Organs of Action: The Mouth (Naked Yoga School Video)

(Intermediate Level) The yoga tradition defines five organs of action, known as Karmendriyas in Sanskrit. The Mouth is the organ of speech. Through it we share our thoughts, externalizing our inner existence. This lesson will refine your awareness of the physical organ, as well as the aspects of consciousness that underlie its actions. Starting with self-massage and a physical exploration of the Mouth, the practice continues with an awareness of The Mouth through asana, and concludes with a guided relaxation and an invitation to explore the subtle nature behind this organ of action.

This teacher-and-student video includes a playful approach to mouth-based movement, sound formation, and the following asana: Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose), Simhasana (Lion Pose), and Savasana (Corpse Pose).

Click HERE (to see the full video).

Naked Yoga, Nude Yoga Class Video