Naked Prenatal Tantric Yoga 2: Labor Positions with Partner! (Naked Yoga School) with Cara

Teacher: Cara and Rosco
(All Levels: Asana for pregnant women)
Pushing through to the end-result = goal-oriented (just like w/ sex) neglects the extraordinary journey, the fullness of lessons we could learn along the way.  Giving birth is a creative act, and like all creative acts it cannot be forced to conform to society’s unnatural time constraints. The insistence on pushing in labor is a reflection of our cultural attitude that force and haste are superior to trust and patience. Pushing can be dangerous to both the mother and the baby. When a woman is pushing she is holding her breath. Oxygen therefore, is not going to her uterus which makes contracting more difficult and painful. It is also not going to her baby. This can lead to a drop in the fetal heart rate and possible brain damage. Tearing of the perineum is more common for women who have pushed over a long period of time and studies show that pushing does not necessarily get a baby out faster anyway.  Practicing labor positions with your partner ahead of time can help you learn to slow down, absorb the fullness of each pause, and BREATHE.
In this practice, you will learn: Lunge Release on wall; Lunge Release on chair; Standing Hang Release; Forward Bend Sacrum Press on Ball-medial and downward; Hands and Knees Lower Back Release; Chair Back Release; Bonding and Visualization in Upavista Konasana (Extended Straddle); Side-Lying Touch Relaxation Exercise. -NYV0023E

Naked Yoga School

Naked Prenatal Tantric Yoga 1: Partner Work! (Naked Yoga School) with Cara

Teacher: Cara and Rosco
(All Levels)
Getting into an upside down position can help a breech, an oblique (diagonal lie), or posterior baby reposition themselves into the head-down orientation for birth.  During a forward-leaning inversion, the uterus briefly hangs by the cervical ligaments; returning to an up-right position relaxes the ligaments. Babies that are not in a head-down anterior position OR malpositioning of the uterus often put pressure on pelvic nerves, causing pain in the back, groin, and legs.  Notice wrist options. These asana also help release lower back and hips which, due to the additional weight of the pregnant belly, often experience discomfort. These asana also help build communication and clarity of intention between partners.
In this practice, you will learn: Sitting Back to Back Breathing, Upavista Konasana w/partner feet at sacrum, Partner Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Dog Pose) with belt-Pull Variation/Push Variation, Partner Pinchamayurasana preparation (Dolphin Pose) with belt-Pull Variation/Push Variation, Standing double squat: one up/one down; Double squat push/pull arms. -NYV0023D

Naked Yoga School

Naked Ecstatic Birthing Ball 2 (Orgasmic Birth Practice/ Nude Prenatal Yoga) Naked Yoga School with Cara

Teacher: Cara
(All Levels)
This practice is about choosing when and how to let go and hold on. We cannot separate what we believe about life from what we believe about birth. We can use sex and sensuality awareness as a conscious tool for induction, relaxation, and propulsion. The same body parts and hormones that are involved (oxtytocin, relaxin, prostaglandin) during sex are involved during labor and childbirth. Once we understand that the LOVE HORMONES stimulate the Natural Expulsive Reflex (NER)/ Fetal Ejection Reflex (i.e., uterine contractions) we can learn to build confidence in our bodies innate wisdom. Labor and childbirth can become the lived/embodied concept of the Erotic:  the infinite connection with oneself, with the universe. Practicing Contraction/Expansion and finally, how to CHOOSE, can allow us to let go. Often, control leads to unconscious contraction; resistance leads to pain. Instead, even just noticing the contraction can change our habitual reaction to what we think is pain (the unfamiliar).
In this practice, you will learn: Standing Balance Pose Front/Back; Standing Balance Pose Lateral; Child’s Pose Roll; Bridge lift w/ Ball under shoulder blades; Torso Twist (Gate Pose); Hip Release on Back-roll back/forth; Setu Bandha (Bridge Pose) w/Feet on Ball; Legs Elevated. -NYV0023C

Naked Yoga School

Naked Ecstatic Birthing Ball 1 (Orgasmic Birth Practice/ Nude Prenatal Yoga) Naked Yoga School with Cara

Teacher: Cara
(All Levels)
Trusting your intuition becomes an essential part of labor and childbirth – this may involve exploring parts of our body and consciousness that have been socialized out of us. Many women have orgasms during birth, but may interpret them as pain because the sensations are more intense than anything previously experienced and because women (everyone) are conditioned to expect pain.  The SAME RECEPTORS IN BRAIN FUNCTION FOR BOTH PLEASURE AND PAIN. A single orgasm is thought to be 22 times as relaxing as the average tranquilizer. Often, it’s exactly what a woman needs in order to relieve the tension that is preventing the birth response from doing its job. Most doctors, however, are either unaware of this fact, or prefer more artificial methods.
In this practice, you will learn: Eyes closed-Hip rotations/Ribs rotations on ball; Half dog w/ catcow and rotations; Squats; Upavista Konasana w/side bend, Parsva Konasana (Side Angle Extended Stretch); Virabhandrasana II (Warrior II); Virabhandrasana I (Warrior I); Airport Hip Opener w/Namaste behind back. -NYV0023B

Naked Yoga School

Naked Orgasmic Birth Practice: Dynamic Relaxation! (Nude Prenatal Yoga) Naked Yoga School with Cara

Teacher: Cara
(All Levels: Yoga for pregnant women)
I have been researching the physiology of female orgasm and female ejaculation since the mid-90s. Now that I am pregnant and investigating orgasmic birth, I am including the politics of childbirth into this matrix of hyper-medicalized cultural conditioning which uproots our most basic human functions. Vulnerability as a form of strength is key to reclaiming the wisdom of our bodies. Pregnancy/Labor/ChildBirth mirror the most remarkable contraction: What is the most NORMAL part of our bodies’ capacity is also the most miraculous. For almost 15 years, I have been teaching Iyengar yoga, Body Consciousness Workshops, Yoga and Sexuality Workshops – Prenatal Work is the culmination!!! In this practice, the emphasis is on nourishing the parasympathetic nervous system. Breath-awareness is a key to help secrete endorphins and inhibit the release of adrenaline. The Law of Sphincters tells us when we relax the jaw, we relax the cervix and uterus; when we release our lips, we release our perineum muscles and pelvic floor. There is a natural expulsive process of the muscles when they are relaxed. Pushing may not be needed for childbirth if the mother feels completely relaxed and confident: safety, darkness, warmth, and privacy are essential elements in this process. It is critical to not stimulate her neocortex.
In this practice, you will learn: Supported Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose) w/Oval Breathing and Soft Pelvic Floor-Eye exercises, Tongue/Jaw Qi Gong Exercise; Virasana (Hero Pose)- Horse Lips=Cervical Dilation, Exhilarating/Excruciating Toe Pose-Irrelevant Tension Focus, All Fours (orgasmic birthing videos): Diagonal Stretch Reach-wrist alternatives, Lion’s Breath-Pituitary Gland Focus, Gomukhasana (Cow Pose) legs, Alternate Nostril Breathing, Bridge w/Sacrum block. -NYV0023A

Naked Yoga School