higher vibration chi (heavenly chi) a very healing Qi and we draw it down into the body.  Expanding your Space : Expands what is called the Wei Chi Field, in chinese medicine. This is an invisible layer of protection that is a part of the human energy field. It keeps unwanted energy out. A sense of empowerment and feeling larger is accompanied with this practice. Taoist Squats : Super activating and grounding, can be joined with expanding your space technique. (NYV0035)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga 6: Warm ups & Swinging (All Levels)

(All Levels) Here we work with two powerful methods for awakening & activating the bodies energy. They also serve to melt tension and create a sense of groundness and peace of mind. Swinging methods open & stimulate the spine and channels, to prepare for the cultivation of chi (life force). These theories are also explored. (NYV0035)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Taoist Yoga 5: Full Breath Method (Level: All)

(Level: All) Building upon the idea of the follower modifying the leader’s movements in the Echoing exercise, here will go a bit further. In Contrasting, we will aim to be the opposite of our partner. For example, if one person decides to do fast movement, the other does slow movement; if one is doing sharp, precise movements, the other will do softer movements. This is sure to challenge both partners, and help to create a lot of new movement ideas. The student, Katie, pointed out that contrasting emotions could be something to play with, which is something I would never have come up with on my own! See what ideas both you and your partner have!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Yoga for Beauty 3: Pretty Feet (Level: Beginner)

(Level: Beginner) Especially for women who clomp around on hard pavement in high heels all day, the feet often become a source of pain and discomfort rather than a strong, healthy base for the whole body.  This sequence stretches and strengthens the feet, giving them some nice release from all the hard work we impose on them.  We even give ourselves a nice little foot massage!  As the sequence comes to a close, we will focus on Downward_Dog.  It is one of the most well-known poses, but this time, we will consider it with a focus on our feet.  We end the practice in Viparita Karani, with our legs up the wall, letting our feet completely relax into weightlessness. (NYV0034)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Yoga for Beauty 2: Glowing Skin (Level: All)

(Level: All) At all ages, fresh and glowing skin is an unmistakable marker of health and beauty.  In this sequence, we will move into poses that stimulate blood flow to the face and neck, aiding circulation.  We begin with Anuloma Viloma breath to equalize the two halves of the brain and calm stress, as stress ages the appearance.  Two rounds of Sun Salutations warm up the back so that we can perform partnered Bridge pose, followed by Plow and Shoulder Stand. (NYV0034)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Yoga for Beauty 1: Fat Loss

(Level: Beginner-Intermediate) A strong, healthy body cuts across all different cultural ideals of beauty.  For those of us who have a mainly sedentary lifestyle, fat accumulation impedes us looking and and feeling our best.  A vigorous vinyasa flow practice engages the metabolism and Right-Sizes the body.  We begin this sequence with kapalabhati breath, which stimulates digestion and loss of body fat.  Sun Salutations emphasize Warrior I with a back bend.  We proceed into a deeper back bend, Bow, and then Wind-Releasing pose to strengthen and tone the abdomen.  If you have cardiac problems, you should not perform this sequence as it is very stimulating. (NYV0034)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Nude Facial Yoga (Level: All)

(Level: All) In this fun facial yoga sequence, we learn the exercises that people have been using for thousands of years before Nip and Tuck to keep their faces looking youthful.  Tap into the kid at heart, because we’re going to do funny faces like Lion’s Breath, Smiling Fish Face, and Temple Dancer Eyes, along with chin and cheek tighteners.  If you practice this sequence three times per week, sagging and jowls will be a thing of the past! (NYV0034)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked DIY Yoga Props 5: Seated Sequence for Seniors

(Level: Absolute beginners) This very gentle sequence was designed for seniors, first-timers, or yogis recovering from injuries who desire the same benefits of stretching and detoxification that a vigorous practice provides. You will need a folding-type chair and access to a wall.  We warm up with half Sun Breaths and a shoulder opener, then use the chair to come into an easy spinal twist and leg stretches.  We learn to find more support in Warrior II pose by finding it on a chair, and modify the pose for knee injuries.  The session closes with conscious, calming deep breathing. NYV0034

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 7: Jumping Safely (Level: All)

(Level: All) In this video, we will go over how to jump safely, and also how to fall safely. My student, Katie, has very little dance experience and asked me how a dancer manages to jump so high and still land safely. I figured if she had this question, many viewers must wonder the same thing. I have mainly a ballet background, but prefer the modern dance approach, so we will be focusing less on proper turnout and more on getting the FEELING of jumping correct. In short, in order to have a forceful UP reaction (or jump), you have to have an equally forceful DOWN reaction. As always, when you are trying something new, start small. You will really be surprised how little force you need to jump high! (NYV0033)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 6: Pulling (Level: All)

