Focus on Inversion 2: World Upside Down!

Instructor: Trix E. Sleeves
(Intermediate/Advanced Level)
This practice is designed for more advanced yogis who are wanting to take their practice further, who may or may not have had difficulty with and/or fear of inversions in the past. The instructor’s approach is designed to make everyone feel comfortable at their own level, taking a more cautious route through turning everyone’s world upside down. Health benefits of inversions include better digestion, a more free flow of blood around the body, and “resetting” of the organs when needed. If a wall is being used, please practice with about 6-12 inches of space between the wall and your body.
In this video you will learn: Bakasana (Crow Pose), Dolphin Pose, Pincha Mayurasana (Feathered Peacock Pose), and Salamba Śīrṣāsana I (Supported Headstand).

Finding Your Balance 3: Arm Balances!

Instructor: Erin Selene
(Intermediate/Advanced Level)
One of the more difficult categories of yoga postures for some yogis is arm balances, which involves bringing the feet off the ground while keeping the palms down and the hands and wrists engaged. Certain types of postures such as these may be intense at first, but as demonstrated in this video, eventually the postures will be achieved more through balance instead of strength. Arm balances can be beneficial to anyone with weak wrists or carpal tunnel syndrome, and some may find practicing arm balances without clothes to be more beneficial because contact between arms and legs will be on skin only, never on fabric.
In this video you will learn: Bakasana (Crow Pose), Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow Pose), and Aṣṭāvakrāsana (“Crazy Eight” Arm Balance).

Finding Your Balance 2: Foot & Leg Balances!

Instructor: Erin Selene
(Intermediate Level)
Let’s face it: Just because you’re a yogi, doesn’t mean you have excellent balance, all the time. In this video, the instructor offers advice and tips on how to get better balance, taken from a yoga teacher who still fights to stay on one foot without falling. With each of these postures, students have the option of using a wall or standing away from one. Either way, making sure the balancing foot is stable on all four corners and using core stability are the two main things to keep in mind when perfecting the art of balancing.
In this video you will learn: Vṛkṣāsana (Tree Pose): 3 variations, Ardha Baddha Padmottānāsana (Half-Bound Lotus Bend), and Utthita Hasta Pādanguṣṭhāsana (Hand to Toe Balance Posture): 2 variations.

Naked Morning Yoga 3: Get Your Blood Flowing!

Instructor: Erin Selene
(All Levels)
This series is designed to help “get your blood flowing” in the morning with some simple yoga postures, nothing too difficult, that can be a good start to any yogi’s day, no matter what your level is. The postures in this series can help with any stiffness or tension created while sleeping, depending on your sleeping position. All postures should be approached gently and cautiously, as this is a more restorative and/or calming practice.

In this video you will learn: Side Bends, Bitilasana (Cow Pose), Mārjāryasana (Cat Pose), Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), Uttānāsana (Standing Forward Bend), and Bhujaṅgāsana (Cobra Pose).

Naked Comedy 3: Creepy Haunted Doll!

Naked Comedy 1:
Naked Comedy 2:
Naked Comedy 3:

Starring: Collibrina
Today, Collibrina tells a story about thing that fears her most: Dolls! She finds them terrifying. Blame Uncanny Valley or something like that, she says. This story specifically tells of the time that one of her close friends used a creepy doll that scared her to upset her in various deviously creative ways. Spoiler Alert: it totally worked! This is a hysterically funny scary story. Experience fear, laughter, and nudity all at once in this Nude Comedy Video! -NYV0073D

Naked Comedy 3: Creepy Haunted Doll! (Trailer)

Naked Standup Comedy 2: Sex Robot!

Naked Comedy 1:
Naked Comedy 2:
Naked Comedy 3:

Starring: Collibrina
Collibrina tells the comedic story of the time she was offered a job as a sex robot, while nude, off course!
Have you ever met a potential Sex Robot before? Well, now you have! Collibrina recounts her hilarious tale of her offer to be a Sexbot while completely nude in this naked comedy video. Who knew female cyborgs could induce this much laughter?

Naked Comedy 1: Naked Worker!

Naked Comedy 1:
Naked Comedy 2:
Naked Comedy 3:

Starring: Collibrina
This is the very first naked comedy show performed by Collibrina.
If enough people like her comedy, then she will do more naked comedy videos. Please help her by buying her videos!
Description: Funny and honest evaluation of what would happen if we responded to everyday jobs the way we do to people who are naked in some way for pay…all performed by an actual nude lady.
Also visit Collibrina’s Instagram: