Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/200394339
Teacher: Joia
(All Levels)
This relaxing meditation is meant to help you fall asleep. We begin in a seated position and then transition to lying down, so while you can do this practice on the mat, it is even better to do in your bed. Especially if you are already most comfortable sleeping naked! This practice uses an ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) technique, specifically the teacher whispers the entire audio of the practice for an especially soothing experience. May you gently let go of today and move forward to a better tomorrow.
ASMR: Naked Mindful Dishwashing Meditation!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/197543606/
Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
Collibrina demonstrates the benefits and comfort that a mindfulness approach can bring to the daily routine activity of dish-washing. The benefits of dishwashing mindfully are tied into the general benefits of practicing mindfulness over a long period of time, which are reduction of stress, improved cognitive functioning, and having a better memory.
This practice uses an ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) technique, specifically the teacher whispers the entire audio of the practice for an especially soothing experience.
ASMR: Naked Mindful Eating Meditation!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/196029075
Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
In this video, Collibrina demonstrates a meditative, focused, and calming approach to eating with mindfulness. Mindfulness is the art of savoring the present moment, so food will also be savored and enjoyed in the present moment of this video.
This practice uses an ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) technique, specifically the teacher whispers the entire audio of the practice for an especially soothing experience.
ASMR: Naked Mindful Healthy Cooking 1: Stir Fry!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/194073292
Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
Collibrina demonstrates how to cook a vegan stir fry in a role playing ASMR style with an emphasis on mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing one’s mind on the present task. For this video, our meditative and sensory focus is on cooking. This practice uses an ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) technique, specifically the teacher whispers the entire audio of the practice for an especially soothing experience.
Naked Beginner Pilates 20: The Ab Series!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/196897702
(Beginner Level)
Teacher: Joia
Student: Collibrina
We continue the Beginner Pilates series with an exploration of the 5 classic Pilates exercises that make up “The Ab Series”. Although all of Pilates is about strengthening the core, these five moves done in a sequence that gets progressively more difficult are particularly beneficial for working the abdominals in a focused, efficient way. In this session, the classic Ab Series is shown with modifications to make it more accessible to beginners, but these high energy precision moves are among the most challenging beginner exercises.
Naked Yoga for Breakup!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/198389473
Instructor: Trix E. Sleeves
(All Levels)
Breaking up sucks, don’t we all know. It can often leave us feeling worthless and depressed, and as a result lethargic and not interested in things we once found enjoyable, including physical activity. This video is designed for anyone who has gone through a breakup and has maybe neglected their yoga practice as a result, or anyone looking for a remedy for depression. Lots of attention will be given to the heart chakra and the hips, as these are areas where we tend to carry lots of emotional baggage and tension. No matter what your situation is, yoga can be the perfect way to lift even a small weight off of your shoulders, so take a deep breath because you’ve earned it!
In this video you will learn: Child’s Pose, Cat and Cow Poses (Spinal Extension), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog), Cobra Pose (heart opener), Lunges (hip opener)
ASMR: Naked Beauty 2: Naked Coconut Oil Makeup & Hair!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/207831075
Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: All levels)
Hi! I would recommend coconut oil for face and hair because it is naturally antifungal and antibacterial, more penetrating and thus more effective than other oils such as olive, and it smells delicious !
I, Collibrina, demonstrate how to highlight cheekbones for a naturally chiseled look, remove eye makeup and condition ends of hair all using the same ingredient: coconut oil!
ASMR: Naked Beauty 1: Naked Coconut Oil Pulling!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/191152599
Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: All levels)
Hello! This class is a naked how-to on how to do coconut oil pulling. Coconut oil pulling can have multiple benefits on oral health as well as bodily health. Coconut oil is naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal. I will demonstrate coconut oil pulling process from beginning to the end. Enjoy!
Naked Prenatal Yoga 8: Preparing for Breast-Feeding! (Stabilizing the Shoulder Joints)
Visit: http://NakedYogaSchool.com
(All Levels)
Teacher: Cara
One of the most significant aspects of a natural childbirth is what follows – the lactation-bonding process. In order to reduce tension in the neck and shoulder area, whether or not one is carrying and/or breasting their child, we can learn to integrate the upper arm bones in the shoulder sockets. Using core strength and not straining the neck or back, this conscious integration helps stabilize the muscles of the torso.