(Level: All) In this video, we will go over the contrasting idea to the PUSHING lifts; that is, we will see what happens when we instead pull against each other. We will start off testing the waters, and using very little of our weight to pull against our partner, and trying to create a balance of weight between each other. After this becomes more comfortable and we become more in tune with each other, we will move on to a few other ideas using pulling. Again, remember to start small, and see what you and your partner can come up with! (NYV0033)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 5: To Lift and Be Lifted (Level: All)

(Level: All)
In this video, we will go over what is involved in a few basic lifts. We will cover how to be a stable BASE (or lifter), and how to make it easier to be lifted. Keep in mind that this exercise is focusing on PUSHING lifts; i.e., one person is “pushing” or giving their weight to another. We will also begin to think of how we can add lifting into our previous exercises. It is essential that as the one being lifted, you trust that your base person will not drop you; if there is no sense of trust that is a recipe for falling! I hope you can take these basic ideas and find ways to build upon them and come up with your own lifting ideas! (NYV0033)

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 4: Point Of Connection (Level: All)

(Level: All) In this exercise, we will play with what happens when partners are connected at one point. For example, if you and your partner are connected at the foot, or the hip, or are arm-in-arm, how does that change your movements? Good things to keep in mind while doing this exercise are: how are you and your partner feeling? Is this easy or hard to do? Do you find yourselves aiming to break apart, or stay together? Again, please make sure that you are working with someone you are comfortable with and have good communication with. And make sure you have plenty of space to move around!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 3: Contrasting (Level: All)

(Level: All) Building upon the idea of the follower modifying the leader’s movements in the Echoing exercise, here will go a bit further. In Contrasting, we will aim to be the opposite of our partner. For example, if one person decides to do fast movement, the other does slow movement; if one is doing sharp, precise movements, the other will do softer movements. This is sure to challenge both partners, and help to create a lot of new movement ideas. The student, Katie, pointed out that contrasting emotions could be something to play with, which is something I would never have come up with on my own! See what ideas both you and your partner have!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 2: Echoing (Level: All)

(Level: All) After you and your partner grow comfortable with mirroring, and hopefully have a bit more insight into how the other moves, a great exercise is echoing. Instead of trying to move in exact unison (or, at the same time) as your partner, here the follower will aim to allow them to finish a movement done by the leader and then copy it. At first, the follower should try to do the move exactly as the leader did it. Once that becomes easier, the follower should come up with a way to modify the leader’s move to make it their own, while still keeping the basic idea of the move intact. For example, if the leader puts their arm out to the side very fast, the follower can instead choose to put their arm out to the front very fast. See what you and your partner come up with!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Partner Dance 1: Mirroring (Level: All)

(Level: All) For this video series, we will be going over different ways to explore movement with a partner. I highly recommend finding a friend who you are comfortable with, since it takes good communication and trust to effectively do these exercises. A great way to see how you naturally dance and how your partner naturally dances is by mirroring each other: one of you will be the LEADER, and one of you will be the FOLLOWER. The leader comes up with different movements (try to keep them simple at first), and the follower tries their best to copy exactly what the leader is doing as if they were their mirror image. We will also go over many different ways to elaborate on this idea. Have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 6: Imagery and Visualization (Level: All)

(Level: All) A great way to challenge ourselves is to use this exercise. I will say a few phrases, and then come up with a few interpretations of my own. Try to think of different movements that could illustrate these phrases before watching the video: FLOWER BLOOMING, SNAKE ATTACKING, BREEZE BLOWING THROUGH TREES, CAT RELAXING; then, you can compare what you came up with to my movements! A few other phrases to play with on your own: FAUCET DRIPPING, SUN SETTING, SNOW FALLING. This will be the end of this series, I hope you have enjoyed!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 5: Quick/ Slow (Level: All)

(Level: All) Now that we have gone over many different concepts- balance, momentum, pointing/flexing, expanding/contracting- we will go over yet another important concept- speed. When we speak, in order to engage the listener and highlight certain words and phrases, we change the speed and the tone of our voice; in this way we can approach dance. Instead of keeping the same pace through a set of movements, why not try speeding up one movement and slow down another? How will that change the overall story our body is telling? Again, the more space available to dance in, the better!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 4: Expand/ Contract (Level: All)

(Level: All) Building upon our knowledge so far, we will use the contrasting concepts of expanding and contracting in this video through a modern dance approach. Another way to think of this is opening and closing. When we breathe in, our chest naturally expands; when we exhale, our chest naturally contracts. We will build upon natural movements and find ways to build upon them in this video. When just starting to explore how your body moves, try to relax and see what naturally happens. Again, the more space available to dance in the better!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 3: Using Gravity to our Advantage (Level: All)

