Stretching Your Limits (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Advance Level) We begin with the Sleeping Hero Pose combined with the Supine Shoulder Opener. Go slow when walking your arms and hands back together in the Supine Shoulder Opener so you don’t over stretch. Next we’ll do Bow Pose Pre-Stretch exercise followed by Bow Pose. The Bow Pose helps relieve menstrual cramps and massages internal organs. Turning over onto your back we’ll do Lotus Fish Pose followed by it’s counter stretch Cat Cow Pose. Next is the Splits Series which consists of sideways and longways splits. The full Splits Series is the ultimate full leg stretches. After we will conclude with the relaxing Child’s Pose. As you do these asanas naked feel how much easier your body can stretch without restrictive clothes.

In this video you will learn the following asanas: Supta Virasana (Sleeping Hero Pose), Pre-Dhanurasana Stretch (Pre-Bow Pose Stretch), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), Lotus Matsyasana (Lotus Fish Pose), Marjaryasana/Bitilasana (Cat/Cow Pose), Hanumanasana left/right / Samakonasana (Splits Series = Splits left/right and Even Angle Pose), Balasana (Child’s Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video