In this practice, you will learn: (Safe Neck Rolls), Virasana (Hero Pose) w/Cactus Arms; Thumbs in Armpits; Oval Breathing, w/ Namaste Behind Back; Garudasana (Eagle Pose) Arms, on Hands and Knees Shoulder Retractions, on Forearms and Knees Shoulder Retractions.
How to Use Naked Yoga School videos!
Visit: http://NakedYogaSchool.com
(Level: Absolute Beginner)
Teacher: Ivy
Whether you’re brand new to the Naked Yoga School or an veteran, this video provides some useful tips and tricks for maximizing your Naked Yoga experience. We will show how to create a sacred space and where to place your computer and props so that you can relax into the benefits of Naked Yoga with comfort and ease.
1) Make sure the room is at a comfortable temperature. Put on the heater if your room is cold.
2) Close curtains to shield from sight if you don’t want your conservative neighbors to see you naked.
3) Create a place for practice. Put your yoga mat on the floor.
4) If you can, move your computer or laptop next to the yoga mat on the floor.
5) Hit “Play” for the naked yoga practice video of your choice. The teacher of the Naked Yoga School will guide you through the practice and when to take your clothes off.
6) Have fun!
Naked Yoga for PMS 1: Restorative for Premenstrual Syndrome!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/199360428
Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: All levels)
This class is designed to focus on heating the core inside the body to relieve pain because of (PMS) Pre-Menstrual Syndrome.
A gentle and restorative yoga practice to help soothing cramping and discomfort in the body caused by (PMS) Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Hip opening and core work to heat the body are included in this practice as well. All levels welcome!
Naked Yoga for PMS 1: Restorative for Premenstrual Syndrome! (Trailer) from Naked Yoga School on Vimeo.
Naked Yoga for PMS 2: Boost Circulation for Premenstrual Syndrome!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/208865176
Teacher: Collibrina
(Level: All levels)
This is a low-intensity yoga practice that can boost circulation which can help bloating caused by (PMS) Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. Poses will also increase breathing rate which will alleviate discomfort caused from cramps. Includes modified cobra and bridge variations and deep breathing.
All levels can participate in this class.
Naked Yogic Breathing 1 (Pranayama): The Bandhas and Nadi Shodhana!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/209949232
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Collibrina
(Level: Beginner-Intermediate)
The styles of yoga most popular around the world these days tend to focus on asana, the poses. Traditionally, however, yoga is considered to have eight “limbs” or aspects, with asana being the third. All of the limbs work together to create the full practice, and no single limb is more important or necessary than another. Pranayama, translated in English as “breath work”, is the fourth limb. The way that we breathe controls the flow of “prana” (like qi or life force energy) through the body.
This video will teach practitioners the bandhas (energetic locks to move prana up the spinal column), as well as nadi shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), which balances the two main energetic channels in the body and can help to focus and balance the mind. Practitioners will learn how to employ the bandhas alone and in a few different asana. We will also learn proper technique for nadi shodhana, including how to properly incorporate the bandhas.
Naked Yoga for Tight Butt and Sciatica!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/210973103
Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
Collibrina leads a hip-opening practice that could relieves minor sciatica and releases hip tension. There are two variations on pigeon pose in this practice as well as some strengthening chair pose interspersed with the hip stretching poses. This sequence is recommended for those who are strong beginners to advanced in their yoga practice. This practice is not recommended for those with severely crippling sciatica as it is still not gentle enough. Consult your doctor before doing any yoga at this strong beginner level if you have any history of health problems with your hips.
Naked Piano Yoga!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/213245434
Teacher: Collibrina
(All levels)
This yoga sequence is geared in exercises that get you moving at your piano, work desk and chair. These practices will help stiffness and health problems that can be caused by an overly sedentary lifestyle. This sequence is welcome to all levels, just listen to your body and understand what your limits are.
Naked Kitchen Yoga 1: Wake Up Yoga!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/150534285
Instructor: Erin Selene
Student: Collibrina
(All Levels)
For anyone who’s wanting to wake themselves up in the morning before breakfast, this is the video for you! Students will learn to make use of their own kitchen space for the purpose of practicing yoga. Ideal for anyone without a lot of space, studio apartment dwellers and those who would rather stay at home than practice in the studio. No previous yoga experience is necessary, and depending on the kitchen being practiced in, postures can be modified to utilize space.
In this video you will learn: Forward bends (with counter), leg raises (with cabinet and counter).
