Teacher: Jade
(Level: Advanced)

Do you find it challenging to let go of the day’s events and relax? Do you feel like you store tension in your body and can’t let go? In this video we will go over some ideas to build your own night routine, depending on your needs. If you have spent the day working at the computer or running around the city, this class will help you open up through your spine and transition nicely into the next part of you day. This practice is a yoga flow that is restorative, rejuvenating, and relaxing. Let go of all of the tension that has built up during the day with this sequence. The practice will start with some sun salutations to warm up the body. Then will progress through poses mostly on the ground focusing on opening up the back body to counteract our habitual hunching that happens throughout our modern day lives. This practice ends with a progressive muscle relaxation meditation to help put you in the right mind state for sleep. This is perfect for those who feel wound up after a long day of work or anyone who just needs a little assistance relaxing. -NYV0202B

Naked Wall Workout 2: Tone the Booty! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Wall Workout 2: Tone the Booty! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
We all need a little support and utilizing the wall! Wall is a great way to get some of that support. We have many props we can use for our practice, and sometimes we forget the wall is an option too! So this class is to remind you that the wall is your friend and you can take class with it. This is a gentle practice. Easy on the body. It is slow & relaxing. Tone the booty by using just a mat and a wall. No equipment needed. Use your body weight. This video can be enjoyed for any fitness level, and is especially good for those needing a little extra support. So don’t be shy, click now!!  -NYV0201C

Naked Yoga with Belts and Straps: Naked Props Yoga 16 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(Level: All levels)

Naked Yoga with Belts and Straps: Naked Props Yoga 16 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Today, we explore practicing with a yoga strap! We focus on exercises that open the chest and shoulders as well as working the hamstrings. These exercises with the strap are particularly beneficial for those who are tight in these areas. If you don’t have a yoga strap, a tie or long belt could be used as well. Using props such as the strap are also a great way to add variety to your practice and make new discoveries in your mind-body awareness. If you are curious about how to incorporate this prop into your practice, this video is for you! We won’t be going through a sequenced class but we will be taking our time to learn more about safe ways to utilize straps and you will leave the video knowing how to properly use them. Join us as we dive into deepening our practice with yoga straps! This is great if you are new to yoga, if you’d like extra support, if you want to learn different ways to use straps! Summary of asana poses: Seated arm raises, Seated side bends, Hamstring stretch, Foot articulations, Reclined leg lifts, Reclined hip openers, Standing side bend, Backbend, and Forward fold shoulder opening. -NYV0198A

ASMR: Naked Guided Meditation 5: Being Present! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

ASMR: Naked Guided Meditation 5: Being Present! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Mindfulness is practice in being present, bringing our focused awareness to the current living moment. This guided naked meditation, we bring our attention to each of the senses, reveling in our ability to experience each sense.  This meditation practice is particularly effective done naked, as we have a heightened awareness of the feeling of our skin and the sense of touch. In this class we will be tuning into our body to begin with and then doing gentle exercises to help us start sensing our energy. For this class we will start sitting briefly while we generate some fluidity in the body and increase circulation. From there, we will lay on our backs and begin the mental and physical exercises and focus. Eventually we will come back to our seated position for the remainder of the class. Everything that is around us and inside of us is energy. Yoga Nidra is a practice that helps one tune into their own body. Being able to sense one’s energy is important so that you can feel if there’s any area of your body that needs attention for healing. It also helps you know when it’s time to rest. Some people like to focus on energy for types of healing modalities such as Reiki which can be used on oneself or on another person. We will be mostly on our backs- so if you get cold easy then have a blanket. Possibly a bolster under the knees. For those with lower back pain I recommend using a bolster (or rolled up towel) under the knees to ease pressure off the lower back. -NYV0197B

Naked Yoga for Full Moon 3: Moon Salutation! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Naked Yoga for Full Moon 3: Moon Salutation! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena
Get ready to soothe your inner werewolf! Full Moon (lunar power) affects human body in an unique way. Some people tend to have menstruation during the Full Moon. Some people feel like crazy or become sleep deprivation because of the Full Moon effect.  In this video practice, We will help you calm down the tense energy that can run through your body during the Full Moon time. This practice contains moon salutations instead of sun salutations. It is a slow and deliberate practice designed to balance our body’s response to the Full Moon. We begin with a soothing short meditation then proceed into a moon salutation sequence. This yoga practice welcomes strong beginners. -NYV0178A

Naked Yoga To Stretch Fascia! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)

Naked Yoga To Stretch Fascia! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
The Fascia is the connective tissue that runs through our entire body. The fascia is so important and essential to our bodies! It surrounds and includes every major organ and muscle so it impacts so much. We are at our best when it is stretched out and lose but without consistent stretching it can get very tight and the negative impact of that can be felt. Even something as small as stretching for 5 minutes can make a huge difference. So if you’re looking for some simple fascia stretches this video is for you! Summary of stretches: Toe rolls, Toe rotations, Calf rolls, Calf adduction, Thunderbolt, Half frog pose, Downward Facing Dog w/feet isolations, Plank, Lunges, Side Angle, Seated Gate pose, Reclined Twist, Seated Twist. Props: Foot roller, Half or full foam roller. -NYV0195B

Naked Booty Workout 8: How to Use Ankle Weights! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(Level: Advanced)

Naked Booty Workout 8: How to Use Ankle Weights! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Is your butt sagging? Spending too much time sitting these days? Does your bum need some love? Bring your SEXY BACK with this high-energy moving meditation on self-love that will sculpt your glutes + lift that booty! And, today, I will show you how to use ankle weights into a low to medium impact workout. Can also be used with ankle weights but for better results should be used with light to heavy ankle weights. These exercises tones the booty and legs. This routine also includes some stretches that are great for after the workout. You’ll enjoy it so much you might even forget you’re even exercising! This flow is led at a foundational level that is great for who want to build strength. It’s customiseable so that as your booty gets toned you can increase the activity level to continue seeing your results develop. You DESERVE to LOVE the skin you’re in! -NYV0200A

Kundalini Style Naked Yoga 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Intermediate)

Kundalini Style Naked Yoga 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Kundalini practice is based on the theory that our energy lies dormant at the base of the spine where it sits coiled like a snake. The goal is to move the energy up the spine and awaken both awareness and overall better health. This class sequence will begin with kundalini exercises followed by traditional sun salutations to warm up the body. Afterwards, we will go into some balancing series, abdominal workouts, and deeper relaxing postures held towards the end, concluding in savasana. This class will be a mixed level that is beginner friendly and will have slightly more advanced optional variations. It’s advised to practice kundalini under an experienced supervisor. -NYV0191B

Naked Workout for Bigger Chest! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(Level: All levels)

Naked Workout for Bigger Chest! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
These chest workouts are great for women who want to lift their breasts for a nicer appearance. It strengthens the chest muscles and over time makes the chest area look more uplifted and can even appear to have a larger size. Men can also do these exercises. -NYV0199B

Naked Yoga for Body Acceptance 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(Level: All levels)

Naked Yoga for Body Acceptance 4 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Today, we will be quite intimate and personal in this naked yoga practice video! We will learn to love and accept our bodies for the way they are while doing some healthy movements. There will be testing and intimacy of positivities between us, practicing together! Also, we are going to practice naked yoga ritual, in order to learn to love and accept our bodies. All bodies are welcome for this personal and intimate practice! This class is for anyone who wants to love on themselves more! If you are interested in a flow that’s internal and intentional in bringing you closer to yourself, this is for you! Everything offered is an invitation and you are encouraged to remember to always check in with your body to see what you need. Summary of asana poses: Forward Fold with Clasped Hands, Half Lift, Low Lunge, Crescent Lunge, Modified Flow, Cobra, Hip Opener, Chair Pose, Side Bends, Sphinx Pose, Gentle Mermaid Pose, Head Rotations, Reclined Pigeon Pose, Reclined Twist. Show your body some love! Your body is beautiful! This pracice is a comforting yoga flow where you show yourself a bit of extra self love! This slow, soothing and meditative stretching practice is to help anyone and everyone feel more at home and kind to their bodies, even in moments of challenging self image. -NYV0198D

Naked Yoga for New Moon! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Ashley

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Ashley
(Level: Strong Beginners)

Naked Yoga for New Moon! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Ashley
New Moon is the start of a new month of lunar calendar! It’s a great time to start something new. Let’s start with Naked Yoga! This practice contains moon salutations instead of sun salutations. This class is meditative, cooling, receptive, and soothing. Practicing moon salutations (Chandra Namaskar) will help you to calm the mind and body and also open the hips. Moon salutations consist of low impact asanas (postures) that activate the parasymphatic nervous system. This helps promote rest and better digestion. Also, this Moon Salutations class including balancing, lunges, and forward folds are included in this methodical practice. This is a practice that welcomes strong beginners and up. NYV0179A

Naked Yoga No Hands 6: Wrist Protected Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Advanced)

Naked Yoga No Hands 6: Wrist Protected Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
If you have a wrist pain and still you want to practice yoga, then join us! Here is a high energy yoga workout for those who want to give their wrists a break in their practice now and then. This yoga class is catered to those with wrist problems such as wrist pain, injury, or discomfort. There will be warmups to increase circulation to the wrist area which will help prevent future injury and also modifications to common yoga postures that can avoid pressure to wrists. After a warm-up, the class progresses into a challenging sequence full of lunges, and balance challenges. Exercises like these can help maintain your endurance and protect you against injuries. There will also be additional advice on how to avoid causing injury to the wrist when practicing yoga. Caution: for severe wrist cases, it’s best to not apply any pressure to the area until it’s healed. This could mean avoiding all postures that involve any weight added to the wrist. As always, if there is any pain or pinching sensation- ease off the stretch. -NYV0194A

Quick Naked Morning Yoga 13 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley

Teacher: Elena
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Quick Naked Morning Yoga 13 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena + Ashley
Good morning! I know that Winter morning can be tough for everyone. What we do in the morning has the ability to impact the rest of our day so it’s critical we incorporate some mindfulness and a movement practice. What better way than with yoga?! The simplest moves repeated can get your morning started off on the best foot. As you roll out of bed try to incorporate a few of these poses to say hello to the day! This yoga flow is great for beginners of yoga practice. It’s ideal for mornings to wake up the muscles or before any workout. -NYV0189A

Naked Yoga for Travelers 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Yoga for Travelers 6 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
This is the time of year, where everyone is traveling for the holidays. Traveling usually involves sitting in a seat of a airplane, car, bus, or train. When we sit in one place for a long time it creates stagnation in the body. This class will help us open up our hips and our shoulders so that we can get our circulation moving again and back to our optimal health. This class will help increase circulation in the body and help to wake everything up. For those who might have jet lag, this is a great sequence! Cautions: In this sequence we might be doing a bit of floor to standing exercises repeatedly and in some cases might cause lightheadedness. If you get dizzy during practice it’s important to sit down and rest. NYV0197A

Naked Core Workout using Water Bottles! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(Level: All levels)

Naked Core Workout using Water Bottles! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
If you are looking for some weighted core exercises but don’t have weights, use a water bottle! This naked exercises moves through basic core strengthening exercises you can so anywhere as long as you have a water bottle. Don’t let not having weights stop you from working your core! Also, using this water bottle is a great way to stabilize your core and make sure you’re working the right muscles! Summary of stretches: Basic reclined sit up crunch, Roll up to sit crunch with arms, Reclined side crunch, Vertical leg crunch, Laterals, Reclined table top/boat twists, Seated twist, Plank, Downward Facing Pose, Forearm plank. You’ll need: Empty or full water bottle depending on what level of challenge you want. -NYV0198B

Naked Martial Arts Workout 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Advanced)

Naked Martial Arts Workout 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Today, we incorporates naked martial arts movements into the naked yogic flow! It’s great for active martial arts practioners and also those interested to learn more in the realm of martial arts. We will incorporate martial arts calisthenics into the yoga sequences to work on conditioning and strengthening the body. This class is ideal for strength building as well as for improving agility. No props are necessary but blocks are optional for beginners who are still getting accustomed to specific postures. -NYV0194C

Naked Yoga for Bad Mood 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Bad Mood 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena
Are you feeling bad or upset or unhappy? Let’s uplift your day with nude yoga! We will teach you naked yoga poses that will soothe your mood and energize you into proceeding through your day in a more positive fashion! Benefits of this practice are a better mood! Anyone who is having a discouraging day should try this out! This yoga practice can get you out of your head for a moment and into your body which some soothing poses, and some strengthening poses mixed in! This class is welcome to all levels as long as you have practiced yoga at least once before. Join us!!! NYV0186C

Mandala Circular Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Mandala Circular Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
This dynamic and athletic naked yoga class video features a naked yoga sequence which will bring us 360 degrees around our mat! (E.g. we start facing forward, to the side, the back, the other side, and repeat). Mandalas are designs which are circular and represent the cycles of life and universe. Incorporating these into the sequence is a great way to spice up a yoga flow and make it more fun! This class is for all levels and block props are optional especially for beginners. Join my class!!! -NYV0196B

Naked Yoga for Travelers 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley

Teacher: Elle Tulle
Student: Ashley
(All levels)

Naked Yoga for Travelers 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elle Tulle + Ashley
Are you a frequent traveler who has to sit on a plane, train, or in a car for a long hours? This practice is for you! Travel Yoga is a short sequence meant to revitalize you after sitting on transportation for too long. Hips get tight and stiff from sitting too long on a plane, train, or in a car and this practice is designed to reverse those effects. You can do this in the airport or hotel. This flow will get your blood moving a little and get you ready to embark on your upcoming journey. You can do this quick but nutritious flow to jumpstart your traveling day! Summary of asana poses: Forward fold, Half lift, Side bends, Head & neck articulations (rolls/rotations), Arm/Shoulder Rotations, Arm stretches, Half splits pose, Sun Salutation sequence, Lunges, Chatuanga flow, Downward facing, Wide legged forward fold, Side lunges, Malansana (deep squat), Tree pose, Mountain pose. -NYV0195D