(Level: All)
Gravity can truly be our best friend when it comes to dance. In this video, we will go over a few exercises and movements to practice in order to discover how to use our weight to build momentum and put power behind our movements. This video is geared for people of all levels, from no dance experience on up. The more space you have available to dance in, the better; it’s recommended to have at least a 5 foot by 5 foot area to practice in.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 2: Point/ Flex (Level: All)

(Level: All) Our feet play an important role in dance- they are often what connect our bodies to the floor, and define the gesture our legs make. Using a modern dance approach, we will explore how pointing and flexing our feet feel and look different, and go over different exercises to strengthen our feet. It is suggested that you have a chair, barre, or other surface that you can grab on to and support yourself with if needed.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Modern Dance 1: Building Better Balance (All Levels) 

(All Levels)  In this video, we will go over different methods to find or improve your balance in dance with a modern dance approach. Breathing and core strength are crucial to proper balance, so we will explore a few different ways to become more aware of our bodies. It is suggested that you have a chair, barre, or other surface that you can grab on to and support yourself with if needed.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Ballet Exercises 5: Ballet Stretches
 (All Levels)

(All Levels) 
In order to avoid injury and increase flexibility, it is a good idea to stretch before and after exercises. Here are a few exercises to start with, and over time can be built upon and added to. I chose to use a small towel to sit on while stretching, which is optional. Things to focus on are to hold a stretch that can be maintained for 10-15 seconds or longer rather than trying to stretch too far and stretching and releasing repeatedly; it is much easier to find your comfort zone and increase flexibility over time if you start in a comfortable pose, and slowly stretch deeper as you exhale. As always, go slow and stay within your comfort zone!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Ballet Exercises 4 (Intermediate Levels)

(Intermediate Levels) Another move that builds upon the basic tendu is ronde de jambe, or AROUND THE NECK. In short, the focus is to maintain proper posture and gently working on turning out while the working leg moves in a D shape. This exercise is very strenuous on the hips and knees, so it is advised to check that your alignment is correct; it is advised to take a beginner’s ballet class and an experienced dance teacher should pick up on a misalignment or things to work on. This movement can be done A TERRE (on the ground) or EN L’AIRE (in the air). It’s best to start on the ground when learning, in order to focus on what part of the toe is maintaining contact with the floor. Go slow and stay within your comfort zone!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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How-To Use Naked Yoga School Videos (Naked Yoga School)

(Absolute Beginner) Whether you’re brand new to the Naked Yoga School or an veteran, this video provides some useful tips and tricks for maximizing your Naked Yoga experience. We will show how to create a sacred space and where to place your computer and props so that you can relax into the benefits of Naked Yoga with comfort and ease.

1) Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature. Put on the heater if your room is cold.
2) Close curtains to shield from sight if you don’t want your conservative neighbors to see you naked.
3) Create a place for practice. Put your yoga mat on the floor.
4) If you can, move your computer or laptop next to the yoga mat on the floor.
5) Hit “Play” for the naked yoga practice video of your choice. The teacher of the Naked Yoga School will guide you through the practice and when to take your clothes off.
6) Have fun!

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Ballet Exercises 3 (Naked Yoga School)

Level: Intermediate)
 Building upon tendus, we will add a new movement- degage, which means to disengage. This is a tendu where the toes leave the floor, as opposed to a tendu where the working leg stays in contact with the floor at all times. We will also build upon plies, or a bend of the knees, and go over releve and eleve exercises. As with the last set of exercises, it is advised to have a chair, barre, or other surface to use as support, and to check posture in a full-length mirror if available. As always, the focus of these exercises is to gradually build strength, balance, and turn-out; work within your comfort zone, making sure you are doing the movements properly, and always stopping if anything feels wrong or painful to avoid injury.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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Naked Ballet Exercises 2 (Naked Yoga School)

Level: Intermediate)  
In this video, we will go over a few ballet concepts that focus on strengthening and building better technique and balance, namely plies and tendus. A plie, or bend of the knees, is a building block of ballet; plies are used to initiate and terminate many movements. Tendus are a brush against the floor in which the working leg does not leave the floor; from tendus, one can build up to many other movements. It is advised that those at home use a chair, barre, or table to use as support. Also, if a full-length mirror is available to check posture, that is a good tool to have on hand. The focus of these exercises is to gradually build strength, balance, and turn-out; work within your comfort zone, making sure you are doing the movements properly, and always stopping if anything feels wrong or painful to avoid injury.

Click HERE (to see the full video).

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