Naked Healthy Food 1: Eating Meditation!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/150380748
(All Levels)
Teacher: Joia
Student: Collibrina
In this session, we bring mindfulness to our eating habits. By bringing our full awareness to the present moment when eating, we can make better dietary choices for our health and experience the joy of gratitude for every meal. Please bring a cup of hot water, a lemon for slicing, and an apple and join us in the kitchen. Cheers! -NYV0075B
Naked Kitchen Pilates 1: Full-Body Workout!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/150022346
(Intermediate Level)
Teacher: Joia
Student: Collibrina
If you feel you don’t have time to go to the gym or space at home to get your workout in, then this is the session for you! This workout is done all in a tiny New York City kitchen. We examine how to bring the mind-body awareness you craft at the Pilates studio back home into your daily life and routine. And we use common kitchen objects such as plates, utensils, bottles, and water jugs as as props to help us build strength, core stability, and flexibility. -NYV0075A
Naked Muay Thai 4: Combinations!
FULL-VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/148636843
(Level: Basics)
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Gigi Jimiiji
This video will demonstrate some fundamental combinations, continuing with the concept of changing levels and bringing together four of the eight limbs. Practitioners are encouraged to train in an open space with plenty of room to move, and may use either a partner or a mirror for feedback on technique. -NYV0074D
Naked Muay Thai 3: Roundhouse Kick and Defense!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/148054217
(Level: Basics)
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Gigi Jimiiji
This video will demonstrate one of the defining features of Muay Thai – the Thai-style roundhouse. The roundhouse is the most common and practical kick in Muay Thai. Practitioners will learn the defining mechanics of the Thai-style roundhouse, basic levels and targets, and how to check a kick. Practitioners are encouraged to train in an open space with plenty of room to move, and may use either a partner or a mirror for feedback on technique. -NYV0074C
Naked Muay Thai 2: Jab, Cross, Hook!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/147118226
(Level: Basics)
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Gigi Jimiiji
This video will review the basic fight stance and introduce more detailed technique for some basic punches – a jab, cross and hook – with emphasis on accuracy and footwork. Practitioners are encouraged to train in an open space with plenty of room to move, and may use either a partner or a mirror for feedback on technique. -NYV0074B
Naked Muay Thai 1: Fight Stance and the Eight Limbs!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/146505073
(Level: Basics)
Teacher: Cat Noble
Student: Gigi Jimiiji
Martial arts can be practiced for any reason from combat to meditation and they result in a sense of discipline, confidence and responsibility as well as a deeper understanding of human nature and the Self. Muay Thai (also called the Art of Eight Limbs or Thai boxing) is a stand-up striking art. It evolved from Muay Boran (ancient boxing), the hand-to-hand combat style practiced in Thailand prior to the influence of Western boxing. Since the introduction of equipment and boxing rings, Muay Thai has become a competitive combat sport and is popular with MMA (mixed martial arts) fighters as a striking strategy. This video will demonstrate a basic fight stance and one basic strike for each of the eight “limbs” or basic strikes – punches, elbows, knees and kicks. Practitioners are encouraged to train in an open space with plenty of room to move, and may use either a partner or a mirror for feedback on technique. -NYV0074A
Naked Chair Yoga 3: Restorative and Lighter Practices!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/145710064
Instructor: Erin Selene/Trix E. Sleeves
(All Levels)
For a more restorative yoga practice, this video instructs students on how to modify their yoga postures by using a chair. This routine is ideal for anyone who has had a recent injury, senior yoga practitioners, or anyone needing a lighter practice. All of the postures demonstrated here can be done with or without the use of a chair.
In this video you will learn: Side Bends, Simple Twists, Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), and Savasana (Corpse Pose).
Focus on Inversion 2: World Upside Down!
Full-Video: https://vimeo.com/144896035
Instructor: Trix E. Sleeves
(Intermediate/Advanced Level)
This practice is designed for more advanced yogis who are wanting to take their practice further, who may or may not have had difficulty with and/or fear of inversions in the past. The instructor’s approach is designed to make everyone feel comfortable at their own level, taking a more cautious route through turning everyone’s world upside down. Health benefits of inversions include better digestion, a more free flow of blood around the body, and “resetting” of the organs when needed. If a wall is being used, please practice with about 6-12 inches of space between the wall and your body.
In this video you will learn: Bakasana (Crow Pose), Dolphin Pose, Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose), and Salamba Śīrṣāsana I (Supported Headstand).