Ladder Style Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(Level: Advance)

Ladder Style Naked Yoga! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Just like a ladder has steps, a Ladder Naked Yoga sequence takes us slowly up the steps into our full flow! We will start in a couple of traditional postures which we would hold for between 3 and 5 breaths. Once we’ve done so on each side, we will move through the flow faster with one breath in each movement and then we will add on a new posture at the end and hold it for three to five breaths. Once we finish that on each side, we move through the whole flow including that posture, then stack another posture on (and repeat). We are slowly building on step by step! Benefits of doing a ladder style naked yoga helps the body get used to holding the correct alignment and focusing on each posture before we incorporate it into our fluid flow with each breath. It’s also a great way for students to memorize a practice step by step by breaking it down into smaller parts before it becomes the whole flow. If holding a posture becomes too difficult, you can ease out of it and then write back into it when you are ready. If the posture is too intense you can also incorporate blocks and variations. Don’t push yourself to where there is pain or a pinching sensation. -NYV0197C

Naked Yoga for Abs 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Elena
(Level: Intermediate)

Naked Yoga for Abs 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Elena
Join us naked yoga workout focusing on abdominal-toning sequence! This is a different approach to an abs exercise which also involves a bit of a flow of other poses mixed in as well. Thousands of years before the ab workout craze, yoga kept its practitioners’ midsections trim with boat pose, twists, and other poses that will revitalize your very conception of your own strength.  Playing this video three times per week, you will notice significant changes to your center, both physical and metaphysical, as you are able to hold yourself with improved integrity. Intermediate practitioners and advanced practitioners can enjoy this class and the interesting challenges breathing deeply with core work can bring. -NYV0186A

Naked Yoga for Anxiety 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Anxiety 3 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Let’s focus on naked yoga to help you put the body into a state of relaxation! Stress causes the body to go into “fight or flight” mode, which means the sympathetic nervous system is working on overdrive. This causes our bodies to heighten its reaction to perceived threats which can lead to agitation, tension, and stress. When our sympathetic nervous system is constantly active (which many of us have in this society containing many stressors and caffeine usage), our parasymphatic nervous system is underused. This system is for rest and digest. To help promote the parasymphatic nervous system we can stimulate the vagus nerve (the largest nerve in the body). This class will involve postures that stimulate the vagus nerve and help get the body’s parasympathetic nervous system more active. We will start with a brisk warmup to get the blood flowing and warm the muscles. We will then incorporate asanas, breathing techniques, and mediation to calm the body and mind. Props: blocks are optional for those who find they help the body relax deeper into certain stretches. This class is for all levels. -NYV0196C

Naked Yoga for Mental Health 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Ashley

Teacher: Collibrina
Student: Ashley
(All Levels)

Naked Yoga for Mental Health 2 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Collibrina + Ashley
Today, we will help you motivate when you feel weighed down by stress or depression! Mental health is a vital and often neglected part of achieving a state of well-being. In yoga, we teach and demonstrate how the mind and body are intimately bound through the breath, and therefore physical, mental, emotional, spiritual health are all connected. Yoga is not a substitute for therapy, medication or other professional treatment, but can be a wonderful supplementary practice for improving quality of life when you are living with a mental illness. The class commences with a soothing mediation then moves to a focused sequence that aims to transport one away from stress. This relaxing and healing sequence welcomes all levels of yoga practitioners. -NYV0179B

Naked Wall Yoga 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana

Teacher: Avartana
(All Levels)

Naked Wall Yoga 5 (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Avartana
Using a wall allows for some stretches to be experienced at a deeper level than they normally would! Today, I will teach you a nude Yoga class which incorporates a wall into the majority of our yoga asanas! The wall is great to get into deeper yoga stretches that gravity alone cannot achieve! The wall yoga can be more intense than regular stretching and therefore please tune in to each stretch and not go past your edge. Props: The only prop necessary for this practice is a wall that has enough empty space to extend arms out wide when standing against it. This class is for yoga practioners at any level! Join me! -NYV0196A

Naked Arm Workout Using Resistance Bands! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena

Teacher: Elena
(All Levels)

Naked Arm Workout Using Resistance Bands! (NAKED YOGA SCHOOL®) with Elena
Today, I will teach you nude exercises focusing on building arm muscles using resistance bands! Resistance bands are such a useful piece of workout equipment. It’s great for those recovering from injuries and are unable to use heavy weights, such as dumbbells. Plus, they take up very little space. Tie a knot in your band to create your own tension and carve your own journey with this 29-minutes full body resistance band workout! All levels from beginner to advanced. These exercises can be used as a warm up to an arm workout using weights or can be used as your main arm workout. -NYV0188B